
Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Getting reincarnated in naruto was not on my bucket list but why am I in Kumo + Mc gets reincarnated in Kumo 2 years after the birth of the Sannins This will mostly focus on Kumo's side NO HAREM!!!! + Hey guys it's me MUDA_MUDA you can call me jeff(jk) This is my first time writing fanfic so expect some problems here and there this won't be perfect fanfic but I"ll try to make it decent + also, this is my OC story, not naruto or anyone else it's his story so with that said don't expect my mc to act friendly with the original characters he will even kill some if necessary + English is somewhat of a sub-language in my country although I can speak and write it I'm not very proficient so there may be some grammar problems but don't fear Grammarly can fix that leave a review below if you have anything to say and enjoy + DISCLAIMERS: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY MY OC Also, I don't own the cover page I stole it off goggle so I can't give credit this also goes for any pictures I use in the novel AU warning the timeline will be a bit different so events will occur earlier than they should I will try to reduce the number of plot holes that may occur because of this + Donate at https://ko-fi.com/muda_muda or https://www.paypal.me/mudaXmuda

Kylino · Cómic
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32 Chs

A World Full of Monsters




Well, this is Boring. I run up the mountain with ease, well I have been training here for 5 years now

The terrain makes it hard for movement, honestly if it was for the fact that A also trained here this race would have been a breeze

After running for more than 2 hours a stopped at a nearby stream of water

'As handsome as always'

I looked at my face with admiration. Thank God I didn't inherit all of my father's genes, I didn't look very manly like most of the men in the Narukami clan, even A who was now 7 had a rough face

It's not that I don't want to look manly, I would love to have a masculine face just not too masculine

I stop being a narcissist and continued my journey, I doubt anyone would reach up fast so I slowed down my pace

Even after running so long I still don't feel tired. Being born in the Narukami clan has its perks

If ninja clans were to be divided in ranks from S-D

Then the Narukami clan would be ranked A

We have an innate advantage when it comes on to physique. If I were to learn the 8 gates, even without training my physical body I could open the first 2 gates and that's not taking into account my body when I fully develop

Because of this I delayed wearing weights and training my body for the time being its best to let my body grow a bit so I can minimize the dangers

That wasn't the only advantage of the Narukami clan

There is the infamous black lightning said to originate from one of my early ancestors, black lightning alone defects 99% of Kekkai Genkais in offensive power

Sadly not everyone in the clan has it, the only known people with Black lightning now are my uncle A and Darui

It would be nice to have but I don't know if I have it

Hmm maybe I should let uncle check if I have it

Other than our physique and Black lightning our high affinity to lightning chakra nature gives a boost to any lightning-related Jutsus we use

Also, most Narukami clan members have 2 or more chakra natures which give us the ability to perform lots of nature transformations Kekkai Genkai, like storm release

All of this may seem powerful but the gap between S-rank clans and A-rank is huge

The gap isn't about power its more about potential, the potential of the clans Kekkai Genkai or special jutusus

An example of an S-rank clan would be the Uchiha clan. The regular Sharingan isn't all that really but it's the Mangekyo that matters, The bullshit powers of the Dojutsu is simply too bullshit if you understand what I'm saying

And if one has the knowledge and the opportunity, they can get the rinnigan

All of that from a simple Sharingan. I understand why those guys in fanfics I read in my past life were so obsessed

Maybe the Narukami clan also has the potential to get stronger. Only time will tell

At the very least I was born with an advantage in this world, I just need to avoid dying halfway. I'm, not the main character and things will not always go my way. Now everything has been going smoothly for me, but I know things will get worse

I just need to be diligent and not do stupid things that could cost my life and think the world revolves around me. Avoid danger and grow as fast as I can. Things are just getting started

After a couple more hours and got to the top of the mountain, I came first as expected and was rewarded with my ninja headband

Soon A also made his way up the mountain

Looks like I'm having a lot for lunch





Class 4-A

The test wasn't very difficult for the students in class A they were in class A for a reason

"Ok the exam has ended, everyone here is now a ninja. I will now announce the teams"

The teacher stood at the podium in front of the class and called out the names

Kazuto looked around to see who will be the other person on his team, he and A were destined to be on the same team but its the third member he was more worried about

Before the war Kumo always used duos instead of trios but after the war, the new raikage changed that so now, new genin teams have 3 members

He and A were really strong for their age and together no one in their peers could challenge them, he guess that the third member would be weak to balance things out

"Team 9-Kenichi Shirahama, Baki hanma and Ohma Tokita, your jonin teacher is Arataka Reigen"

"Team 10- Bob Chinoike, Lisa Yotsuki, and Miley Nakata, your jonin teacher is Chris"

"Team 11- Kazuto Narukami, A Narukami and Mabui Narukami, your teacher is Darui Narukami"


The classroom got noisy in an instant, a team with the same clan members and even the jounin teacher is a part of their clan

"Settle down people"

The teacher calmed down the students and looked at the list to see if he made a mistake

It didn't take long for a man to enter the room

He was fairly tall, with dark skin and white hair which covered his left eye. he was wearing the standard Kumo jonin clothing but it was sleeveless, showing the two tattoos on his left and right arm

Darui walked into the classroom and ignored the stares. He motioned toward kazuto and the rest and walked out the room without saying a word

They left the room and followed Darui to the roof of the academy

Kazuto looked at the girl behind him strangely

She was dark-skinned with white hair and green eyes, she wore a simple ninja attire with her hands rolled in bandages

She looked good appearance wise and she had a lot of 'potential' in the important areas

He knew mabui in the academy, she ranked first in the academic part of the academy for Kunoichi, but her performance in ninja training was below average

Soon they reached the roof and Darui told them to sit on the ground

"Let's get this over with, You name, likes, dislikes, and dreams/goals. I'll start"

"My name is Darui Narukami, my likes are none of your business and my dislikes are also none of your business, fun fact my dream is none of your business"

Darui ignore kazuto and the others when we were looking at him with a deadpan expression and pointed to A

"My name is A Narukami, I like hanging out with Kazuto and learning new jutsus. I hate when people don't get straight to the point. My dream is to become a strong shinobi that can stand by Kazuo's side"

"You don't want to become raikage"

Darui looked at A, a little surprised since his name was A but his dream wasn't to become raikage

"Raikage is too much paperwork"

A hooked his head he visited his dad once in a while and saw the stack of papers. He was traumatized

Darui had an understanding look and then pointed to Mabui

"My name is Maui Narukami, I like cooking and playing shogi. I hate losing in shogi and not knowing how to advance while playing. My dream is unclear at the moment"

Darui looked at the girl's calm face and shook his head in pity. He was also confused about why this girl was a part of the team

But he figured that Z pulled some strings to put her there. He could guess that Z wanted to use the girl to influence the branch families of the Narukami clan

Mabui saw this but she didn't care she figured it out the minute her name was called

Soon it was Kazuto's Turn

"My name is Kazuto NaruKami. I like my moms cooking and training. I dislike not seeing any improvement in my strength"

"My dream is"

Kazuto opened his mouth to say something but no sound came out


What was his dream

His Goal

What's the reason for doing all of this

What's his reason to become a ninja

"My dream"

What's my dream?

"My dream is to survive in this world full of monsters"

Everyone was silent, no one expected this answer

Darui who looked bored all this time looked at Kazuto with an unclear expression

"Hmm interesting, would you mind elaborating"

This was the first time he heard a goal like this

"We live in a world where they are beasts that can destroy the village in a single attack. We live in a world where there are beings that possess power that surpasses human understanding. We live in a world of mysteries and there are many things hidden"

"I am afraid of dying and the pressure I feel knowing there are people out there that can kill me and my family with just a blink scares me. I want to survive in this world of monsters"

Darui was very shocked by what Kazuto just said unlike A and Mabui on the side he understood what Kazuto meant

"So, how do you go about surviving in this world of monsters"

Kazuto smiled and replied

"Simple, Become a monster myself"

'Interesting to survive in a world of monsters you become a monster yourself'

Darui smiled at Kazutos answer

"That's one difficult goal but let me give you some advice. The road to becoming a monster is dangerous and full of uncertainty, don't lose your path, or else you would truly become a monster"

Kazuto naturally understood what Darui meant and just nod

After a few more minutes introductions were over

"Remember meet at training ground 3 tomorrow at 7, don't eat dinner tonight and don't eat breakfast, bring a lot of food for lunch"

After saying that he disappeared from their sights

Mabui didn't know A or Kazuto on a personal level and left too

Kazuto also left he knew what was coming tomorrow


So I realized that I missed out on an important factor

The Mcs goal

I could think of anything really other than getting stronger but I didn't want it to be the cliche 'get stronger for family'

Then I remembered the title of this naruto fanfic I read long ago and it gave me an idea


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