
1. Naruto forever!

Snotty Jones was walking through Knockturn Alley at night. Suddenly he saw a flash of light ahead that cut through the night darkness. The flash blinded Snotty Jones and he scolded. The thief shook his head and saw the boy on the rocks of the street. The strange boy lay before him. And Snotty John didn't like that boy at once. The boy was dressed as a Muggle!

"Damn Muggle. I don't know how you got here. But you're not going to get away alive!"

Snotty Jones quickly pulled out a magic wand and cast a Stupefy spell on the Muggle. The red beam of the stunning spell flew into the victim's body.

Suddenly the boy threw his body away from the impact of the spell in one movement and threw something towards the wizard.

Snotty Jones froze. The wand fell out of his hand. Then the body fell to the rocks of the Alley. A strangely shaped knife was sticking out of the wizard's bloody eye socket.

The little shaggy blond with strange stripes on his cheeks was wearing a strange orange jumpsuit. He was anything. But he certainly wasn't a wizard. And he definitely didn't belong on Knockturn Alley.

The blonde jumped up to Snotty Jones' body and picked up a magic wand. He leaned over the body and took his kunai. Then the boy ran to the wall of the nearest alley and sat by the wall. Suddenly he was out of sight!


Naruto was a very bad student of Shinobi Academy. But he was very good at running away and hiding from the police from the Uchiha clan. The policemen from the Uchiha clan were good masters of their work.

The boy was very good at Kakuremino no Jutsu. This invisible cloak technique often helped him out. Now the blond man stood there listening and remembering.

He failed the exam. Mizuki teacher tricked him. Naruto successfully stole a scroll with secret techniques. He even learned one technique! Teacher Iruka and traitor Mizuki found him. Mizuki told some terrible nasty things about Naruto. Inside him was a Demon Fox! Mizuki traitor shouted "Die, Naruto!" He threw a big shuriken at Naruto. But his teacher Iruka shielded him from death. Shuriken pierced Iruka's body through. And then teacher Iruka fell on Naruto and the end of the sharpening hit the boy in the chest! Naruto died.

But now he was standing alive in an unknown place. That's not Konoha. Naruto tilted his head and looked at his chest. The jumpsuit was cut on his chest. But the boy did not feel any pain. And he also felt great. He felt like some weight had disappeared from his stomach. And his head was clearer and more pleasant. And unpleasant from understanding his stupidity.

Naruto remembered with shame how bad he was. He was a bad student. He did not understand the Will of Fire! And now he found himself in a strange place.

This is not the Land of Fire. This is a city of robbers and bastards! Several men have already approached the body of the murdered thief. They've come to grab things off the corpse and run away quickly! Naruto frowned his eyebrows. He didn't pass the last exam, he made bad jokes, and he didn't study well at school. But he'll become a worthy shinobi!

The squat, bandy-legged man with long, straggly, ginger hair approached the undressed corpse.

"Heh heh, sorry, Snotty Jones, but now I won't pay you back," he laughed.

Suddenly he heard the quiet sound of lip-smacking. Shorty turned and saw a naked Blondie who smiled at him and attracted him to her.

"Of course, beautiful, old Mundungus Fletcher will help you," he smiled with yellow teeth.

The Wizard came up to the girl and stretched out his hand to her. At that moment she disappeared into the haze, and Fletcher lost consciousness.

Naruto quickly dragged the body to the far end of a small dead end. Several rats scattered through their burrows. Shinobi dropped the body by the wall. He ran away and quickly returned, and put an ancient suitcase against the wall. The blond took a thin, solid rope out of his pocket and began to work.

He tied the man up securely. Naruto cut off a large piece of cloth from the strange clothes and made a gag. He gagged the smelly man. Fletcher carried a strong body odour of tobacco and stale alcohol.

The blonde got some shurikens. He stuck one in the wizard. Fletcher opened his bloodstained eyes and began to murmur and act as an outrage. Then the wizard saw the calm gaze of blue eyes.

"Third year of training. Interrogation practice. This is my new exam! Let's see how I remember this subject. I know your name. You're Mundungus Fletcher. You're going to tell me everything. I don't believe you. You're going to get hurt. Not enough blood, a lot of pain," said the blond quietly.

Naruto stuck the shurikens in special places on the wizard's body. Fletcher's body started shaking and wriggling in pain. A grimace appeared on his face and the wizard began to make a loud noise.

"Suffer in silence!"

Naruto reinforced his order with two more shurikens. The blond turned his back on Fletcher and opened an ancient suitcase. He emptied the contents on the ground, revealing what looked like the entire contents of a junk shop window.

Fletcher saw through the bloody mist in his eyes strange magic! This terrible dark magician, who had taken the form of a boy, took a sheet of paper out of his pocket and turned it around. He carefully put Fletcher's things on a piece of paper and all the things were gone. It didn't bother the crook and the thief anymore. He was ready to tell everything.

And he told everything. And then he has tortured again. And he was telling everything again.

Naruto raised his head and looked at the sky above the dirty and gray walls of the dead end. Soon it would be sunrise. He has to get out of this place. He sighed. Naruto already wanted to leave this strange world of wizards. But he didn't know how to do it.

The boy knew he'd fallen into enemy land. This country has a government headed by Daimyo Fudge. In Wizard Land, there is a struggle between important families of wizards. But there is the great wizard Dumbledore. And Naruto met and tortured this wizard's servant. The boy tilted his shaggy head and looked at the body of the villain. He specifically learned the answer to one important question. Fletcher told him what he wanted and could do to the little naked girl. Such rats are not worthy of the title of the wizard. This Dumbledore is just a gang leader if he has such servants.

The blond boy turned his head, and a not good smile appeared on his face. Squeaking rats caught his attention.

"I remember you, you filthy creatures! You bite Naruto! I remember you, you filthy beasts! But I'm grateful to you. It is good to train with you to throw shuriken. Soon you will have your dinner."

The blonde raised his face to the sky and whispered.

"Shinigami this is for you. Thank you for my new life. This is for you, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki. You're a chakra god, you didn't leave me. The chakra is with me. I understand your children's will now. The will of Fire is with me!"

Naruto took out kunai and killed the thief with one blow. He took all his clothes off the corpse and hid them in a seal. Naruto wasn't ready for Shinobi's work. He was a bad student. But he had a basic knowledge of shinobi work. The boy suddenly realized that his great mission had begun.

He could count on a faithful kunai and shurikens. He doesn't have a scroll with secret techies. But he'll certainly remember the clone technique he liked very much. Teachers have always said that rank-E techniques are the basis of any shinobi's skills. Naruto was convinced of something important, there is a chakra in this world. He had already used the chakra and successfully made his two most useful and beloved techniques.

Naruto laughed loudly and skillfully jumped on the roof of the house.

He will bring the Will of Fire to this country. He will certainly become the Kage Village hidden in Ramen! In his village, Ramen will be sold on every street.


Naruto ran on the roofs and cursed this place.

An abnormal world! Insane rooftops! It's uncomfortable to run on them! Suddenly he stopped. It was a funny sight that caught his attention.

In the house window, the boy noticed an old man's figure. He rang loudly with empty bottles and scolded Merlin, Morgana, and Mordred, which ruined old Frost's life.

That might come in useful to me. It's bad to kill old men and children. But I can leave quietly if he doesn't agree with my proposal, thought Naruto.

Naruto jumped on the rocks of the Alley and knocked on the door. The old man in the house didn't pay any attention to the knocking. He was arguing and rattling bottles. Naruto jumped into an open window with one jump.

"Hey, old man Frost, you want a drink? I got one bottle of Firewhisky."

The old man opened his mouth and choked on a scream. He couldn't get a good look at the face of a stranger standing by the window.

"Reggie? You died ten years ago! Stop! You're not Reggie! You're just as mad, though, and you know exactly what an old man needs. Give me the bottle! Who are you?"

A blond gave the old man a bottle that he found among Fletcher's things.

"I'm Naruto."

The old man saw the bottle was half-empty, but he didn't argue. He opened the bottle and took a big sip. Naruto was surprised to see the old man breathe out some flames. The old man's words surprised him even more.

"Naruto? It's a stupid name. You sure you're not the son of Mad Reginald Prescott?"

"I don't know my father and mother," confessed Naruto.

"You look a lot like my old friend. How old are you?"

"Eleven," said the boy.

"In autumn at Hogwarts. Have you received the letter yet?"

"No, I didn't get any letter. I just arrived in Magic Britain today. Old man, I've got nowhere to live. I paid for a galleon and a bottle to drink for the day I lived in the attic."

Old man Frost looked at the bottle in his hand and laughed,

"There's half a bottle."

"No problem, there's a new bottle. It's a gift. As a sign of friendship," smiled the blond.

"It's a deal. Before you go buy me a drink, take some advice from the old man. Dress up nice. You're dressed like a muggle. In the Alley, you draw extra attention to yourself."

"I'm not a Muggle! But you're right. I'm going to go get cleaned up. Does this staircase lead to the attic?"

The old man came to life in front of his eyes. He took a sip by sip, let fire tongues out of his mouth, and introduced Naruto to the atmosphere in the old house.

Naruto liked the attic. It's a great place to live. There's a way to the roof. It's a great place to leave quickly. The blonde took the thief's belongings out of the scroll and saw the necessary object.

Wizards call it the robe. It can be worn on a naked body. It remains to shorten the sleeves and length, Naruto thought and took out the faithful kunai.

He didn't like the robe. The robe was uncomfortable to move. But there were enough pockets in it to put all the necessary things on. Naruto looked out the attic window. It was warm and bright outside. Time to get down to business.

The boy sat down on the floor and put his hands in the concentration seal. Now he had a chance to think in a quiet place. To think like he was taught at school, to think like a real shinobi.

The calmness and harmony came to Naruto's mind. It was unfamiliar to him, but a pleasant state. The boy once again realized the depth of the changes that had occurred to him. Now he is not affected by the damn Demon Fox!

Naruto began to remember a description of the only secret technique he had learned. Suddenly, the boy's calmness was shaken by a wave of worry and anger.

The cursed Demon wanted to kill Naruto! Yes! The Fox demon sat in Naruto's head and seduced him to learn a deadly technique.

The boy calmed down quickly. He was helped by the seal of concentration and the understanding that there was no more Demon. Naruto is free! Naruto is so stupid.

The boy remembered, he saw the description of the multiple cloning techniques. But he also saw a description of the initial cloning technique.

Naruto opened his eyes and thought. It was strange. He was able to create a nude cloning technique. How could he do that? He never got a simple Clone Jutsu, Bunshin no Jutsu. He couldn't pass the exam. Naruto was bad at Transformation Technique Henge no Jutsu.

Little Shinobi got up and decided to give himself an exam. To his surprise, he was able to do all the simple E-ranking techniques. He is a real graduate of Konohagakure's Ninja Academy! But he has no new teachers, no knowledge. One day, a good old lady gave him a Makimono, a storage scroll. Enclosing Jutsu was difficult, but Naruto succeeded in mastering it. He kept the shurikens and kunai in his scroll, which he could find at training grounds.

Naruto sat down again and started thinking about dangerous cloning techniques.

The simplest clone is an immaterial copy of his own body, without any density. It's needed to distract the enemy's attention. Such a clone is immaterial. It can't help in combat. In contact with anything, a simple clone will disperse.

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, Shadow Cloning Technique makes several exact copies of the Shinobi. They're not illusions, they're good helpers in a difficult business. Naruto made it clear that the number of clones depends on the number of Chakra. The chakra is evenly distributed among the shadow clones created. The number of clones depends on the initial level of the chakra shinobi. And he could die if he caused many of his clones!

But he can create one shadow clone. It's a great exercise and the beginning of good development in the way of the shinobi. He needs helpers in this country for bandits and wizards. Loyal clones are not capable of betrayal. Such copies are not permanent, they disappear either after a hard blow or at the request of the original. A clone is capable of destroying itself. After all, a clone has all the skills of the original! After the clone disappears, the clone transmits the newly learned feelings and knowledge to its creator. Clone is effective in exploration, and Naruto needs to learn a lot about the new world.

Clones have flaws. They transmit fatigue! You can't use one clone for long. When a clone disappears after a long period of work, the original can lose consciousness from fatigue and information shock. The clones do not transmit all new information, they transmit a kind of "shadow of information". But there are recommendations for more intensive use of clones in learning, and this saves time.

The blonde realized that he needed to experience this complex but very useful technique. The boy concentrated and folded his hands in a special seal Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. He needs one shadow clone!

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu," said Naruto.

A clone figure appeared next to him, who immediately began to shout,

"What kind of stupid dress am I wearing? Are you crazy, decided to get closer to your Sakura? Why didn't you make pigtails? Oh, I forgot! You've got pigtails! How long did you fantasize about being a naked girl?"

"Shut up and start cleaning up. I don't want to live in mud."

"You set up a dump in your room in Konoha! You little pig! You're used to living in the mud!" laughed the clone.

"Something happened to my head after I died. I feel bad and ashamed to remember myself and my bad deeds. Maybe this demon Fox was affecting me."

The clone stopped smiling and apologized.

"Anything can happen. You can't expect kindness from demons. It's a good thing this demon has disappeared from your life. You've changed. Look at how I can do it!"

The clone put his fingers in the seal. In front of Naruto, the clone had the figure of Sakura.

Naruto froze. He looked at the girl's face and suddenly thought she'd received her first mission. She is now a real kunoichi. It won't be easy for her. She's so cute. She's so nice. But she'll get over it!

Suddenly the girl disappeared and there was a clone in front of Naruto again. He scratched his shaggy head.

"I'm sorry. You remember Sakura very well. Brother, don't be sad. Go find yourself ramen. There must be something good in this nasty place. Look at this!"

And a strange man appeared before Naruto. It was a low copy of Fletcher! The figure was below height, but it looked good under the folds of the robe. The face looked like an absolute replica. Naruto realized that he couldn't soon forget the features of the man he had tortured the first time.

The blond nodded his head and decided to continue exploring this world. If a clone falls into a trap, it will just disappear. Excellent technique! The clone has confirmed that Naruto will not be bored with him.

"Okay, asshole, go out and walk, I'll start cleaning and hide from the old man if he comes. But you've got the craziest Sexy No Juju."

Thoughts and memories didn't stop the boy from coming out to the Alley. He went to the shop and bought a bottle of firewhisky. Then he met two local boys. They fought, and Naruto showed his skills in Taijutsu. The boys laughed at his funny name but admitted that he fights well. New acquaintances called him to the local arena. Naruto learned that you can fight for money and get some money for winning. Before the meetings of adult fighters in the arena are held entertainment fights of boys. He liked the idea of earning 1 galleon.

He liked the Alley even more in sunlight. It was a great place! There were scoundrels and villains all around. Naruto felt perfectly well that there were only enemies around. He smiled. It's a good place to live. Not Konoha, but it's a good place to start. It's disgusting they didn't sell ramen anywhere!

30 exclusive chapters You-know-where.

Tom_Skycreators' thoughts
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