
Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Isaac is someone who possesses an unwavering pursuit of perfection. His obsession extends beyond mastering jutsu; he seeks to perfect not only himself but also the world around him. However, Isaac's perfectionism becomes a double-edged sword, threatening to consume him. Isolation and inner turmoil ensue, prompting Isaac to confront the shadows of his own obsession. Will Isaac follow through with his Eternal Quest for perfection? Or will he fall short, embracing what he hates most, imperfection?

VQuintessence · Cómic
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59 Chs

Love & Hate

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[15 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]


Chapter 14: Love & Hate


"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."

~ Dr. Seuss

Isaac rarely dreams. When he does, he dreams of perfection for it can only exist as a dream or an illusion, so he has to wonder, is love perfect?

That's something he had to wonder as he sat with his friends, enjoying a hearty meal in Ichiraku Ramen.

He was basically forced to notice the sneaky glances of the girls around as they sometimes blushed looking at him, including Anko, Rin, and Kurenai.

'Have I gotten more handsome?' Isaac wondered then wondered some more, 'Can I fall in love?'

No matter how much he contemplated the questions, all Isaac could come to was that he could not, not before he learns to love himself.

He had never found it easy to connect with others. It's better that way for can you imagine a life with someone who'd criticize you for every little thing you do?

'Yeah, it's impossible,' Isaac concluded as he finally put some focus on the words of his friends.

"That's why The Hokage assigned Teacher Minato to us!" Said Rin with a giggle.

"Yeah yeah! All of Kakashi's previous teachers hated him!" Obito added with glee, "I even heard that he went through hundreds of teams!!"

"I am here, you know!" Kakashi couldn't bear it anymore, "It's not a problem with me, it's them! And it's only two dozen teams!"

"I see," Isaac nodded, "I believe you."

"That sounds sarcastic, right?" Kakashi was unsure, "Seriously though, they just couldn't keep up with me! It's their fault."

Kakashi who had graduated years earlier than everyone else still ended up being on a team with Rin and Obito.

It seems that he's quite arrogant or something similar. After all, not getting along with your teammates more than a dozen times can't be a coincidence.

However, from Kakashi's current behavior, Isaac concluded that it might be a problem with disagreements on how to deal with missions, something he must be adamant about considering his father took his own life after failing a mission. That must've fucked him up.

"It's your turn to be afraid of not keeping up with me," Obito warned with a childish smug look.

"You've lost to me just last week," Kakashi retorted.

"You lost to him?" Isaac raised a brow, "You must've slacked off."

"I didn't!! I just lack experience!" Obito's eyes burned aflame as he continued, "So I want to challenge you! It's been months since we last fought!"

"Fight me too!" Might Guy jumped on the opportunity as well, seeming most excited.

"Unfortunately, I don't have much time to spar," Isaac shook his head, "I've been working on medicine as of recently, and I don't like to fight."

"What medicine?" Kurenai asked with curiosity while the boys lowered their heads in disappointment.

"I call it Penicillin," Isaac responded, "Should be very effective against infections of all kinds... Too many die due to them."

"And all you guys think about is fighting, fighting, and more fighting," Kurenai couldn't help but murmur, "Don't ever think of wasting Isaac's time again~"

Kurenai's admiration for Isaac was overflowing, finding it her responsibility to support him in his grandest aspirations.

"Medical-nin can't solve infections?" Obito, on the other hand, was confused.

"How many are there?" Isaac asked in return, "How much support do they get? How many people can they cure a day?"

All of the questions left Obito confused, so Isaac continued, "What I want to create is a medicine that doesn't rely on Chakra, something that would benefit the whole world, not just Konoha."

The atmosphere turned a bit solemn upon hearing his words, some didn't realize what his words really meant but they chose to remain silent nonetheless.

They still admired his kindness, however, as they realized that Isaac wasn't just looking out for the betterment of just the village but the whole world.

Not everyone would look at his behavior as admirable thought as Danzo's obnoxious voice reverberated throughout the Hokage building, "Did you hear him!? This is who you're supporting!? An ungrateful evil brat!!?"

They were so far away, yet they heard his words in real-time. Hiruzen was spying on Isaac again.

"He's kind... Too kind," The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, murmured in response before shaking his head, "Unfortunately, you're too late. The Daimyo wants to meet him."

"What?" Danzo was stunned before blowing up in anger, "That's even worse! He wants to meet someone with those cursed eyes!!?"

The reason for the Daimyo's wish to meet with Isaac wasn't delved into at all because both know why... Money, it's that simple.

Isaac is a money-making machine, and the Daimyo wants in. He wants to be an investor in Cosmic Eye Technologies or maybe take over it.

God how envious was Danzo of the Daimyo and the nobles, but their business is one of the only things he doesn't usually mess with. They fund too after all.

"I agree with Danzo's worry," Mitokado Homura nodded, "We can't allow them to be alone at all." The Konoha council was at work yet again.

"That's why I will send Minato and his team to supervise him, so Danzo, do not step over the line," Hiruzen warned.

"It's you that's allowing that cursed blood to step all over the line," Danzo seemed almost too emotional when it came to the Uchiha, "You'll regret it! Hiruzen! Remember my words!!"

Hiruzen just shook his head as he let out a sigh. He would've trusted Danzo's words more if he hadn't said those same exact words regarding every single Uchiha in existence.

Most importantly, Hiruzen can see that Danzo's intentions aren't pure. He isn't merely afraid of the Uchiha's power but he more so wishes to seize it for his own.

The loud noise of the door closing sounded yet again, the usual after every Danzo and Hiruzen meeting.

The only three people left in the Hokage's office were the remaining members of the Konoha council, Koharu Utatane, Mitokado Homura, and naturally, the Hokage.

"Hiruzen, are you not wary of the kid after he went around you to get investment from the nobles?" Koharu couldn't help but question.

Hiruzen shook his head, "He never tried to hide it. All of their meetings took place in the center of Konoha."

"Still, don't you think that the kid's mind isn't with Konoha?" Mitokado questioned.

"I know what he thinks. He's thinking of spreading his business throughout the world, and the nobles seem to agree," Said Hiruzen, "In fact, I know that Isaac's company is basically no longer his own."

"You mean?" Mitokado narrowed his eyes.

"Isaac is still a big part of it, but it's mostly in the hands of the nobles," Hiruzen explained, "The Daimyo's meeting with Isaac is just formalities as he must've already struck a deal with the nobles."

"I see," Koharu and Mitokado nodded in realization, "He's only a kid after all so that happening is understandable."

"The Daimyo will also increase our funds significantly as long as we encourage Isaac to continue with his inventions," The Hokage further added, "So we should discuss how to completely win him over."

The two's eyes brightened, finally realizing why Hiruzen behaved the way he did, and so, the discussion continued.

Isaac didn't accompany his friend for long. Instead, he found himself overlooking Konoha from the top of the Hokage Rock.

Isaac strangely sat down and took a deep breath of fresh air, 'It's been a while. It feels nice to relax from time to time.' He mused as he closed his eyes, basking under the warmth of the sun.

Indeed, the Isaac that went out with his friends today wasn't a clone. Rather, it was the real Isaac.

Even Isaac was surprised by his behavior, 'I seem to have somewhat changed ever since I used Eternal Refinement to refine my personality.'

Isaac opened his eyes and reflected on himself, 'Though I only used it for seconds, I feel a noticeable improvement in my control over my emotions.'

He easily noticed the difference because what he considers to be a break is a quick morning shower in the morning.

He's always working, harder than even his clones that don't need sleep for he barely sleeps too.

Isaac just enjoys the process of perfecting things far beyond anything else. Therefore, that's what he mostly does, ignoring the consequences of such practices on his mental health.

'I do have suicidal thoughts sometimes, but it's normal, right?' Isaac mused, 'The darkest thoughts in the minds of men.'

The effect of Eternal Refinement, however, was limited as it took Isaac only ten minutes before he got tired of relaxing... Makes perfect sense.


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