
Sin 48: Latent threat


Hello good, I come with a little announcement xD

I'm Anon20K author of this fanfic and as you know it's inspired by "The Marvelous Dragon Ball" but only the base so don't expect it to be similar, not to mention that I could only read the first 30 chaps xD

Well but let's go with the important stuff in the announcement.

Right now I'm working as a collaborator for Ero-Purgatory and I was left as a scriptwriter, it was decided to make as a project an eroge based on the story "Guide for a Saiyajin in Marvel & DC". Of course the eroge is separate and completely different from the story.

You can go to the ******* and see the project. The download links are completely FREE and any kind of help is completely VOLUNTARY.


Just delete the (*)

Sincerely Anon20K

PS: This is the first version and will be updated progressively, not to mention that it will have many more characters.


"Are you sure everything you're saying is true?" Far away from the school and away from normality, in the underworld itself but at the same time in a luxurious office, at a desk sat the one who ruled the demons, one of the four maou, who used the position of Lucifer, namely Sirzechs Lucifer.

Sirzechs was a good looking man, he has long crimson Red hair, he is wearing a violet and grey robe with gold borders and decorations, and underneath a white and grey suit with violet borders and belt.

"I am sure of the information Sirzechs-sama, that human is not normal and may be a danger in the future" Grayfia was in front Sirzechs reporting everything that happened in the occult research club room "Before Rias-sama met with Raiser-sama she disappeared, his plan was to lose her virginity and thus nullify the engagement with Raiser-sama by the fact that she was a tainted one."

"But you found her..."

"It wasn't hard, Rias-sama tends not to be careful with his traces and this time was no exception, when I arrived at the place she was naked and ready..."

"She was with the human, what did you say his name was?"

"Rias-sama referred to him as Haru, but according to my research his full name is Haru Yoichi, his parents were killed several years ago by unknown persons" Grayfia left a folder on Sirzechs desk who took it and opened it.

Inside the folder was Haru's information, pictures of the redhead, his grades, remarks from teachers, information about Haru's family, among other things.

"It's intriguing that a human like that would catch Rias' attention, but according to your information he could be anything but normal am I right?"

"Yes, as I said before you interrupted me. Before Rias-sama could be sullied I interrupted in the human's room, knowing there was no danger I let my guard down and it wasn't more than a second when I was completely surrounded" Grayfia closed her eyes in shame, she was known as the strongest queen in all of hell but at that moment her life ran through her eyes quickly, only one move was enough for her to be killed and with her a new war between the factions would have taken scene.

"Two mid-ranked fallen angels and one mid-high ranked fallen angel all appeared out of nowhere and pointed their weapons at my body, as they spoke the human named Haru was shrouded in lightning and his eyes had turned white, but the most terrifying thing was the beast behind my back."

"A beast, what beast?"

"It was a beast of no more than thirty centimeters, but its bloodlust was immense not to mention the pressure it exerts on my soul, I might be no match for that beast."

"Even if you use all your strength? "Sirzechs questioned Grayfia but she only nodded her head "Sigh.... Did you also say that those fallen angels were servants of the human?"


Sirzechs couldn't help but sigh again wearily "Now that he has a challenge with Raiser we can't do much, he seeks to save my sister for which I am truly grateful but we don't know if he is really an ally or an enemy.... Grayfia arrange all important matters and discard everything that is not urgent, we have to be present during Raiser's duel"

"Sirzechs-sama one last thing..."

"What is it?"

"That human Haru, he.... Is not a normal human" Grayfia hesitated for a moment before stating that.

"We had already said that, no normal human can have a power of that magnitude, it can only mean that he has an activated sacred gear, those humans are quite rare"

"That's not what I mean Sirzechs-sama, this human is deeper than just a sacred gear, his power is rare I can't explain with simple words" Grayfia paused without saying anything else just remembering everything she saw regarding the red head and everything she could investigate "It's more like he's not from this reality, it's like he doesn't belong here, not only him but also the rare beast that used arenas"

Hearing his wife Sirzechs words he couldn't help but think of Haru as in his heart the seed of unease forms, because of his Maou position he had to eliminate any threat and this seemed to be the first in a long time.

"To think that my little sister would be involved with such a troublesome guy..... not only did the Sekiryuutei appear around her but also that monstrous human."









"What's the matter Haru, you're not going to tell me that the powerful human capable of making a contract with Shukaku-sama was infested with a simple cold?"

"Save your damn comments for your head, it's not a cold, someone is talking behind my back."

"I bet it's that canary, he must be upset that you besmirched his fiancée Kekekekekekekeke.... I saw his face through his eye, just by looking at his expression I knew he just wanted to murder you, you must be very popular in his head now"

"Believe me what I'm going to tell you, I can feel good being in a woman's head but I don't want to be popular in a man's head."

"If you want to be popular with girls you should just pick up the redhead" Shukaku said those words with a big smile but seeing Haru's serious expression he closed his mouth "Sure, you don't want a fun time with a woman, forget what I said Mr. Responsibility"

"Sigh.... let's leave all that stuff about women for later, right now I have to investigate this whole demonic pieces thing" Haru widened a scroll to summon a pot with the lightning kanji printed on it.

"Imagine you also have Kohaku no Jōhei (amber vessel of purification) in your possession" Shukaku made a seal with his hand forcing the vessel to open and let out whatever was inside.

From inside the jar emerged the figure of Raiser's servant girl, she was panting with exhaustion but with her consciousness still lost.

"Are you going to make her your servant?"

Haru shook his head "Right now I want to hold one of those pieces in my hand, for all I know the piece is tied to the host's life so she will die irretrievably."

"Regrettable, she is quite attractive"

"Gezz... Shukaku calling a woman attractive..."

"It was just so you had something to entertain yourself and don't go looking for trouble over another woman, you really are a problem of great measure, I'm out of here, stay alone with the dead or next dead" Shukaku used his small pieces to walk up the stairs in annoyance leaving Haru alone in the room.

"Now then, how should I proceed?...."

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