
Necromancer: King of The Scourge

(Alternative English Title: Disastrous Necromancer ; Necromancer! I Am a Disaster ) Chapter Update Schedule: Everyday The game has come to reality, the rules of the world have been subverted, and mankind has entered the era of national career change. Monsters are rampant! There are countless secret realms, dungeons, and abyss! Horror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity coexisted! Only by becoming a job changer! Leveling up and becoming stronger! Only then could one stand at the top of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, Necromancer. Get god-level talents, and Just a Level 1 talent increased all his skills by 10 times. Obtain a god-level passive skill and transfer all damage to the summoned creature. From then on, as long as his summoned creatures did not die, Lin Moyu would not die. "Endless god-level skeleton warriors!" "Billions of Lich Mage!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you handle it?" Under the curse, the gods turned into bones. Corpses burst, the sky fell, and the world collapsed. "I sit on the Divine Throne of Skeletons, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!" Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and liked it so, I wanted to rewrite it here.

Immortal1 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 11: Can You Stop Being So Stingy

"Why is it so cold?"

Ning Yiyi sat down in front of the fire and stretched out her small hands to warm them.

The person who had chased her was eliminated, and Ning Yiyi relaxed.

Lin Moyu knew that the low temperature here was due to the skeleton warriors' presence.

He immediately commanded the skeleton warriors to disperse.

Ning Yiyi already knew that Lin Moyu wasn't talkative, so she continued speaking on her own.

"I found a treasure chest of chance in the Kamen Orc Legion's camp in Shaohai City."

"You know that these kinds of treasure chests appear randomly, and this one happened to be discovered by me."

"I opened the chest and got this intermediate skill scroll."

"Those guys must have seen me."

"They wanted to snatch my mid-level skill scroll. Although it's not worth much, how could this lady hand over what she finally obtained?"

"So they hunted me down, and I ran away."

"Fleeing for two days, from Shaohai City to Xihai City, don't you think they were annoying, like bedbugs?"

From Ning Yiyi's words, it could be heard that even an intermediate skill scroll worth 10 million gold coins was still not valuable in her eyes.

One could only say that this young lady was exceedingly wealthy.

Lin Moyu looked at Ning Yiyi and waited for her to finish speaking before softly saying, "You almost died just now."

Ning Yiyi said, "Don't worry, I can't die. When I sustain fatal damage, I will be automatically teleported away."

"But I still have to thank you. If it wasn't for you just now, although I wouldn't have died, I definitely would have been injured."

"You have to know that being injured is very painful, and Yiyi is most afraid of pain."

Well, Lin Moyu felt that he needn't have worried.

People with treasures cannot die.

Ning Yiyi stretched out her hand, "I've given you the intermediate skill scroll. Do you have anything to eat? I'm still hungry."

Lin Moyu took out a few steamed buns. The stuffed steamed buns were spoils from just before, and there were more than a dozen of them.

Ning Yiyi shook her head, "I don't want buns, I want sweet potatoes."

Lin Moyu couldn't help but laugh and replaced the buns with sweet potatoes.

"It's not too bad, Miss Ben doesn't want to eat things from dead people." Ning Yiyi took the sweet potato and ate it happily.

Was this sweet potato so delicious?

Looking at the way Ning Yiyi ate, it seemed truly delicious.

"Lin nerd, are you here to level up? Judging by your level, you probably haven't attended a higher education institution yet."

Ning Yiyi asked while eating.

Lin Moyu nodded, "No."

Ning Yiyi was already used to Lin Moyu's speaking habits, "Then which higher education institution are you planning to attend?"

"Xiajing Academy," Lin Moyu said softly.

"Well, Xiajing Academy is very good." Ning Yiyi didn't seem surprised to hear about Xiajing Academy.

In her opinion, with Lin Moyu's strength, it was no problem for him to be admitted to any university.

No one could easily kill a level 20 elite at level 10, and Lin Moyu killed three.

If even Lin Moyu couldn't get into Xiajing Academy, then no one could.

Ning Yiyi suddenly thought of something, her eyes sparkling, "If you go to Xiajing Academy, remember to challenge their god Shata."

"If you challenge for the first time, the reward can be doubled. You should try to rush up, and the higher the number of floors, the better."

"This way, you will get more points. In Xiajing Academy, points are more useful than gold coins."

"Also, there is a School of Creative Theology in Xiajing Academy. If you can, you must go in."

Ning Yiyi seemed to know Xiajing Academy very well and talked to Lin Moyu about the situation there.

From her words, Lin Moyu had a general outline of Xiajing Academy in his mind.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, Ning Yiyi was talking while Lin Moyu just listened and occasionally responded.

Ning Yiyi lost her voice while talking.

Lin Moyu took out a piece of clothing and used it as a blanket for Ning Yiyi, while he began to meditate.

The next day, the sun shone.

Lin Moyu was fully energized and woke up from meditation.

Ning Yiyi was looking at him with big, blinking eyes.

"Is there any sweet potato?"

Ning Yiyi smiled and stretched out her hand.

Lin Moyu directly took out a sweet potato and handed it to her.

"Not enough, give me more."

Lin Moyu took out another one.

"Can you stop being so stingy? It's just sweet potatoes, you can give more."

"Yes, yes, a generous man would give them all."

Lin Moyu almost gave Ning Yiyi all the twenty or so sweet potatoes he had, leaving none for himself.

"They're really gone?" Ning Yiyi still didn't believe it and wanted to get into Lin Moyu's storage space.

Lin Moyu nodded and said, "They're really gone."

Ning Yiyi let Lin Moyu go, "Okay, okay, I believe you."

"Miss Ben is leaving, and she's going to level up too, silly Lin. See you later."

"Hurry up and level up, and you can take me to level up later."

Ning Yiyi left very simply, taking away the sweet potatoes and the clothes used as a blanket.

After Ning Yiyi left, Lin Moyu said to himself, "I will take you to level up later."

After a whole night, the goblin monsters here still did not appear.

The monster refresh time was far beyond Lin Moyu's expectation.

He felt that he should have killed too fast.

There was a faint smell of blood in the forest.

Three bodies were lying on the ground.

Lin Moyu looked at the corpses and silently used the skills he had just learned the day before.

The corpses burst.

With a loud bang, large areas of trees were blown to pieces.

It wasn't the kind of explosion that blows things apart, but a real pulpy pulping.

A large pit appeared on the ground, 20 meters in diameter.

The depth was also more than 10 meters.

The power was very impressive.

Lin Moyu found that the damage range of the corpse burst was 360 degrees in all directions.

"From this point of view, the power of an aerial detonation may be a little greater."

What he had just detonated was the mage's corpse.

He commanded the skeleton warrior to throw the archer's body into the air.

He launched his skill at the mid-air corpse.

There was another loud bang, more powerful than before, confirming his guess.

If it exploded in the air, it would be more powerful.

However, the corpse burst also had a disadvantage - it was easy to accidentally injure one's own people.

Neither he nor the skeleton warriors would be accidentally injured, but it was hard to say about teammates who formed a party together.

Another loud noise echoed through the forest, and the knight's body also exploded.

The three of them vanished without a trace, not even a speck remained.

It must be said that the skill of bursting corpses is also a top-notch skill for destroying bodies and eliminating evidence.

As Lin Moyu had planned the previous day, he walked towards the Xihai Mine.

There lay the lair of the goblins.

As they approached the West Sea Mine, the level of the goblin groups gradually increased.

Level 12 Goblin Warriors and Level 13 Goblin Archers appeared one by one.

But against the skeleton warriors with extraordinary attributes, they were useless.

After a night of meditation, Lin Moyu summoned four more skeleton warriors.

At this point, the number of skeleton warriors reached 48.

With the skill level of summoning skeleton warriors raised to level 10, the skeleton warriors upgraded from the black iron level to the bronze level.

The mental strength requirements kept increasing as well.

Summoning a skeleton warrior now required 70 points of mental power.

Lin Moyu only had a total of 300 spiritual power.

Still the same as before, he could only summon four at a time.

But Lin Moyu felt very satisfied.

One day, the summoning space would be full, but he was in no hurry.

As they got closer to the entrance of the West Sea Mine instance, the number of people increased.

The monsters on the way to the dungeon had been mostly cleared.

Soon, Lin Moyu saw the entrance of the instance - a vortex similar to the novice dungeon, but larger.

The diameter of the vortex in the novice dungeon was at most half a meter, while the entrance of the West Sea Mine copy was one meter in diameter.

A bloodthirsty aura continuously emanated from the vortex, enough to frighten the faint-hearted.

"Normal difficulty. One spot vacant, looking for a tank."

"Normal difficulty. We have mages and healers but need a knight."

"Elite mine dungeon team, nightmare difficulty. We have knights, mages, assassins, but lack healers and crowd control support."

"Nightmare difficulty requires a full team. We lack a knight, a healer, and three other roles."

At the dungeon gate, many people waved flags and shouted, looking for team members.

There were also many people standing in front of the instance entrance, seemingly discussing something.

Lin Moyu walked towards the instance entrance with a skeleton warrior, while keeping the rest in the summoning space.

Passive skills remained effective even in the summoning space, so Lin Moyu had no worries about his safety.

The skeleton warriors made bone-grinding noises with each step, an eerie sound.

The soul fire kept flickering in their skulls, and with gusts of wind, the temperature dropped several degrees.

The skeleton warriors' appearance was too scary, and Lin Moyu's arrival caused a lot of panic.

Many people retreated one after another, making way for Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu came to the dungeon entrance and checked the information about the dungeon instance.

It wasn't a real copy, not a place for novices to level up like a novice dungeon.

The mine copy's level wasn't high, with only normal and nightmare difficulties available, no hell difficulty.

Even on normal difficulty, the enemies were elite monsters, several times stronger than the monsters outside.

Nightmare difficulty had further enhanced elite monsters, with an even higher challenge.

Normal difficulty usually required a three-person team: a tank, a damage dealer, and a healer.

Nightmare difficulty was a five-person team, requiring dual support and dual damage dealers.

From this, the difference in difficulty could be judged.

The skeleton warrior just stood beside Lin Moyu, unmoving.

Finally, someone mustered the courage to speak to Lin Moyu, "Young man, are you a summoner?"

Lin Moyu didn't answer and ignored him.

A detection technique was cast on him and the skeleton warrior.

A red light suddenly appeared from the hollow, sunken eye sockets of the skeleton warrior, and it looked towards the person who used the detection technique.

This action startled the man, and he hid like a tortoise.

The detection technique failed, and no information was obtained.

Lin Moyu wore the shield badge given by Ning Yiyi, preventing anyone below level 10 from checking his information through detection techniques.

Lin Moyu didn't let the skeleton warrior do anything further, as it was just a harmless detection technique.

"Young man, do you want to join us and clear the dungeon together? We still need a damage dealer here."

"You must be a summoner. A summoner's damage output is also very good. Do you want to team up?"

"We're an elite team, playing on nightmare difficulty. If we get good loot, we'll share it equally."

Everyone seemed to realize that Lin Moyu wasn't easy to deal with and invited him to form a team one by one.

But Lin Moyu ignored them all.

After checking the dungeon information, he chose the nightmare difficulty.

[Please confirm your choice of Nightmare Difficulty.]


Lin Moyu was sent into the dungeon instance.

"He entered the instance."

"He entered alone."

"No way, he wants to solo it? That's too arrogant."

"You can't say that. What if someone actually has that strength? It's not like no one has ever soloed dungeons before."

"Hey, the guy who used the detection technique earlier, tell us the information you got - his level, class, and so on."

"That's right, his summons are undead, I've never seen anything like that before."

The person who used the detection technique felt slightly embarrassed, "I didn't get any information. He must be wearing a shielding badge."

"Well, let's wait and see if he can come out alive."

"Maybe he's just all bark and no bite. He looks scary, but he might be very weak."

Outside the dungeon, many people watched with expressions of anticipation.

Every year, there were those who died in dungeons due to arrogance.

True to its name, the terrain inside the mine dungeon resembled an actual mine.

The dungeon was filled with an oppressive atmosphere and a strong smell of blood.

In front of Lin Moyu was a huge iron door. Opening it meant officially starting the dungeon challenge.

Behind the iron gate, a monster over two meters tall roared, having already detected Lin Moyu's presence.

As soon as Lin Moyu dared to open the iron door, it would rush over and tear him apart immediately.