
Chapter 137

As the day of the monthly assessment results dawned, anticipation and anxiety hung thick in the air at the academy. More than a hundred first-year students gathered, their nerves taut with anticipation. Some exuded confidence, while others, like Naruto, practically vibrated with nervous energy, on the verge of biting his own fingers in anticipation.

"Naruto, calm down. You'll definitely stay in the elite class, don't worry," Choji reassured his friend, though the words seemed to offer little solace to Naruto's racing mind.

Minato, understanding his son's struggles in academics, had taken it upon himself to personally tutor Naruto. Over the past week, there had been noticeable improvements, but whether they were enough remained uncertain.

Sakura's ordeal with intense shock therapy had cast a shadow over the class, dissolving any semblance of fan-following groups. Zenitsu-sensei's presence loomed ominously, a constant reminder of the consequences of stepping out of line.

"What if I fail? Dad is going to disown me," Naruto exclaimed, his panic palpable. Minato had intended his words as a joke, but Naruto, influenced by the warped ideas fed to him by his godfather Jiraiya, took them to heart. Jiraiya's tales of Minato and Kushina's brilliance only served to deepen Naruto's insecurities, leaving him vulnerable to self-doubt and fear of disappointing his parents.

As the kids continued discussing, the door to the classroom swung open, and Zenitsu entered alongside two other instructors. The entire classroom settled into pin-drop silence within a second. The two other instructors were taken aback by the level of discipline displayed by the first-year students. They had heard rumors about the rigorous training that the Hatake clan's master subjected the students to, but witnessing it firsthand exceeded their expectations. They both made a mental note to seek advice from the old man later.

"Alright, kids, today we will decide who gets to stay in the elite class," Zenitsu announced, commanding the attention of the room. "I will call out the names, and you can step up to collect your grade sheets. For those who average below 70, please move to the secondary class with these instructors. I have also left a note recommending other options in case you want to specialize in something else. But remember, for those who have failed to meet the threshold, this is just a temporary setback."

He paused, ensuring that every kid was paying attention. "Like I said earlier, as long as you meet the standards again in the next month's assessment, you can get back to the elite class. And remember, failing is fine, but not making an effort to overcome that failure is what will make you mediocre in life. Just prove to yourself that you can be better than what you have been today."

With that, Zenitsu began the roll call, calling the students to step forward. He did not voice out how much each kid scored because, according to him, these scores were only a threshold and not an absolute measure. A mix of emotions ran throughout the classroom as each student stepped up to the podium to receive their progress card. Some were delighted and returned immediately to their seats, while others lost all light from their faces, collected their backpacks, and stood next to the other two instructors with their heads held low in shame and disappointment.

"Next, Uzumaki Naruto," Zenitsu called out as he eyed the card. A soft chuckle spread across his face. Naruto, tense with anticipation, walked up and collected the card. When he saw the marks, he was shell-shocked. He didn't even know how he made it back to his seat, but then he yelled out loudly in delight, catching everyone's attention. With a glare from Zenitsu, Naruto sat back, not wanting to disturb the proceedings.

In a few minutes, Zenitsu had given out all the progress cards, and the final tally was announced: out of the 153 students, only 42 made it to the elite class. Surprisingly, quite a few clan children had not cleared the threshold. These kids felt so bad that they openly started weeping because once their families knew they had missed out on the elite class, they would be in for one hell of a beating.

"You kids shouldn't be crying. If you want to make it back to the elite class, then start thinking about where you went wrong," Zenitsu admonished gently. "Most of you may think that everyone who qualified must have done so because of their talent, but not all. Some who cleared my assessment have done so through sheer effort. You kids were all too casual about it, so you are facing the consequences. I at least hope you kids will learn from your mistakes and try your best to get back to the elite class soon. And if any of you have any doubts or need any help, you can still reach out to me. As long as you kids have the drive to improve, I will help you out. Now go follow the instructors and find your new classrooms."

With a wave, Zenitsu dismissed the instructors, and the children followed behind them, disappointment etched on their faces. But some kids had the flare in their eyes to make a comeback.

As the rest of the kids left for their new classes, Zenitsu addressed the remaining elite class. "Kids, if you have any questions about the assessment, go ahead and ask. If not, we can start today's classes," Zenitsu said, scanning the room to gauge any dissatisfaction among his students.

Suddenly, a kid stood up, hesitantly, to address the sensei. "Sensei, it seems there has been a mistake. I only scored 63, but the sheet says I am qualified for the elite class," the student openly stated, fearing humiliation later if the truth were discovered. Following the first student, eight others stood up, expressing similar concerns about their scores falling below the threshold.

"Oh, you kids don't have to worry; it's not a mistake. You all have qualified for the elite class despite failing to meet the requirements," Zenitsu reassured them, causing confusion among the students. Before they could clarify their doubts, Sasuke's hand shot up, eager to ask a question.

Zenitsu gestured for him to proceed. "Sensei, didn't you say 70 was the cutoff? If those who didn't make it still continue with the elite class, wouldn't that make it unfair for the rest of us?" Sasuke queried, his tone reflecting his skepticism.

Zenitsu chuckled, recognizing that this question must be on many of the students' minds. "Uchiha kid, you might be hotheaded and brash, but at least you have the courage to speak your mind," Zenitsu remarked, showing his understanding of each student's character. He knew Sasuke tended to have cynical traits and considered everyone else beneath him. "Does anyone else have the same question as the Uchiha prince?" Zenitsu mocked, causing Sasuke to huff in frustration. However, he knew that challenging the old man would only lead to trouble.

There was a specific reason why Zenitsu had let these nine kids qualify. They were from humble backgrounds and had shown the highest growth, putting in maximum effort during the month to improve. "Did you kids know that these nine were among the worst when they started the academy? Practically, they had zero access to Shinobi resources; some hadn't even held a real kunai before then," Zenitsu paused, ensuring his words sank in, emphasizing the importance of effort and determination in overcoming obstacles.

Just then, murmurs started in the classroom, as many kids felt it was unfair to them. Sasuke, however, added once more, "Sensei, isn't it still breaking the rules?" He questioned Zenitsu's decision.

"Breaking the rules, a nice way to put it, but remember, I am the supreme authority within this class, and whatever I say goes. It's similar to how the real world works; the man with the bigger fist makes the rules," Zenitsu retorted firmly.

"But there is a deeper meaning in why I let these nine continue. Nara kid, would you like to explain to your friends why I made such a decision and allowed them to continue in the elite class?" The old man turned to Shikamaru, who was trying to minimize his presence as much as possible. Shikamaru had been singled out by Zenitsu many times, and now everyone in the class knew that their Nara classmate was the smartest among them.

Unfortunately for Shikamaru, he didn't have any option to brush off or feign ignorance because if he did so, he would have to face his mother's wrath at home.

In the past month, the old man had grasped each child's fears, and he would not hesitate to leverage them. The first time Shikamaru had tried to feign ignorance, his mother was already waiting to straighten him out for being lazy at class, and with his brother Kazuki being away, his mother was unstoppable.

With a resigned sigh, the little Nara stood up. "It's because of their growth, sensei. Compared to where each of us was when we started the academy, these nine must have shown exceptional growth compared to the rest, who failed to qualify. They must have put in considerable effort to achieve this. Maybe many who have qualified because of their pedigree or talent might not have put in as much effort as these. Cutting them off now, despite their exceptional performance, would be unfair, and this, in turn, will deprive them of the resources and opportunities provided by the elite class," Shikamaru explained in a lazy tone, but his words made many realize this, and some even felt a bit ashamed comparing themselves to their past month selves.

Even Naruto's face showed a rare form of understanding. When brother Kazuki was around, he would push them all beyond their limits every time. But now, compared to those days, Naruto's growth has slowed down, he could even say it has come to a halt. "Well, well, at least not everyone in the class is a dud," Zenitsu commented while Shikamaru eyed the old man in disbelief. He always wanted to minimize his presence, but the old man always did such things, and kids can become petty when comparisons are made. With an almost pleading eye, Shikamaru sat down, asking the sensei not to cause more headaches for him.

"Well, now that the question has been answered, do you guys have any more queries?" Zenitsu surveyed the class, but there weren't any more questions. "Alright then, now that the first month has passed, you kids will soon start performing missions for the village. You will have to perform one mission every week, and it needs to be done on your weekends. You will not be getting any breaks from class. Also, form a team of three amongst yourselves and give me the names by day's end," Zenitsu announced.

In the new curriculum, these kids were supposed to be introduced to missions and the responsibilities that came along with them. There were special instructors who would be dealing with such missions. "Sensei, will we get to go on missions outside the village?" Naruto couldn't hold back his excitement and asked. This was something introduced in the new academy, and he was looking forward to it because he had heard crazy, wild tales about adventures from Ero Senin.

The old man couldn't help but scoff. "You wish, kid. Missions outside the village are for only fourth year students and above. As for you kids, you will only be dealing with D and E rank missions within our village barriers. Trust me, with the recent expansion of our village, even with your seniors added to the mix, the village is still understaffed when it comes to D and E rank missions."

In a secluded room, Minato worked tirelessly on a fuinjutsu, carefully performing a ritual to place a curse seal on Pakura, along with a few other seals. It had been a week since Kanshi and his team had retrieved Pakura. She had been reluctant about joining the Leaf Village, even after the Hokage herself extended a personal invitation. However, after careful consideration and the looming threat of disposal if she didn't comply, Pakura reluctantly accepted the offer.

Outwardly, Pakura seemed indifferent, but internally, she desired to live. Due to the betrayal she faced from the Sands, she didn't hold much attachment to her former village. Despite her reservations, she took her second chance and joined the Leaf. The curse seal was a precaution to prevent Pakura from betraying the village, a condition Tsunade imposed without room for negotiation.

Meanwhile, inside the Hokage's office, two elderly figures sat opposite the Senju princess. "Hokage, you have yet to give us an explanation regarding your shinobi's presence in the Wind Country. As allies, don't you think your actions are going a tad bit overboard?" Old man Ebisu questioned calmly, with a hint of caution in his voice.

Originally, they had thought that Tsunade's rumored power, rivaling that of the Shodaime, was just leaf village propaganda. However, sitting before her now, Ebizu realized how wrong they had been. Despite Tsunade's restraint, her presence was overwhelming.

On Chiyo's side, the old lady concentrated on the Leaf Village's ANBU commander, who stood respectfully behind the Hokage. The sight of his silver hair stirred emotions and clouded her thoughts.

"Chiyo Sama, I hope you can restrain your aura. I don't like people challenging my authority, especially not inside my own village," Tsunade commented in a low tone as she consciously released her own aura, completely suppressing the aura emitted by the old woman.

"Sis, don't be impulsive; we're here for an important matter. Don't get sidetracked," Ebizo reprimanded his sister. Even Chiyo knew that the current Tsunade was not someone she could challenge, but her hatred for Whitefang seemed much stronger than her caution towards the Hokage.

"My apologies. My sister can be a bit reckless, but given our past histories, I hope for the Hokage's understanding," Ebizo turned his gaze towards where Kanshi was standing and commented. Tsunade, however, replied in a neutral tone, "In that case, perhaps you should have chosen someone else to accompany the Sand Elder on this particular meeting. If not for the treaty between our two villages, I am sure you understand the consequences of trying to provoke one of my subordinates with the intent to kill."

Chiyo's face contorted slightly, then she narrowed her eyes. However, after a glaring contest of a few seconds with the Hokage, she chose to back down and apologized to Kakashi with a fake attitude, which the ANBU commander chose to ignore.

"So, is the Leaf Village going to explain why it broke the terms of the treaty with its own allies? Does the Leaf Village's word hold no credibility anymore?" Chiyo taunted, but Tsunade simply smirked. As the meeting was happening, the Leaf Village had poached one of the Sand Village's Kage-class Shinobi.

"Explanation? What kind of explanation are you looking for? Didn't I clearly state in my letter that my village had no connection with whatever event you are pointing at?" Tsunade asked back. Although it was all orchestrated by them, she didn't have to admit it. Acknowledging it would only give the Sand Villagers leverage.

"In that case, how are you going to explain the Mokuton right in the middle of the desert?" Chiyo countered.

"Hahaha, are your ANBU so lacking in information that they are not even aware of the missing-nin who is capable of Mokuton? If you would like, I can get you the latest copy of the Bingo book with the details," Tsunade mocked. However, Kakashi, behind the Kitsune mask, went one step further. He casually picked up his bingo book, flipped through the pages, and once he arrived at Obito's page, he casually placed the book in front of the two.

Dear readers and fans,

I hope you're enjoying this fanfiction journey as much as I am. It's been a labor of love. While this story draws inspiration from an existing world, I've been passionate about building upon it, adding my own creative touches, and sharing it with you.

Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

Warm regards,


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