
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
86 Chs

Chapter 58 : Other Worldly

*Inhale* * puffff *

"Tell me why are you here again Danzo ?" As I smoked, I asked my lifelong friend whose eye is covered with a bandage and you could clearly see the slight wrinkles that's starting to appear on his face. 

'Well, it's not like I am any better than him, age is slowly starting to drown me in itself' I thought while thinking about the white follicles of hair appearing randomly around my body.

"So the relationship between us and the Kagero village is still the same ?" Danzo asked indifferently.

*Inhale* *pufff*

"Sighh, yes it is still the same and I fear that very soon a conflict will be inevitable" I replied to him while looking at the hokage mountain outside the window.

"It's their own fault for messing with one of our chakra weapon caravans and till now they didn't come to apologise and compensate, so why are we waiting ? Let's just start attacking them" He said with his usual cold tone.

"That's not possible, I don't want to start a war just because of some chakra weapons, you know better than me that all the other villages are begging for god for something like this to happen so they could have an excuse to throw more fuel into the conflict and start the second world war" I replied tiredly as I continued to smoke.

"Damn you Hiruzen !  You are too kind hearted and not suitable to be a hokage" He said angrily with his teeth gritted and I just stare at him in boredom.

"So why are you here Danzo ? I know you didn't come here just to question if I deserve the hokage seat or not, so tell me what do you want ?" I asked while looking at his eyes which were filled with anger.



"So ?" I asked with my eyebrow raised while puffing some smoke.

"I want to take over that Hatake boy's business" He said coldly with his eye narrowed.

"The Heavens feel food industry ? Why do you want to do that ?" I asked again in confusion. What did they do to him to antagonize them now ?

"Don't you understand Hiruzen ?! That business is a gold mine that feels just absurd to even think that some new food could generate Millions of easy money in a short period of time that I dare to say if they expand more and start spreading chains of restaurants around konoha and the fire country, do you even need to question why we should take over ?!" He said with a vein visible on his head and hands clenched.


"Do I even need to mention that THIS month only, those chain restaurants generated millions of money ? People are becoming more and more addicted to those foods to the point that other food districts are slowly declining and the land around those chain restaurants are getting more expensive with each passing day because of the high demand for buying apartments near there for workers and normal food stalls who are changing their locations to get near there and settle in a place !" He said coldly which made me think seriously about this.

"Even so, if you wanted to take over the business, it wouldn't be easy. You are not against just a chakra-less boy you know that ? You are against the whole clan of Akimichi who are working in this industry for decades now, how are you going to deal with that ?" I asked calmly while puffing some more smoke.

"Hiruzen ! We are talking about serious MONEY ! If we take this business under our own wings, we will be able to solve our budget deficit ! Our financial resources are insufficient to cover our planned operations and expenses, And this food business can help us too much, Don't you understand the importance of this ?! All those money where we could use it for strengthening our military forces and buy sufficient amount of supplies that could last us years is now rotting in the pockets of a useless brat who is barely passed the years of drinking milk !!" He said angrily.

'Sighh, this is true, even though we are the richest village, it is still hard to just spend money mindlessly to strengthen the village's ninja forces. Even now, we are depending on the fire Damiyo for money in exchange for protection. We also have a tax system in the village that thankfully gives the village a passive income but it is still not enough because we need that tax money to finance public services and infrastructure, such as healthcare, education, defense, mass police control, and transportation' I thought while rubbing my forhead.

I am even thankful that most of the times we don't need to pay our ninjas who live by doing missions because the employers will take care of that.

And for this matter, my friend is making a point even though I hate to admit it, but things are not that simple.

"This business is operated within the bounds of the law. Any attempts at legal or regulatory interference are met with swift countermeasures, they have zero loopholes for you to do something, how do you plan to take over ?" I asked Danzo with my eyes narrowed.

The allure of that boy's thriving business is too enticing to ignore, I even got some news that some nobles bought mansions near that district just to taste some food when they were on their holidays. if this business spreads outside Konoha, then the amount of money that it will generate will become more unimaginable than it already is.

If I could control it, then we won't need donations from the noble clans to help us in wars anymore.

"But there's no rule that says we can't influence things around the fortress. We'll tighten the regulations for businesses across the board. It won't target him directly, but it'll create pressure on his operation and if not that, I can just spread bad rumours and falsehoods to hit it where it hurts. This two years, I had my ninjas recreate some few of the food recipes by spying on the chefs and it only needs around 2 more years for me to gather all the necessary information to start our own business. All this time, all we have to do is just lower their reputation so that later our own business will take over the market without competition !" He said with a grin which made me humm and think about it.

"And how do you plan to deal with the Akimichi who are the forefront of this industry amd literally the ones who take care of all the food industry in Konoha ?" I asked and stare at his eye while slowly inhale some smoke.


"Figured" I said as I slowly stood up and walked towards the window to take a look at the beautiful scenery of konoha that was bustling with people who were all smiling peacefully.

"I have a better idea, you want to hear it ?" I asked Danzo without looking at him.


"As you know, that boy has a rare disease which doesn't let his body to gather chakra, he is from a clan, a clan of a very few people that maybe you could call them a ninja family at this point but his father and mother were some of the top contributors of konoha at their time as our teacher's Anbu and student, so we can't just lower their social status out of nowhere, it's their clan affair and we are totally out of this" I said with a low voice while gazing at the streets of konoha.

"What are you trying to say ?" He asked.

"Do you know that he has a cousin ?" I asked while side glancing at him.

"You mean sakumo ?" He rhetorically aksed.

"Not long ago hiroshi sent a letter to me that his boy Garou is the Hatake clan head from now on and he will not attend the counsel meetings anymore" I said while looking at his cold reaction that didn't change.

"So when you talked about this matter, I had the idea of why not push forward Sakumo to become the clan head instead of Garou ? He is more talented, stronger, smarter, better and above all... his will of fire is deeply rooted in his heart, so trust issues are nonexistent, and this business industry is mostly bound to the Hatake clan if we speak about who holds the most shares, so if he becomes a clan head, I won't doubt that he will help the village to move forward by giving us some money or shares of the business" I said as I look at his narrowed eye.

"I don't trust Sakumo even one bit !" He immediately said angrily much to my disappointment.

Sakumo is one of our brightest jonins that I have no doubt will become a kage level ninja if nurtured carefully, I have checked his loyalty many times and he puts the village above all else.

"The next counsel meeting, I will mention this matter to that boy, hopefully he will be a smart one that listens to his elders opinions. if not, then we will leave the boy to his own accord, at least he is improving konoha in his own unique way at this young age" I said with a tone of finality which made him grit his teeth more.

"You are too passive Hiruzen ! You shouldn't be the Hokage !" He yelled which I just sighed at and narrowed my eyes at him and my chakra started to get released little by little which made him flinch.

"I am the Hokage Danzo and not you. I have peper work to do, so get out, now !" I said with a deep voice that made him angrier.

We stared at each other for some moments until he stood up and left with a "Hmph" without closing the door behind him.

Talk about respect, bet his mind doesn't even know what that word means.

"Sighh, Everything is for Konoha"


Danzo's POV /

'You don't deserve to be a hokage Hiruzen, you heart is too kind to be an ideal ruler. If this plan of yours doesn't work then I will just continue what's best for the village' I thought in annoyance.

"Everything is for Konoha"


Garou's POV /

As I go through my house's hall after I came back from beating the shit out of my dog Rover to make him stronger because I feel like he will soon become a chunin in terms of prowess, so to make his foundation solid, I used many styles of martial arts on him to make him familiar with how Humanoid people fight.

'I have to ask my dad to train him and throw some ninjutsu at him to gain resistance to natural elements slowly' I thought while rubbing my chin. He has a slightly weaker version of my regeneration, so it won't be a problem if he was hurt.

As I walk through the corridors of my house, I heard a lovely voice in the living room talking with my mom, so I quickly went towards it and entered the room to see my Tsuna busy about discussing something to my mom.

"When did you come here Angel ?" I asked to get her attention to which she immediately smiled and ran towards me then threw herself into my embrace.

I hug her back and pull her up until her head was infront of my face then give her a peck on the lips which made some shade of blush appear on her cheeks which made fall in love more.

"I missed you, so I wanted to see you" She said in a low voice near my ear and then buried her face in my neck which made smile gently at.

"Ara ara~ you lovebirds don't even shy away from being affectionate infront of me" My mom slowly said with her hand on her cheek which I just shrugged at it and slowly made my way to the couch with Tsunade still hugging me like a koala and pressing her gigantic twin heavens on me.

"Can we go outside for a moment hubby ? I want to tell you something" Tsunade said to which I just nod and turn around to leave.

"My akira is sure growing up fast 'sob' and soon will leave his mother" I heard mom say which made me stop in my tracks for a moment and Tsunade looked up at my face but then I just continue to go outside while giving mom a smile.

As we were outside, I put Tsuna down and grab her hand then slowly walk on the paved path that will lead us to my training ground where there is a huge tree that will cover us from this sunlight.

It has become a regular place for us as we just sit down under the tree with me laying on her thigh or she on mine while talking about anything or just stay there enjoying the silence in each other's company.

As we pass by Rover who was beaten black and blue with a whisoul coming out of his mouth comically, Tsunade opened her mouth to speak.

"We will have a council meeting some days later, are you ready for that ?"

"Well, it's just a meeting, no need to exaggerate things. It won't take us even a hour and it will finish, but this is not what you want to talk about, right ?" I replied calmly and asked while giving her a side glance.

"Yes" She said with some worry in visible on her face while looking down a little.

"I am all ears then" I said.

"You know, I have been coming to your house at first to see you but...this last two times I came, I only wanted to check on your mother because I felt something weird about her" She said which made me frown immediately and stop to look at her.

She stopped too and looked at ground "So ?" I asked.

"So I have checked her many times, indirectly or directly without her knowing and after all this, I am sure that your mother..." She said and paused while nervously looking at me and put some hair behind her ear.


I didn't say anything and just looked at her with my fists clenched to which she opened her mouth to continue.

"Your mother has Frontotemporal Dementia Garou"


On a battlefield that was raining black rain, the air was thick with tension, a surreal landscape of chaos and destruction. The ground, once pristine, is now scarred with craters, evidence of explosive impacts. Smoke billows on the horizon, casting an eerie haze over the scene.

Scattered across the terrain are the remnants of a once-organized force, now lifeless, lying in solemn repose. Flags, once held high with pride, now flutter torn and tattered in the wind.

If you looked anywhere, you could see an endless see of bodies. You could find corpses many ninjas, weird creatures of many sizes and shapes and corpses of snakes, toads and every kind of species that made mountains made out of corpse.

Unknown POV /

"What's happening ?!! Where am I ?!! Where is this place ?!!" I frantically looked around as I suddenly found myself in this battlefield until my eyes met with some familiar figures amidst this madness.

"Fukasaku, Gama, Gamabunta, Gamahiru, Gamakichi, Jirayia and all others !! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ?!! NO NO NO NO !!" I yelled as I looked at the corpses of them laying lifeless on the pile of bodies.

"AGHHHH WHAT'S HAPPENING ?!! SOMEBODY ANSWER ME !!" I cried as I was slowly losing my sanity at this image that was sending chills down my spine.

I quickly looked around until I my eyes met with a figur- A BEING that was standing at the top of the bodies and was radiating an unbelievable aura that was shaking the whole world to its core from fear.

Fear immediately grasped my heart and tears slowly welled up in my eyes as I looked at the one eyed being who had a long mane covered in veins and his body shining with different shades of unique shapes that I have never seen before.

With all the courage in my heart I locked my eyes with the being and asked fearfully "wh-who are y-you ?!"

*step step step*

Before I could hear his answer, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me and even before looking back, my whole body started to melt which made me feel a pain I had never felt before in my entire life but with all my might, I looked back to see a similar figure who was radiating the same destructive aura walking towards the other figure while the ground and space melted in his wake, but before I lost consciousness completely I beard him talk in a sarcastic deep otherworldly voice.

"I am... Alien X"

The End


{ The cliff is thick in this one, right ? }