
Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

As a family that built a country, with huge chakra and vitality, but was actually destroyed by others, Uzumaki Ryuto had something in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not. Therefore, Uzumaki Ryuto decided to vigorously develop national power. "Ninjutsu is the source of progress." The future development trend is one superpower with multiple powers. Only under the leadership of the Kingdom of Whirlpool can the ninja world achieve true peace.

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52 Chs

The Multiple Shadow Clone Technique Truly Lives Up to Its Reputation!

Just as all the mist ninja were getting excited, howling and charging forward recklessly...this is what real war looks like! What were they doing these past few days? That was just like catching mice, no sense of warfare at all... 

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" 

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


Suddenly, a horde of Whirlpool ninja appeared in front of them!! The mist ninja were instantly dumbfounded, their steps faltering. Even Gengetsu Hōzuki, the village leader, looked bewildered! What was this situation? How were there so many shadow clones?? Just a few days ago there were only three or four, seven or eight shadow clones, but now...

There were hundreds upon hundreds of them!

As far as the eye could see!!


It was breathtakingly grand!! The mist ninja's legs began to go weak. No wonder the Whirlpool clan, famed for their chakra, could suppress the Tailed Beasts...this enormous chakra was probably on par with the Tailed Beasts themselves. This monstrous clan, it's no wonder the Mizukage wanted to wipe them out.

How could one feel at ease otherwise? Didn't you see they were completely blocked from advancing? Oh mother!! The sheer numbers were terrifying!! 

The mist ninja started to panic. This group couldn't possibly defeat them!

"What are you panicking about?" Gengetsu Hōzuki bellowed. "They're just shadow clones, they'll disperse with one hit. What use are numbers? Keep charging!"

The mist ninja suddenly regained their senses. They were right, the clones posed no actual threat to them. Why were they hesitating? Charge!! Kirigakure fears no threat!!

"Chaaarge!!" They howled as they charged forward again.


"No matter how many times I see it, it's always such a grand sight!" Uzumaki Ryuto gazed at the entire forest filled with red-haired Whirlpool clansmen. Seeing it in person, it was indeed frightening...

No wonder it could demoralize the enemy!! Probably at the World Cup, or any other competition, the Land of Whirlpools wouldn't have to worry about being outnumbered by other fans!! After all, one person could equal hundreds or thousands! They could just cheer for themselves and that would be enough...

However, down below there were a few red-haired people who didn't seem to be from the Whirlpool clan, as well as some black-haired ninja. Some were from the Senju clan, while others were...Whirlpool ninja in disguise! Among this sea of red, they stood out clearly!!

Uzumaki Ryuto gazed towards Konohagakure and muttered, "I'm helping maintain your reputation here! No need to thank me."


"Yawn! Yawn!" Hiruzen Sarutobi rubbed his nose. It seemed the constant day and night work had taken its toll, he needed to rest up these few days. Otherwise he wouldn't have the energy to protect Konoha!! He regretfully closed the crystal ball in front of him.

"What's the situation in the Land of Whirlpools now?" Hiruzen asked Koharu Utatane beside him.

"Unclear, no reports from the front lines yet," Koharu replied without looking up from the documents she was organizing.

"What about Danzo? What is he up to again?" Hiruzen took a puff of his pipe.

"It seems he has assigned Root to carry out missions," Koharu looked up seriously. "Are you really sure about this?"

Hiruzen sighed. "For the sake of Konoha, I have no choice!"

"..." Koharu fell silent for a moment before asking, "What about the Senju clan?"

No matter what, the Senju had defied the Hokage's orders. If there was no punishment, while the villagers would respect the First and Second Hokage's honor, there would undoubtedly be some discontent.

"Ah!!" Hiruzen took a wistful puff. "What do you suggest?"

"I..." Koharu opened her mouth but didn't know what to say. After all, the Senju was their teacher's clan!!

"We'll discuss this later!" Hiruzen put down his pipe and massaged his temples. "Once the war is over. What's the situation with the other villages now?"

"The Hidden Cloud..."


"Take action," the Eldest Elder called out excitedly when he saw the war had started. "Be careful."

"Yes!!" The clan elders responded.

Who would have thought sneaking an ambush attack could be so entertaining?

However, at the mist ninja's camp!!

"Enemy attack!!" A patrolling jonin saw figures jumping around randomly, throwing strange bottles and explosive tags. He shouted loudly. 

Were the Whirlpool clan trying to cause trouble again? Did they think the Kirigakure ninja were easy prey?

The jonin angrily rolled up his sleeves, about to confront them, when he realized...damn, this time it wasn't just shadow clones, and they still weren't killing anyone, just randomly throwing explosive tags everywhere.

"Damn it!!" Suddenly, a jonin looked towards a burning area and yelled, "The food storage!!"


"Damn it, the Whirlpool ninja are attacking our camp again." One of the Mizukage's aides seemed to notice something, glaring angrily at the camp behind them. "The camp is...on fire."

Hearing the aide's words, Gengetsu Hōzuki turned his head and his entire being filled with rage. So the Land of Whirlpools looked down on him, the Mizukage! Instead of focusing on fighting him, they snuck off to ambush elsewhere. But by now it was probably too late to send reinforcements. He grit his teeth and roared, "Forget it, as long as we wipe out the Land of Whirlpools!"

They couldn't retreat now. They had to eliminate the Land of Whirlpools first!! 

But... there were too many shadow clones, swarming like steamed buns, jostling each other. And every time they dispersed some, the Whirlpool ninja just summoned more! This had been going on for so long and the numbers didn't seem to dwindle at all! At this rate, how long would it take to defeat them?

"Damn it!!" Suddenly, a shout came from the right flank. 

Gengetsu turned to see Fuguki Suikazan. "We've been tricked, there are Konoha ninja here."

Konoha?! Gengetsu's heart skipped a beat. Could this really be a plot between Konoha and the Whirlpool Village to frame the Hidden Mist? But his doubt was dispelled by Jinin Akebino on the left flank.

"It's members of the Senju clan from Konoha," Jinin called out in alarm. "Everyone be careful."

Gengetsu raged. So there were also Senju clan members. It seemed they really had been tricked. Konoha was despicable - outwardly ignoring the Whirlpool while welcoming others to invade them, but secretly sending support? This...Konoha was provoking him!!

Gengetsu turned to the Mizukage's aide and roared, "Release the Tailed Beasts! Release the Tailed Beasts!"

He didn't care anymore, the Land of Whirlpools had to be eliminated no matter what. Let Hiruzen's plan fail this time! And in the process, Konoha would lose some elite jonin. Did they really think he, the Mizukage, had no shame?

"Release all the Tailed Beasts!!"



Uzumaki Ryuto stared blankly as two gigantic monsters suddenly emerged below. He sighed, "I knew it would end up like this!"

(End of Chapter)