
Chapter 10

Shikamaru, who was silently observing the old wooden case, could not hold back his curiosity any longer and questioned his big brother.

"Kazuki Niisan, what about this old wooden case? Do you think it has a treasure inside it?"

"Well now, little brother, yes, this case is a treasure. When I first laid my eyes on the content of the case, I couldn't believe myself that such a precious item was left around, lying down in a corner. This is something our clan has been lacking since its establishment, and today we hit the jackpot," Kazuki explained in such a dramatic fashion that even Shikaku was more intrigued now to find out what was inside.

Kazuki performed a few intricate seals, drew his kunai, slit his finger, and dropped a few drops of blood on the wooden case. The symbols on the box started glowing, and a click was heard as the box opened. Even though Kazuki had opened the case earlier, he needed to drop a few drops of blood every time he wanted to open it. The case itself was a treasure; what came into view was a large, pitch-black exterior Summoning scroll. The exterior of the scroll was so exquisite that it felt like it was not made of paper but of black velvet. The scroll exuded a dark and ominous aura, which was so overwhelming that it was only contained because of the case, as it was specially crafted to restrain it and was completely lined with jade-like material on the inside to contain the aura.

"This... is that what I think it is, Kazuki?"

Shikaku couldn't help but clench his hands in excitement when he noticed the huge scroll inside the case. For a clan to establish proper status in the Ninja world, having a blood-conjuring bond related to their bloodline was paramount. The Nara clan, due to their extreme Yin affinity, had never had a suitable bloodline contract. From the way Kazuki was portraying it, Shikaku knew that the Nara clan's name was going to be added to the list of esteemed clans with Bloodline contract summons.

"Quick, kid, tell me what kind of summon it is."Don't keep me waiting; my name is going to be recorded in history as the clan head who procured a bloodline summons for our family." Shikaku, who was always composed, started behaving like an excited kid. This was a significant day of his life, and his name would be penned in the clan records—an achievement none of the Nara clan heads had been able to achieve.

"Haha, uncle, I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. It would be rude to the summoned clan if the clan head was not the first to seal the contract. If I am not wrong, the first summons will have you reverse-summoned to their location, where you will have to reach an agreement with the other side. All I can say is that they need a bloodline with high Yin affinity, for which our Nara clan qualifies. The case was simply a test to check our level of Yin affinity, and with my Kekkei Genkai, it was a piece of cake to break the seal." Kazuki knew that Shikaku was eager to get the bloodline contract concluded so that, in the future, all Nara clan descendants could have their own summons from the blessed land of whichever summoning it was. Like Kazuki thought, Shikaku did not waste even a second. After taking proper precautions, he performed the summoning art as mentioned on the scroll, and with a poof, he vanished.

"Big brother, where did Father go? What kind of summoning beast is it? Can you at least tell me, pretty please?" Shikamaru used his puppy eyes to inquire about Kazuki because he couldn't stand the suspense. However, Kazuki didn't fall for his antics and just kept teasing his little brother by asking him to wait patiently for Shikaku to return.


It had been a week since the Nara clan gained their exclusive bloodline contract. All the Jonin in the family without a summoning had signed a contract, and Shikaku was pleased with the new summon—it was leagues better than what he had initially expected. The summon was so attuned to their Nara bloodline; it was simply a blessing. Shikaku had partied all night long and was so drunk when he returned that he had to sleep on the couch in the living room for the past week.

"Mother, why don't you let Kazuki Niisan cook? The food he makes is much more delicious," Shikamaru asked with childlike innocence, fully aware of what he was implying. One glare from Yoshino made him shut his mouth and continue eating his breakfast.

"Kazuki, you spoil him too much. What do you think he would do in the future when he has to eat those bland soldier pills to sustain himself?" Yoshino questioned Kazuki, who was having his breakfast, as if the matter didn't involve him.

"Ah, no worries, mother. Brother has already created some fruit-flavoured soldier pills, which I'm sure will not taste bland. He should have a list of flavours to pick from," Shikamaru casually replied, sparking Yoshino's intrigue. As a herbalist herself, specialising in making various medicines, she gazed at Kazuki questioningly. Kazuki simply said that he would share those recipes later.

As the family was happily enjoying breakfast, a Nara clan shinobi arrived and informed them that a village elder had personally made a visit and was waiting in the clan hall to meet the Nara clan head. Kazuki quickly realised who the elder was and knew that trouble had come knocking. He asked Shikaku's permission to follow him to the meeting hall, which Shikaku was against. However, he knew that his nephew was not going to take no for an answer. Given Shikaku's intelligence, he could vaguely guess Danzo's purpose. Shikaku reluctantly agreed, but under the condition that Kazuki doesn't speak and just observes.

In the dimly lit meeting hall, Danzo sat with an air of authority, his right eye concealed by bandages, and an intricate seal covering his right arm. The Nara clan elders were in attendance, attempting to entertain the village elder, who seemed uninterested in the expensive offerings provided by the Nara family. By Danzo's side were two shadowy Root Ninjas, acting as vigilant bodyguards. The untouched feast on the table hinted at the elder's disdain for such luxuries.

As Shikaku and Kazuki entered the hall, Danzo's attention snapped to the latter, scrutinizing him from head to toe with a gleam in his cunning eyes. The village elder seemed to find something in Kazuki that pleased him. Meanwhile, Kazuki observed Danzo and his two subordinates, realizing that the anime portrayal of Danzo as a non-powerhouse was far from accurate. Danzo, in reality, was a true Kage-level powerhouse, more formidable and dangerous than the animated version.

Kazuki, who had never divulged his Kekkei Genkai's resistance to Genjutsu and mind-related arts, could sense the fluctuation under Danzo's bandage-covered right eye. It wasn't a mere three-tomoe Sharingan; it was a genuine Mangekyou Sharingan. Internally shocked, Kazuki upgraded Danzo's threat level in his mind. He realised that Danzo must have achieved a high degree of success in integrating the First Hokage's cells, scrapping all his previous plans.

Unbeknownst to Kazuki, Danzo was equally surprised. The fact that the kid withstood the subtle influence of his Mangekyou Sharingan without displaying any discomfort intrigued and alarmed him. Now more determined than ever to bring Kazuki under his control, Danzo saw an opportunity to groom him for his own ambitions. He envisioned securing the kid, a natural counter to the Uchiha, and believed that, with Kazuki under his wing, his dream of becoming the Hokage was within reach. Danzo was willing to go to extreme lengths if anyone dared to deny him his prize.

The meeting hall echoed with a heavy silence as Danzo's sharp gaze pierced through the dim lighting, and Shikaku Nara offered a courteous yet cautious greeting.

"Danzo-sama, it is an honour to have your esteemed presence in our Nara clan," Shikaku stated with a polite nod.

Danzo inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment, his bandaged eye giving off an air of mystery. "Shikaku-san, I have heard of the prosperity and comfort your clan enjoys here. However, it is essential to remember that we are in challenging times. The recent attack by the Nine-Tails has left the village in need, and every clan must contribute to its recovery."

Shikaku maintained a calm demeanour but sensed the subtle hints in Danzo's words. "Danzo-sama, the Nara clan has always supported the village in its own way. We contribute not only through our shadows but also through our expertise in various fields."

Danzo's expression remained stoic, but there was a spark of displeasure in his hidden eye. "Shikaku-san, I've received reports. Some villagers believe that the Nara clan is taking advantage of the village's condition for personal profit. Complaints have been raised about certain Nara establishments. If your clan cannot handle these matters responsibly, the village may have to intervene, ensuring the safety and well-being of all."

The Nara clan elders exchanged uneasy glances, their faces contorting with displeasure at the blatant threat. Shikaku, however, kept his composure, though the vein on his temple pulsated slightly. "Danzo-sama, I assure you, we will look into these matters personally. The harmony of the village is our priority."

Danzo, though infuriated by Shikaku's composed response, shifted to his primary reason for visiting. "Furthermore, Shikaku-san, the recent attack has left us with a shortage of manpower. I propose that the Nara clan contribute by allowing us to recruit and train the orphans under our care. This will relieve your clan of the burden of caring for them and, in turn, strengthen the village forces. It is a contribution that befits the current situation and aligns with the leaf's prosperity."

Shikaku and the Nara elders exchanged glances, realizing the true nature of Danzo's proposition. The Nara clan had always taken pride in caring for their own, and the idea of handing their orphans to Root's control was met with firm resistance.

"Danzo-sama, while we appreciate the village's needs, the Nara clan has its own traditions. We will continue to groom and care for our own," Shikaku asserted, knowing the delicate balance he had to maintain.

Danzo's facade cracked, and frustration seeped into his tone. "Shikaku, you seem to forget your place. This is not a mere proposal; it is a command from the village elder. Refusing it might be seen as a conspiracy against the Leaf, hoarding resources, and various other charges."

Shikaku's jaw clenched, but he stood firm. "Danzo-sama, we understand the village's needs, but compromising the principles and traditions of the Nara clan is not an option. Our loyalty to the leaf has never wavered."

Danzo's temper flared, and the two Root Ninjas by his side moved with intent, ready to enforce Danzo's commands. The air in the meeting hall grew tense as both sides stared each other down, unwilling to yield.

The tension in the room escalated as Danzo's confrontation with the Nara clan reached a critical point. Kazuki, calculating the possibilities of an imminent clash, was ready for the scenario to unfold into a violent exchange. However, a sudden burst of laughter shattered the oppressive atmosphere.

A hearty laugh echoed through the hall, causing everyone to turn their attention to its source. Danzo, irritated by the interruption, raised his hand, signaling for his Root Elites to stand down. He recognised the individual responsible for the disruption.

"Well, well, if it isn't the shameless village elder trying to strong-arm an innocent clan into extorting their wealth," a confident voice resonated, cutting through the tense air.

Tsunade Senju, the Slug Sage, made a grand entrance, her presence commanding attention. Stepping in with deliberate strides, she was accompanied by Shizune. As one of the revered Three Sages, Tsunade's influence rivalled that of the Hokage himself. Her exploits in the field of medicine and the countless lives saved during battles had earned her unparalleled respect among Leaf Ninjas. As the granddaughter of the Shodaime Hokage, her authority was not to be challenged lightly.

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