
Naruto: Sternritter Grandmaster of Konoha.

A boy was born an orphan in the world of Naruto, and at the right age, he inherited the template of Jugram Haschwalth. With this, he became a powerful ninja and joined Konoha. His primary objective in joining Konoha was to create the strongest Sternritter from the Konoha 12. ---- Patreon Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822

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39 Chs

Ch-17 Orochimaru.

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A single, gaping wound stretched from Mizuki's chest down to his abdomen, causing blood to spurt out like a gushing fountain as he collapsed to the ground, wearing a look of profound unwillingness upon his face. Upon impact with the earth, his body, previously in the form of a humanoid tiger, swiftly reverted back to his true appearance. However, the transformation was not without consequence, as his flesh rapidly began to shrivel, exposing the stark outlines of his bones beneath a skin that seemed merely pasted on. Moreover, Mizuki's once-pale complexion took on a deep brown hue, while his countenance underwent a startling metamorphosis, aging into that of an elderly man.

Observing Mizuki's deteriorating state, Jugram somberly remarked, "It appears that whatever method he employed exacted a considerable toll on his vitality, hence his transformation into the likeness of an old man. Regrettably, he cannot be saved; he is as good as dead." Jugram's keen senses detected Mizuki's life slipping away at an alarming rate.

In concurrence with Jugram's assessment, Kakashi nodded gravely and added, "Indeed, it seems this is the unfortunate outcome of one of Orochimaru's early experiments."

Continuing with determination, Kakashi stated, "Okay. I will undertake the responsibility of transporting Mizuki's body to the intelligence department."

Jugram nodded and addressed Naruto, "Naruto, please give the 'Scroll of Seals' to Kakashi-Senpai. He will return it to the Hokage."

Naruto complied with a nod and handed the 'Scroll of Seals' to Kakashi. Kakashi acknowledged with a nod and accepted the scroll. After securing the 'Scroll of Seals', Kakashi performed a hand gesture, summoning an Anbu ninja to his side.

At that moment, as Naruto handed the 'Scroll of Seals' to Kakashi, he suddenly fainted and collapsed onto the ground.

Observing Naruto's condition, Jugram remarked, "It seems he has exhausted himself after mastering the 'Shadow Clone Jutsu'. Sasuke, please take Naruto to the hospital, and I will accompany Iruka-Sensei there as well."

Sasuke nodded and hoisted Naruto onto his shoulder before departing for the hospital.

Before departing for the hospital, Jugram stated, "Kakashi-Senpai, after admitting Iruka-Sensei to the hospital, I will promptly come to report today's events to Hokage-Sama."

Kakashi nodded in acknowledgment, and he too departed, carrying the 'Scroll of Seals'. The Anbu ninja had already left with Mizuki's body earlier.


While traveling in the direction of the Konoha hospital, Jugram pondered, "I never expected Mizuki to be able to utilize the 'Animal Seal Mode.' I distinctly recall that the 'Animal Seal Mode' was part of a filler arc. It appears my arrival has altered a few things; I must proceed with caution." With this thought in mind, Jugram finally arrived at the Konoha Hospital.

After admitting Naruto and Iruka to the hospital, both Jugram and Sasuke proceeded to the Hokage's office to report on all the events related to Mizuki and Naruto that had transpired.

There was no additional information to be reported; throughout the ordeal, Mizuki vigilantly watched over Naruto. Even after Naruto absconded with the 'Scroll of Seals,' the situation remained unchanged, and Jugram and Sasuke recounted the events precisely as they unfolded.

Commending their efforts, Hiruzen expressed, "Well done, both of you. You've done an admirable job, and there's no need for concern. I will ensure that the promise I made to you is kept."

With those words, Hiruzen retrieved two envelopes and handed them to Jugram and Sasuke, affirming, "Here are the earnings for your B-Rank mission, as I pledged, in recognition of your dedicated service."

Jugram and Sasuke graciously accepted the money. After receiving permission from Hiruzen to depart from the Hokage's office, both Jugram and Sasuke exited.

Once Jugram and Sasuke had left, Hiruzen turned to Kakashi and inquired, "What is your opinion of Jugram?"

Kakashi responded, "I caught a glimpse of his strength today. At the very least, he is on par with me. He is a formidable opponent. Additionally, I couldn't help but notice that he seemed to deliberately avoid any contact with the 'Scroll of Seals.'"

Upon hearing Kakashi's analysis, Hiruzen nodded and remarked, "He is quite shrewd. If I'm not mistaken, the reason Jugram avoided interacting with the 'Scroll of Seals' is to prevent any potential misunderstandings."

"It's entirely plausible," Kakashi responded with a thoughtful nod.

After this concise conversation, Kakashi too took his leave from the Hokage's office.

Hiruzen, mulling over the reports presented by Kakashi, Jugram, and Sasuke, commented, "It seems Orochimaru, despite my leniency in allowing your departure, you persist in your meddling with the affairs of Konoha."


At that moment, in a dimly lit room within Otogakure, a man with a feminine appearance remarked, "It appears that an intriguing individual has emerged in Konoha." As he spoke, he licked his lips in anticipation.

"What are your orders, Orochimaru-Sama?" inquired a person who was kneeling before him.

"Select a few individuals and assess his capabilities. If he is capable of defeating Asuma, then his strength cannot be underestimated," Orochimaru instructed.

"Understood." With that, the kneeling man departed from the darkened chamber.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)