
Chapter no.134

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As this mission was of high priority, two chūnin as well as two genin would be given this task. However, there was still one member of the team who had yet to arrive yet. No matter how many times he tried to refuse her, the woman adamantly requested to be assigned to a team with two of the shinobi in the room. He ultimately relented after hearing the circumstances surrounding her situation, but he still felt that it was a bad idea.

All three of the kunoichi were dressed exactly how they were for the chunin exams. Though Naturo's attire seemed to be changing constantly as he once again donned a different outfit. Most shinobi chose to stick to a certain style and possessed multiple sets of the exact same wardrobe since they would become accustomed to the limits of that particular style of clothing. Naruto was dressed with his chūnin flak jacket worn open over his upper body with a three quarters sleeved mesh shirt underneath it. His lower body was equipped with his usual black pants and steel-toed combat boots, strapped to his back was his chokuto with his right arm was wrapped in white bandages from fingertips to mid-bicep.

"You called for us, Sensei?" Naruto asked as Obito rolled up the scroll he held in his hands. The four of them had only just entered the room a few moments ago. He and Satsuki had met up with Natsuki and Narumi in the lobby on their way to their summons. It seemed as though the four of them would be working together on this mission.

Naruto didn't really have a problem with that. If Minato was still in charge, the man would have made a big deal about them becoming a family again or using this as an excuse for the three of them to get closer to each other. Naruto found that he would have a lot less dealings of that kind of nature now that Obito had been appointed Hokage, it would surely save him a lot of time and trouble. Though Kushina would still be an annoyance, but she wasn't here at the moment.

"Yes I have a mission for the four of you." Obito told the shinobi in front of him before throwing the scroll at Naruto, which he effortlessly caught. "It is a A-Ranked mission that needs to be dealt with immediately. Though seeing as how it may require more manpower than we currently have, one other person has volunteered for this temporary squad."

Before Naruto could ask his sensei what he meant or even open the mission scroll, the doors to the office opened up and walked in a woman that two of the shinobi in the room were well acquainted with. Tied around her forehead was a Konha hitai-ate, which was partially hidden by her long, silky black hair. Her pale skin and dark eyes made for the perfect combination with the usual jonin uniform, at which Natsuki and Narumi were staring in awe. She was yet another woman who was many times more beautiful than them. However, on her jonin flak jacket was the emblem of the Uchiha clan, signifying that this had to be their clan head.

Both Naruto's and Satsuki's eyes widened at the sight of Uchiha Mikoto decked out in all her shinobi wear. It was a look that they had never seen on her before, it was common knowledge to the two of them that Mikoto hadn't been on a mission since before she was pregnant with Itachi. After Itachi was born, she became the housewife and mother that she was today, if she hadn't then nobody would have raised the children since their father had obviously never been interested in the task. Though her strength hadn't diminished much over the years and she had been training so that she could protect her children if the time ever came for it, the two chūnin couldn't believe that she had been the one to ask for this mission.

"Mi-Mikoto-chan!?/Ka-Kaa-chan!?" Were the simultaneous outbursts of Naruto and Natsuki as Mikoto nonchalantly walked into the room, closing the doors behind her.

"Hello everyone, sorry I'm a bit late, but I only received the summons just now." Mikoto gave a small wave to the occupants of the room as she spoke in a sweet tone.

Naruto knew that she shouldn't have even been considering returning to shinobi duty, even if the village was in a state of emergency, with the condition that her body was in. He opened his mouth to voice his disapproval, but before he could utter a single word, the promise he made to her last night resounded throughout his head.

'What exactly is going on Mi-!" Naruto stopped mid-sentence when he saw the pleading look in her eyes. It was a look that he had never seen before, the tears threatening to spill from the corners of her eyes only added to the pleading feel that it expressed. He sighed as he made a decision that went against his better judgement. Actually that was an understatement, every fiber of his being was telling him not to say what he was about to, "...Just this once...but don't do anything stupid, okay?'

Naruto closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

'You were always too smart for your own good, Naru-kun...This isn't like the last time I tried to keep something from you though...This time, there's no simple solution, no easy way to make everything go back to how it's always been...So just this once, could you leave everything up to me?'

If this was her decision, her way of dealing with things, then he wouldn't say a single word against it...Could this be considered as doing something stupid?...No, this wasn't anything of the sort...She wasn't walking towards her death, she was going to find out if she was really alive. Naruto gave a proud, yet sad, smile to the woman. She deserved the title of 'D' more than he did.

It's official, he had lost his mind. Strangely enough, he felt more proud than sad at the ominous feeling that she may very well be unknowingly replicating the actions of the descendants of that cursed clan...Then again, all D's were a little crazy to begin with.

"Do not worry Mikoto-sama, everyone else only arrived moments ago as well. Now please stand in line as I debrief you on the mission you are being assigned." Even as Hokage, Obito still kept his lighthearted approach most of the time. He had seen many of the horrors of this world and wished he hadn't know some of the things he did, but that didn't mean he had to be dark and serious all of the time. He acted the part when it was required of him, or the situation demanded it.

"Oohh look at you Obito-kun, acting all professional and dutiful. I remember when you had just joined the academy and already had dreams of becoming Hokage." Mikoto cooed as she held her hands to her cheeks.

A pronounced tick mark throbbed on Obito's forehead as he shut his eyes in frustration. "Mikoto-sama...We have no time to relive the past as this mission is of the essence...and it's Hokage-sama now."

"Hai, Hai, Hokage-sama!" Mikoto gave the Hokage a mock solute, causing him to sigh wearily. It was his first day on the job and already it was taking its toll on him. Seriously, how did the previous Hokage hold this position for so long when it was such a pain. Now that he thought about it, why would any sane person ever dream of becoming Hokage. It was far more trouble than it was worth.

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