
Naruto SI:Started from nothing

Naruto Si after retrival mission

Oden_490 · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

One week later:

I have two and a half years to become a S-A rank shinobi and today is the day I start.

Tsunade already released me from the hospital and I made my way to my apartment and got my gama-chan wallet and made my way to a caligraphy store to purchase the materials for fuinjutsu.

On my way from their I noticed a shinobi supply store with swords proudly displayed in the window.

Should I?

I didn't really need a sword and it would take a time to master but I have shadow clones so maybe i'll start it up.

I headed into the shop, ignoring the displays of weaponry and headed over to the shop keep standing behind the counter, an older man with fuzzy beard, and bulky build with huge arms.

"Need something lad?" Asked the man.

"Yes i'm looking for a chokuto and some weights." I explained.

"A chokuto huh we got plenty of those as for weights we go a couple sets of them for beginners." Said the man he then got from behind the counter and beconed me to follow.

We arrived at the a shelf full of swords.

"You may pick from this shelf." Said the shop keep.

I then walk over and pick up a regular looking chokuto with bandages rapped around the handle and no guard, I swing it a little and find it light a comfortable.

"I'll take it do you have a sheath for it." I said

"Yes we do and i'll get your weights now." We then made our way to the front desk and he goes to the back.

"Ok here you go this weights are twelve hundred pounds in total three hundred on each limb." I then paid for it all and he handed it all over including the Chokuto and a belt sheath.

I strap it all on and get adjusted to the weights and having the chokuto on my waist.

After I made my way out of the store and to training ground seven I then make handsign and inote: "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Eight clones of me appeared in the training ground about as well as expected.

"Alright guys first I need four of you to work on spliting a leaf, second I need one to work on sealing jutsu, Also one needs to work on medical ninjutsu, Lastly the rest of you work on the rasengan." I said to the clones

The clones then got to work and I got to doing conditioning exercises such as push-ups and burpees then moving to the water and practising my taijutsu and kenjutsu on it until I ran out of chakra and I could feel chakra from the curse mark flooding my system.

When I was done memories came to me of doing sealing jutsus and making an explosive tag, and of splitting a leaf in half.

Now all that was left is the Rasengan group.

After a while memory of a perfect Rasengan appeared in my mind.

I held out my hand and pumped chakra into it and a swirling ball appeared.

I grin ear to ear at it and release the jutsu.

And finally a memory of a fish and trying to repair its damaged lung and failing.


Next day: Konoha Library

I flashed my headband to the guards and walked into the Konoha shinobi library as I did when I came to get the sealing jutsu manual.

I made my way to the front desk where a girl with swirly glasses hiding her eyes and a white lab coat.

"Hello Shiho-chan can you help me find a taijutsu style." I said

"Ch-chan I told you not to call me the Naruto-san." Said Shiho heatily.

"Okay okay Shiho-chan." I fake placated.

"Gah, you called me that again." Said Shiho

"Right, so the taijutsu manual." I said.

"Right, the only one I can think of is the Feather Fist Style it is an assassination style, which focuses on fast and accurate vital strikes, and if I remember correctly it also has the instructions to Shunshin."

"I'll take it." I said in response.

"Ok." She stood up and we made our way through the maze of shelves and came to a shelf with several styles labeled.

I get the Feather Fist and give my shinobi id to her and check out the scroll.

Once I was out of the library I made my way to training ground seven.

When I arrived I made eight clones and they did asigned them to medical ninjutsu, Bukijutsu, and finally sealing jutsu and the chakra flow technique.

I then took out my Feather fist scroll the forms seened to be plain Muay thai focusing on eight limbs the knee, elbow, punch, and kicks.

I commit the forms to memory and jump onto the pond and start performing the katas in order.

I was going through the kata when suddenly I sense a presense in my area.

I then take out a kunai and throw it in that direction.

When the kunai made it I jumped at the same time at tge figure rasengan in hand.

"Mah mah don't you think you are a little to deadly there eh Naruto." Said Kakashi grabbing my wrist.

"My bad." I say canceling tge rasengan which caused Kakashi to let go of my wrist.

"Your bad huh anyway I cane to train you so lets get started, I see you have figured out the secret of the shadow clones thats good." Said Kakashi.

"We'll start with something simple come at me with intent to kill." He said and lept away from me.

I then charge him unsheathing my chokuto and aiming for his neck.

He simply side steps it and punchs me in the liver.

"I said I wouldn't hold back and I meant it." Said Kakashi

He then reaches in his pouch and throws two kunai at me I jump backwards to avoid them and, as soon as I land I am hit with a palm to the chest and then a strike to my jaw.

I could feel nothing by pain suddenly a clone dispelled giving the memory of the chakra flow technique I then apply it to my blade and stab forwards Kakashi just jukes his head off the center line grabs my wrist and kicks me in the ribs.

He then throws me into a tree and I lay there defeated.

"Ok, I think thats enough what do you think this training is about?" Asks Kakashi.

"To fight…against a superior opponent and get experience from it." I answered panting.

"Yes, you are dead on all the training in the world does jack all when you have no experience fighting, thats why I will be fighting you at jonin level to get you used to it and also, you need to learn to fight tactically as a shinobi that headstrong run at the enemy and hope is works isn't gonna fly anymore.

"I got ya Kakashi-sensei." I replied back.