
Chapter 1 New world

"of the many dmmo-rpgs developers, 'Yggdrasil' stands out from the rest brilliantly. Lanched 10 years ago, this game allows players to design characters, items, and residencies as they see fit as they see fit. This amazing degree of customizability led to its popularity exploding. the great tomb of Nazarick here is the product of 42 players working together and the base of ainz ool gown. Ainz ool gown, A guild that required members to be working adults and to play as non-human races they were once known across all of Yggdrasil as one of the top 10 guilds, But that's all in the past now."

Lord momonga is seen at the table of the guild, the chairs around him were empty except for one which had one of the member herohero who was a slime momonga seemed happy to see his friend and so did hero hero

"It been quite a while herohero."

"It sure has, momonga.

"Though it's the last day of the game, I didn't expect you to come."

Herohero leaned back in his chair and left off a soft chuckle before looking back at momonga

" I think it's been 2 years, I've been busy looking for a new job. Still, I didn't expect Nazarick to still be around."

"Hahah, it is the guild leader's duty to maintain the guild."

" To be honest I would like to stay with you until the games shutdown, but I'm getting pretty sleepy..."

"Thanks for showing up, you should get some sleep."

"I'm really sorry... hopefully meet again, in Yggdrasil 2!"

And with that herohero logged off, momonga was there all alone his guildmate and friends logged off he was the only one left. the magic caster then slammed his fist down on the table making a small critical hit appear his anger couldn't be contained any longer

"WHAT THE HELL!? This is the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Where we created our guild, how could you abandon it like that..."

momonga the rose from his chair as he walked behind it, behind the chair on the wall was the staff of Ainz ool gown, It was Nazarick's greatest weapon it was the symbol of their guild everyone chipped in to make it some even used their vacation to help make it. he then held his skeletal hand forward as it floated over to his grasp. the skeletal mage left the room walking down the all and looked at the maid outfits that white brim made for the npcs momonga couldn't help but chuckle at remembering what his friend once said

"white brim you were sure fixated on the 'Maid outfits are justice to me!' was it. Keep up the great work!"

momonga knew that the npc wouldn't respond to him, he then kept walking till he arrived at the 10th floor of nazarick and on the sidelines stood multiple maid and a single butler npc momonga stopped for a minute took take a look at them.

" 'Sebas and the combat maids was supposed to guard this level I guess... no attacking player got this far..' Come with me."

Sebas and the maid bowed and follow momonga in to the keep of nazarick where flags of each player stood as he walked he looked upon the throne and he saw one of his guildmates, the person who sat on the throne was the sword saint Digoid and momonga's best friend Digoid or Y/n in the real world logs on rarely due to his sister who was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago upon seeing him Digoid smiled and waved

" its good to see you, my friend."

"and you momonga i see I'm not alone till the shut down."

Digoid move off the throne for momonga to sit on, once he was comfortable he looked over to his friend

"how your sister?"

Upon hearing this Digoid face became solemn, his eyes water as he sat down on the arm of the throne it took him a minute to speak. when he did his words were shaken and broken

" S-She died today..."

"... I'm sorry to hear that y/n the couldn't do anything?"

Digoid shook his head momonga and the other guild members knew why he didn't log on too often, Digoid was always off on a job to make money to pay for his little sisters medical bill she had been fighting cancer for three years and everyone offered to help but Y/n always declined

"now i have nothing left the sever will be shutting down... soo lets mess with albedo's settings."

"I've been wanting to take a look at her background anyway." momonga chuckled

Momonga then told the npcs to stand by and opened albedo's backroud Digoid eyes widened and momonga had a sweat drop, Tabula was obsessed with giving his Npc long and detailed background. momonga then scrolled down until something caught their eyes.

"she's a virgin..." Digiod pinch the bridge of his nose letting out a sigh

"Well tabula did like making condescending npcs." momonga sighed

Digoid watched as momonga changed the setting to that she loves Momonga, the Dragonoid looked over at his friend and laughed making Momonga feel embarrassed

"You're such a dork Momonga!"

"W-well it is the last day of the game what harm can it do."

the two got quiet and looked at the server clock, the game was about to shut down looked at each other and nodded and looked at everyone's player banner and named them off they got to their momonga had the necromancy symbol on it while Digoid's ad two twin dragons and a wrapped around a katana

"those were fun times momonga."

"that they were Digoid ill see you again irl."

the two closed their eyes and waited for the server to shutdown but nothing happen and the sever clock pushed over to 00:00:01, the two players were confused they wondered if the game devs pushed back the shut down. Digoid and Momonga looked over themselves they had no idea what was happing until they heard a voice the didn't recognize

"is something the matter, Lord Momonga and lord Digoid?"

"u-uh Momonga i can't contact the Gm..."

Momonga was surprised that Albedo was speaking, npc couldn't talk, and to hear her talk for the time it was a bit nerve-wracking. Digiod then took the initiative and called for Sebas who kneeled in front of them

"At your service."

" 'He looks like he's really alive.' take a group of combat maids and check around the Tomb, the other combat maids are to gather on the 9th floor in case some comes on the 8th."

"As you wish, lord Digiod."

Digoid was lost in thought wondering if they could still use magic, Albedo then approached the duo making them look over at her when she spoke

"My lords, what would you like me to do?"

Momonga thought for a moment and had an idea he wished to test he told Albedo to come closer, he then reached out and grabbed Albedo's wrist he felt a pulse she too was alive. Digiod watch wondering what momonga was doing, the skeletal mage then got up

"Albedo, w-would you mind if i touched your chest?"

"what the hell momonga!" Digoid shouted

"Y-you don't mind do you?"

"of course not, Please do as you wish."

Digoid had a massive blush on his face as he watches his friend touched Albedo's chest, they both knew that the game prohibited R-18 content, momonga then pulled his hand away and apologized to Albedo who seemed very pleased on what momonga did.

"Lord momonga, am i going to experience my first here with an audience?"

both Momonga and Digoid stood their speechless and the dragonoid watched as Albedo getting riled up and frisky with his friend, he could tell that the skeleton was scared and confused Momonga them shouted

"C-Cease that Albedo, now is not the time for that!"

"My deepest apologize! to think i prioritized my lust in this state of emergency..."

"it's fine, Albedo find the other guardians of all the levels and tell them to gather at the arena at level 6!

"yes my lord!"

"you had to mess with her setting momonga

Digoid let out a sigh and momonga slump in his chair regretting what he did the two knew now wasn't the time the both looked at their rings and wonder if the teleport still worked, the ting began to glow and they both arrived on the 6th floor

"so it worked."

"that it did."

as the two walked they saw the small dark elf aura she greeted them with a smile and a peace sign, the elf turned around and yelled for her bother to come down once mare came down they both bickered a bit and momonga then asked the twins to help him practice.

"hey momonnga I'm going to sit over there and check something out if i find anything ill let you know."

"take your time."

Digoid nodded and walked over to the side and sat down and pulled out his katana Tsukuyomi, the katana itself could only be used by a sword saint, and to get it the player had to beat a secret boss the Dragonoid looked at it he could see his reflection in it not only that he heard whispers from it saying feed me. Digoid was in a deep trance looking at his shining blade he one to brake him out of it was demiurge

"lord Digoid, are you all right?"

"yes Demiurge I'm fine thank you for your concern."

Digoid got up from where he sat and walked with the two guardians, he then stood next to Momonga and listen as the guardians pledged their loyalty to the two of them Digoid had his katana out the tip was in the ground and his hands rested on top of the hilt and Momonga then spoke

"I have no doubt that you will understand what we desire and accomplish with out fail."


'A few days ago, we were brought to another world and "died"... no that's not right were not dead "we are the ones who surpassed death"

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