
Naruto: The Grey King

Ray died while saving his friends and due to some divine intervention got transmigrated into Naruto's Body. what maelstrom will this change bring? let's find out. Pairing: Naruto/Hinata A/N: In this novel, the world will be much more realistic and dangerous. A/N: hey guys previously I was known as bloodycake and published a fanfic by the name 'Naruto Saga'. for some reasons, I can't access that account anymore. and since I was not happy with 'Naruto Saga', I am rewriting it with the title Naruto: The Grey King' with a more realistic and brutal world.

MohitGOD · Cómic
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35 Chs

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

[Hokage's Office]

Hiruzen Sarutobi who now has swollen forehead, let out a tired sigh. Rubbing his forehead he looked at a shocked Iruka and a smiling Naruto, he then shook his head and thought. 'How can I be that idiotic, the answer was right in front of my eyes all along and now I will have to fulfil Naruto's request. Hmm now that I think about it, how did Naruto know about my nemesis, it is like he planned it all along to get in the same team as Hinata Hyuuga' thinking this far his eyes widened and he looked at Naruto who was now giving him a wink with a mischievous grin.


After sometime Hiruzen calmed down and with a grave expression asked "Naruto, who told you about the Kyuubi." Naruto's smile disappeared at this and he gave Hiruzen a blank stare after some time he sighed and answered. "Jiji when you are called 'Demon Brat', 'Fox Brat', 'Bloody Fox', 'Nine-Tailed Demon' or a 'Murderer' on daily basis, you tend to pick somethings up and eventually the dots will connect. That is when you will see the complete picture and that is when you will understand the true darkness that plagues this world."

"Jiji the law you created might have stopped this generation from knowing about me holding the Kyuubi but what about the older generation. Their hatred for me was bound to pass to their children. I am not blaming you Jiji, I know you only want the best for me but your actions unintentionally caused me a lot of trouble." Finished Naruto with a sad smile. Now Hiruzen was feeling guilty.

Looking at His guilty face naruto sighed, he was feeling kinda bad but Sarutobi needs to hear these things. He then smiled and said. "Don't blame yourself Jiji, as it will only cause you more pain. What is done is done and can't be changed. So let's move on and think about something more productive." Hearing this Hiruzen eventually regained his composure back and let out a small smile. And just as he was about to give Naruto an apology. "Knock Knock" someone knocked on the door. He looked at Naruto who nodded in return and called out.

"Come in"

(A/N: I apologise in advance everyone, I had this idea and just couldn't help myself.)

The door was slowly pushed open and a Doctor from Konoha hospital walked in with a somewhat embarrassing expression on her face. she then bowed toward Hiruzen and said. "Umm Hokage sama, we have a situation in the Hospital, which involves one of your ninjas." Hearing this he became serious and asked. "What's the matter?" the doctor passed him a medical fine. Sarutobi opened it and after reading its content, his body went still and the file slipped down from his hands.

Naruto got worried at this and asked: "What happened Hokage sama, did someone got hurt?" Hiruzen looked at Naruto with a blank face but naruto could see the fear in his eyes. "Naruto, it is Anko" Iruka suddenly stood up with a start and asked. "What about Anko chan, Hokage sama?" hearing the 'chan' Hiruzen for some reason looked at Iruka with eyes full of pity.

"A drunk man was trying to assault her and she … she … she cut off his d*ck and fed it to the street dogs." Both Iruka and Naruto stared at him hearing this. then Naruto turned toward Iruka and patted him on his shoulder. "All the best Iruka Sensei, I am sorry to say this but I totally can not understand what you will go through. I just want to tell you that we will always remember you," he said with too much conviction in his voice.

They both then heard Hiruzen. "The drunk man was the son of a civilian elder, and now they are demanding for a new d*ck", it was at that moment when:


Naruto started laughing like a mad man. Hiruzen himself was barely holding back and Iruka was shell shocked, his mind was still not able to process, what the Fu*k just happened. Hiruzen then controlled himself and spoke in a serious tone. "What do we do now?" Naruto rolled his eyes at this "Really you are thinking of arranging a d*ck of all things, I mean it is not like you can put your hand in your hoody's cap" at this Naruto put his hand inside the cap. "and miraculously you will find a D*ck in it." he then pulled his hand out and the time stopped. No one was moving.

The pipe in Hokage's mouth slowly slipped down and hit the ground with a loud "Clank". Iruka, on the other hand, was rubbing his eyes furiously. Seeing their expression a bad feeling appeared in Naruto's heart. He then extremely slowly turned his head around and when his eyes landed on his right hand they widened and his body started to shake. There in his right hand was a d*ck, still bleeding from where it was cut from.


He screamed like a girl and out of instinct threw the d*ck in Hokage's direction. The d*ck flew in a beautiful trajectory and landed right inside Hiruzen's mouth. And the time stopped again. Seeing all this the nurse who was previously shell shocked quickly moved and before Hokage could comprehend what just happened, she pulled out the d*ck from Hokage's mouth and secured it inside a plastic bag. She then noticed that the situation was about to go haywire and quickly left with a lone d*ck in her hand.

Naruto, on the other hand, looked between his hand and Hokage's mouth repeatedly. The room was then flooded with dense killing intent. Naruto whipped his head around and looked at a now murderous Hokage. Seeing this his survival instinct kicked in and his body went into hyperdrive and he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"NARUTO GET THE HELL BACK HERE THIS INSTANT" Naruto heard in the distance but choose to ignore it. he continued to run and without looking back. Moments later he appeared in his apartment. he then quickly made a series of hand seals and slammed his palm on the floor and just as he did a series of seals started to glow throughout his apartment and a transparent barrier appeared around his house.

He then released a big breath he didn't know he was holding and sat down on the nearest chair. 'Fu*k, Fu*k, Fu*k, What the Fu*k just happened, where did that junk come from' screamed Naruto in his mind, then suddenly a thought struck his mind 'it probably fell into my hoodie when that Fuck*ng Root anbu self-destructed.' He didn't know how to react to this situation. On one hand, he wanted to kill Danzo in the most painful way possible while on the other hand, he wanted to laugh his lungs out.

(A/N: Hey Guys, There are 23 advance chapters from 28 to 50 on my patre0n page. If interested, you can check them out on:

patre0n.c0m/MohitGOD )

Thanks for the support guys.

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