
Naruto: The Avenger of the Uzumaki clan

"I will never give up. Even if I have to break every bone in your body, I will bring you back!" "Hmph, my foolish little brother. You're as naive as ever." --- On the night of October 10, Year 48, the Hidden Leaf Village is ravaged by the terrifying Nine-Tails fox. In a desperate bid to protect the village, the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and his wife, Kushina Uzumaki, make the ultimate sacrifice. They seal the Nine-Tails within their newborn son, Menma Uzumaki, and perish in the process. Their twin sons, Menma and Naruto Namikaze, are left orphaned but alive. As Menma grows up, he becomes consumed by a burning desire for revenge against those he holds responsible for the destruction of his Uzumaki clan. ***This is a translation, I'm not the author*** original athory:-https://www.fanmtl.com/novel/the-avenger-of-the-uzumaki-clan.html --- Hungry for more chapters join my Patreon to read 15 advance chapters patreon.com/Shinchan_37

Shinchan_37 · Cómic
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29 Chs

First meeting Iruka



It was a word Kurama hadn't heard in decades.

When Menma brought it up, Kurama was momentarily stunned. But it was only for a split second before a sneer crossed his features.

"Freedom? Haha! Kid, your words are funnier than your last attempts..."

"How do you know it's impossible if you don't try?" Menma interrupted. "Besides, for you, it's easy. All you have to do is stop using your chakra to interfere with me, and lend me your chakra when I need it. If it fails, you won't lose anything, right, Nine-Tails?"

Before Kurama could continue, Menma clapped his hands lightly and smiled. His words were calm, almost as if he was stating the obvious.

Kurama's sarcastic expression faltered as he processed what Menma had said. He was silent for a moment.

"Why should I..." Kurama began, but Menma interrupted again.

"You don't have to believe me. Think of it as something to pass the time in your boring existence. If I succeed, I can give you freedom and help you take revenge on those who have controlled you. Don't you want that? At this point, you don't need to question my determination. Those people are my enemies too, after all."

Kurama fell silent once more. The boy's words were compelling, and they hit home. There was no real risk involved for him. If anything, his current situation wouldn't get any worse.

He was sealed inside a human, after all. Now, at least, there was another option on the table.

Kurama chuckled, his deep voice rumbling through the space. "Heh, you're an interesting kid. Fine, I'll agree. Let's see how far you can go."

Menma's eyes lit up with excitement at Kurama's agreement. Although he had been confident, he still feared the fox would be too stubborn to listen. But it seemed he had underestimated Kurama.

"Then it's a deal, Nine-Tails!"

Menma raised his small head, a smile spreading across his face. He extended his hand, forming a fist.

After a moment's hesitation, Kurama lowered his head and extended his massive paw, gently bumping it against Menma's tiny fist. The moment he did it, Kurama realized what he had done. But for some reason, it didn't fill him with disgust. Instead, a strange, warm feeling settled in his chest.

Menma hadn't expected Kurama to respond, and his smile widened.

"Let's call it a day, Kurama."

As Menma's figure began to fade from the mental realm, his voice lingered in the air.

Kurama's eyes widened in shock. The tailed beasts had names, but ignorant humans never bothered to learn them. For thousands of years, only the other tailed beasts knew each other's names. Those names were given by someone very important to them.

Now, a human knew his name.

Kurama felt disbelief flood him. He wanted to call out, to ask how Menma knew, but Menma's figure had already disappeared from the mental space, leaving Kurama alone with his turbulent thoughts.

**This brat…? How?**

The question echoed in Kurama's mind, disturbing his long-held calm. For the first time in millennia, Kurama's heart was shaken.

**Could this brat be the one the old man spoke of? But how…?**

Kurama stared at the spot where Menma had stood, his thoughts tangled in confusion. The light in his eyes flickered as he pondered this unexpected turn of events.

Meanwhile, back in the physical world, Menma's consciousness returned to his body. Lying flat on his bed, he smiled in his sleep, as if enjoying a particularly sweet dream.


At the same time Menma and Kurama had their first real exchange, the Hokage's office in Konohagakure was still brightly lit, even in the late hours.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, had just finished handling the day's affairs when the door creaked open. A figure nearly as old as Hiruzen stepped inside.

"Oh? Homura, you've come to see me this late? Is something urgent?" Hiruzen asked, a faint smile gracing his lined face.

The visitor was none other than Homura Mitokado, one of Hiruzen's most trusted advisors.

"Hiruzen, are you really planning to let Uzumaki Menma enter the Academy? I understand that Danzo's proposal to send the Nine-Tails' Jinchuuriki to the Root is excessive, but allowing him to attend the Academy with other children… It's risky. Why not have ANBU train him directly? That seems like the safest option."

Homura stepped closer, concern etched on his face.

"Homura, you're worrying too much," Hiruzen replied calmly. "Kushina attended the Academy, didn't she? Everything turned out fine in the end."

"But Kushina's situation was different."

Homura still looked doubtful, but before he could continue, Hiruzen cut him off.

"It's the same, Koharu. Don't forget, Menma is also Minato and Kushina's child. Don't you have faith in them? Or do you not trust me?"

Hiruzen's tone was gentle but firm, leaving no room for argument.

Hearing the firm tone in Hiruzen Sarutobi's voice, Homura was taken aback. After a brief silence, he slowly nodded and said, "I hope you're right, Hiruzen. Maybe I'm just being overly cautious..."

Hiruzen chuckled softly, "Don't worry, Homura. Menma will undoubtedly become a steadfast pillar of our village in the future, just like Minato and Kushina were."

Seeing that his old friend finally agreed with his approach, a faint smile appeared on Hiruzen's weathered face. Although, as Hokage, he could make decisions on his own, it was always better to have the support of others—especially when that person was his friend of over forty years.

If even Homura didn't understand or support him, that would be a significant issue.

The night passed quietly, and dawn slowly broke.


As April began, the signs of spring became more evident. A gentle breeze scattered the falling cherry blossoms, adding a warm hue to the Hidden Leaf Village. Today was the annual opening day of the Hidden Leaf Village Ninja Academy, and the entire village buzzed with excitement.

Early in the morning, countless children chattered excitedly on the streets. Although the registration time hadn't yet arrived, many parents and their children were already flocking toward the academy.

Menma had woken up early, too. After a simple breakfast, he stayed indoors, as Hiruzen Sarutobi had informed him that someone would come to escort him to the academy.

As for who it was, Hiruzen hadn't specified, but Menma had a good guess—it was likely Iruka Umino, who had lost his parents during the Nine-Tails' attack on the village. A young and capable Konoha ninja, but not one with extraordinary talent.

If nothing unexpected happened, this person would be the first close contact that Hiruzen arranged for Menma. That Hiruzen would entrust such an important task to Iruka spoke volumes about the latter's loyalty and capability.

After all, the current Hidden Leaf was not the same as it had been thirty or forty years ago. As the Nine-Tails' Jinchūriki, Menma held special significance for Konoha. Not just anyone could be allowed to approach him or, even less, teach him.

Think about the protagonist's journey in the original story. Every person who could get close to him was approved by Hiruzen. Even after graduation, Naruto's team leader was Kakashi, a direct subordinate of the Fourth Hokage and a shinobi who was himself Hokage-worthy.

Menma in this life would receive the same treatment. Hiruzen would never allow such an important figure to slip from his control. Only he or those he trusted most could approach Menma.

Menma waited at home for almost half an hour.

*Knock, knock, knock.*

A soft knock echoed through the room. Menma, who couldn't yet sense or control chakra, noticed a faint but familiar chakra presence outside the door.

*He's here,* Menma thought, walking to the entrance and gently opening the door.

A young man in a standard Konoha vest stood before him. His gentle face and the scar on his nose were unmistakable.

*Umino Iruka!*

As soon as Menma saw him, the name appeared in his mind. This man had a profound impact on the protagonist in the original story, becoming the first important supporting character recognized and respected. Naruto had seen Iruka as an older brother.

Menma's feelings were complicated. In the original story, Iruka was one of the few who wasn't involved in political or other unnecessary agendas. He was simply moved by Naruto's resilience and recognized him for who he was.

He was Naruto's first source of warmth.

*You're a gentle person by nature. If possible, I hope we can get along,* Menma thought as he looked up at Iruka with a calm expression. "Um, are you the one who came to pick me up as the Third Hokage said?"

"Yes, little Menma," Iruka replied, bending down slightly and gently patting Menma's head. "I'm a teacher at the Ninja Academy, and your future homeroom teacher—Umino Iruka. You can call me Iruka-sensei."

Although Iruka's feelings toward Menma were still complicated and tinged with some resentment, he was, at heart, a gentle person. Moreover, as a Chūnin and someone entrusted by Hiruzen with an important task, he understood the relationship between Menma and the Nine-Tails.

Still, his parents had died on the night of the Nine-Tails' attack. To say Iruka harbored no resentment toward Menma would be a lie, but he restrained those feelings well. Perhaps, in Iruka's eyes, Menma was just a poor child.

"Yes, Iruka-sensei," Menma responded, unaware of the complexities within Iruka's heart. The Kagura's Mind Eye wasn't powerful enough to read minds—only to detect chakra. Menma could sometimes sense changes in people's emotions, thanks to his status as the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, but only faintly.

"Alright then, let's head out. It's about time," Iruka said, offering his right hand to Menma with a gentle smile.

Even without referring to the original story's plot, Menma could see that Iruka's treatment of him was indeed kind and genuine—worthy of the title "sensei."

"Yeah!" Menma replied, taking Iruka's hand without hesitation.

The two figures—one large, one small—left the dilapidated apartment building and headed toward the Hidden Leaf Village Ninja Academy. As they walked, they passed many parents and children also making their way to the academy, most from civilian families.

However, when the villagers saw Menma, their expressions changed, and malice briefly flickered in their eyes. They barely restrained themselves upon noticing Iruka, who wore the standard Konoha vest.

Menma could sense that naked malice.


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