
Naruto: Sternritter Grandmaster of Konoha.

A boy was born an orphan in the world of Naruto, and at the right age, he inherited the template of Jugram Haschwalth. With this, he became a powerful ninja and joined Konoha. His primary objective in joining Konoha was to create the strongest Sternritter from the Konoha 12. ---- Patreon Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822

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39 Chs

Ch-13 He is a fool.

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After granting Jugram permission to form the 'Sternritter,' Hiruzen left the Chunin exam venue. Now, apart from Jugram and Sasuke, no one else was present in the Chunin exam venue.

"Are you really planning to let others join the 'Sternritter' so quickly?" asked Sasuke.

"I myself didn't want to do this at first, but now I have no choice. After recruiting you, I am now on the radar of the Hokage, and if he deems me a threat to the village, then I will have no choice but to leave. I've been transparent from the beginning, so they have nothing to be suspicious about," said Jugram.

"I understand, but I'm not worried about that. What concerns me is your ability to grant powers to others. If this becomes known, you could be in serious trouble. Assassins from other major villages might try to kill you," said Sasuke.

Jugram replied, "I'm well aware of the risks. That's why I began recruiting now, when my strength has reached Elite Jonin level. With my current abilities, even if powerful S-rank ninjas take action, I can hope to defeat them. Besides, there's no way any Kage will take action against me. If that doesn't happen, then I have nothing to worry about."

"And do you really think the danger will only come from outside the village?" said Jugram mysteriously.

"You mean even within...?" Sasuke began to speak but was interrupted by Jugram, who placed his finger on his lips, making a 'Shh' sound.

"You know, the brighter a place is, the more darkness it hides. Let's leave this topic," said Jugram.

Sasuke nodded, understanding why Jugram didn't want to discuss the darkness in Konoha any further, and asked another question, "That's why you didn't use your full strength while fighting Asuma and created an illusion that you had to resort to using forbidden techniques?"

Sasuke asked this because during Jugram's fight with Asuma, Jugram's speed was almost 30% slower than the speed he had shown Sasuke in their initial fight. While Sasuke wasn't certain about how much strength Jugram had put into his attacks, he was sure that Jugram wasn't utilizing his full speed. For this reason, he asked Jugram to confirm his suspicion.

Jugram responded affirmatively, elaborating, "Indeed, my aim is to craft an image of myself as someone who can be controlled, for if not, do you truly believe the Hokage would sanction the presence of an uncontrollable powerful individual? Would such an individual be granted the privilege of forming their own group?"

Sasuke nodded in agreement with Jugram's strategy.

"Do you anticipate others will also join us?" inquired Sasuke.

Jugram reflected, "Every individual in this world harbors a longing for power. Naturally, there may be exceptions, but I intend to present them with something of great importance, something that will make it nearly impossible for them to refuse."

With curiosity piqued, Sasuke pressed further, "What might that be?"

Jugram maintained his mysterious demeanor, stating, "You will discover it in due time, once I disclose it to everyone."

Sasuke, feeling somewhat resigned, simply shrugged, "Very well."

"Shall we depart then? Our training session for today has concluded," Jugram suggested.

Agreeing, Jugram and Sasuke exited the Chunin exam venue, leaving behind their thoughts and plans for the future.


Jugram and Sasuke were traversing from one building to another, making their way towards training ground number 3.

At that moment, a distinct voice caught Sasuke's attention, sparking his curiosity. It was none other than Naruto's voice. Sasuke halted, and from behind a nearby wall, he overheard the conversation between Naruto and Mizuki.

"What is this idiot talking about with Mizuki?" Sasuke muttered, focusing on their exchange.

However, as he listened to the conversation, which revolved around Naruto's disappointment about failing the exam, Sasuke shook his head in disdain and quietly remarked, "A failure will always be a failure."

After muttering this, just as Sasuke was about to depart, he caught the tail end of a sentence spoken by Mizuki to Naruto. The words compelled him to pause abruptly in his stride.

Mizuki leaned in and whispered to Naruto, "I will share a secret with you. Master the 'Shadow Clone Jutsu' from the 'Scroll of Seals' kept in the Hokage residence, and you'll secure your graduation." Following this revelation, Mizuki proceeded to outline every intricate detail on how to obtain the elusive 'Scroll of Seals.'

While Naruto, still naive and unversed in matters concerning Konoha, remained oblivious to the significance of the 'Scroll of Seals,' Sasuke, as a member of the esteemed Uchiha Clan, comprehended fully the weight and importance that the scroll held for the village.

Sasuke felt the urge to take immediate action, but Jugram intervened, placing a steadying hand on his shoulder. "Wait," Jugram advised, his tone calm yet firm. "There's no need to act hastily. Consider the possibility that Mizuki may have other accomplices. Before making any moves, it's imperative that you inform the Hokage about everything that transpired here. And make sure to highlight how Naruto is being deceived."

Acknowledging the wisdom in Jugram's words, Sasuke nodded. "Okay," he responded before swiftly departing to carry out the task.

Jugram's motivation behind orchestrating this plan stemmed from his desire to bolster the image and credibility of the 'Sternritter' in the eyes of the Hokage.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)