

While Mom was guiding us towards Yakiniku we saw Hinata and Neji

"Hinata! Neji! Come with us! I shouted loudly

"R-ryu-kun?" Hinata said while blushing like in the anime while also trying to look for an escape route.

"Ryu, Naruto, Akemi-San" Neji nods with his usual stoic face, he then saw the amount of children with Akemi for him it wasn't unusual as he always see's Me, Mother, Naruto and Kushina visit the orphanage at least twice a week and he also volunteers to help us play with them from time to time.

"Neji? It's a miracle you're not training!" Naruto said as he went near him, the two had been friends due to the things that had happened years prior.

"It's also a miracle you're still alive after pranking an entire clan." Neji told Naruto as he went closer to us, Hinata followed after him hiding behind him.

"Do you want to eat with us?" Mom asked him as she thought Hinata looked cute today.

Neji looked at Hinata who nodded, he then nodded.

"Come on Hinata, it's been awhile since we last saw you" I smiled at Hinata who became redder



If you're wondering why Neji's not spouting his usual Fate-bullshit when he was a kid, well Hizashi is still alive, Both he and Hiashi has somewhat suppressed the Elders in their Clan and are working together to get rid of that damned seal.

Long story short, I told Mom that I had a bad feeling about the Kumo delegates but she just replied

"We all do little Ryu"

To convince her full I told her

"Can we just go back? I forgot to give my gift to Hinata since she was too cute, besides Naruto said he wanted to play with her later."

"Ara, I see if you insist"

As we went back you all know the rest, Mom spotted the delegate, beated his ass and reinforced my belief on never to piss her off.

I wish I could pull off the legendary 3 year old beats a Jonin but I haven't opened my chakra yet and I was still a child at that point, and before Hiashi could kill the delegate, Mom stopped him so she can extort the Raikage and the Old-Monkey.

To be honest even though Aunt Kushina was still alive I don't even know why they still had the balls to kidnap Hinata, and then what happened next was Tsunade threatening them to another war if they were to pull it off again although which has highly unlikely but they knew Kushina was still alive so they couldn't afford another all out war.


So that brings us to 7 Children now huh, not that it matters, I wonder who else Mom extorted? Or how much? Another mystery in Mom's life.

While we were eating, Ino and Hinata were both at my sides, while Mom is in the same seat as us, on the other side I could see Choji had stars in his eyes and "MEAT!" while he was seated with Naruto, Neji and Shikamaru.

"Ara looks like The White Cutie has struck again, I hope you don't leave me when you grow up Ryu-chan"

"Mom!" Not this again

"Women really are troublesome" I heard the Nara grumble in front of me, but he then felt something was off, he then looked at the side to see a woman who was staring back at him

"Oho, I hope you don't turn out to be someone I know whose going to eat his own words in the future." Tsunade arrived with Shizune as they sat beside the table with us, Tsunade then looked at me then gave me a thumbs up.

"Although I don't usually support this kind of stuff but I'm giving my full support for you Ryu don't disappoint me"

"Ye-yes Aunt Tsunade!"


After that mini-event we sent Naruto home as well as the clan kids, Me and Mom went straight to the Hokage's office to see Kushina talking with the Old Monkey.

"Oi Old-Man its been 4 years! Where is your payment?" She said storming in the Hokage's office without a care in the world.

"We were just talking about it Akemi" Kushina gave us a smile as she ruffled my hair, she likes to ruffle mine and Naruto's saying it reminded her My Dad and Minato.

"Calm down Akemi" with that the Old monkey snaps his fingers and a purple haired ANBU appears and gives Mom a huge scroll.

"Here that is all the scrolls that Eito hid for you as well the Inheritance" after that he smoked his pipe again, I always wonder what he's smoking? Or if that One-eyed pedo mixed something in it so he could get away with his schemes.

"It was rightfully ours except for the Flying Thunder God." Kushina said as she took her scrolls as well.

"Take it, if not for Minato we wouldn't be where we are now" The Hokage didn't even hesitate to give it to Kushina, she then smiled.

"That's what I was after besides" Kushina then turned around, The Hokage's eyes widened, Kushina then squatted in front of me, patted my head then gave me the scroll.

"Here Ryu take it, Naruto isn't even interested in the clan heritage even though I've been trying to instill him how important it is for us."

"Now what should you say after getting a new forbidden jutsu?" Hiruzen flinched and choked on his pipe after he heard what my mother said.

"Thank you Aunt Kushina! I also promise to be easy on Naruto during practice sessions!"

"Oh don't be by all means beat him up, he's been acting up lately."

Kushina then stood up then took my hand and my mother took the scroll from me and my other hand, we left the room with Hiruzen trying to recover from the shock.


Back at my home, if you're wondering what the house looks like its a huge compound complete with a training ground, hot spring and many more facilities, Kushina and Naruto live on the other side of Konoha, the entire Minakami Estate would be two american football fields, it was huge and I rather liked the privacy it had.

"Ryu get your ass out here in a minute!" I heard mom shout and instantly I knew she was serious.

"Yes!" shortly after I saw her holding the Chakra paper! I was excited what affinities do I have?

Most people have chakra that has an affinity to one of the Five Elements Nature Transformations. I know the chakra papers reactions are

Fire: the paper will catch on fire and turn into ash.

Wind: The paper will split in half.

Lightning: The paper will wrinkle.

Earth: The paper will turn to dirt and crumble away.

Water: The paper will become damp.

"I know you're excited little Ryu but you have to open your Chakra pathways first!"

"Yes Mom!"

"Ok read this scroll, I know you're smart enough to memorize after that tell me when you're finished"I read and memorized the scroll under 3 minutes which did not even shocked mom

"You really are a genius like me little Ryu! Now follow the instructions as I'll insert a surge of Chakra in your system, use the chakra to stimulate yours in the naval region and follow the pathway I gave you!"

"Understood" and with that I felt a surge of Chakra from mom, I instantly followed the Instruction given to me....

BOOM! A large sound was heard I didn't notice it but Mom sure did her eyes turned wide and her mouth agaped, and was meters away from me.

"You! Your Chakra!" after awhile the Chakra calmed down and Mom went near me.

"Well it's not a secret your a prodigy, but"

"Do you want me to hide it from the others?"

Mom shook her head.

"Hell No! Flaunt it if you want, no one's going after you anyway" I was weirded out by her reaction but it seemed reasonable she is a bigshot after all and I doubt that Pedophile would do something to me unless I'm stupid enough to go near him which I won't

"Ah here use this! put Chakra into the Paper"

After a minute of putting my chakra, The paper turned damp, another part it crumbled, and lastly it wrinkled... I HAD THREE CHAKRA AFFINITIES! OH WAIT MAKE THAT FOUR! I'm pretty sure I also had Yang release!

"This kid really inherited his talents from his father huh? Hmm wait those combinations could it be? No for now no I'll tell him soon enough once he's skilled at Chakra control" I heard mom aloud.

"Mom teach me Ninjutsu!"

"No! only after you've at least perfected your Chakra control! you have too much chakra that's why control is needed, If you were to make a Shadow Clone now it wouldn't do shit and look ugly! Well there is a way but"

"But what?"

"I want you to perfect your chakra control for a year, after that I'll teach you a trick your father used to catch up with Minato."

I tilted my head to the side as I didn't hear his before.

"I'll teach you three clone Jutsu's, The Academy's, The Shadow Clone and the Water Clone in the future once you've perfected your chakra control."


I nodded furiously after I heard what she said, she then placed a leaf.

"I'm sure you already know what I want yes? After all Your Big Sister has told you lots already?"

I shivered after I saw her smile but I appreciated it as I knew this was my path to become stronger.

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