
Naruto : Pure Blood

This is the story of a boy who gets transmigrated into the body of Naruto when he is on the trip with Jiraiya, the boy gets the chance to meet the god and get some wishes. after meeting the god the boy wishes to be bloodline purification and Gojo's six eyes what to expect -Smart MC -Check -mastering all elements -check -creating flashy jutsus- check -creating kekkei genkai -check -no hiding his true strength -check -lovable characters -check -yandere girlfriend(Hinata)-check -small harem (4-5 members)- check -incest -check -time travel -check -R18 scenes(after 100 chapters) -check - bullying the weak -check -not evil not so good MC -check -killing Danzo in cold blood- check -- -naive mc- not check -trying to help everyone -not check -pushover-not check ----------- the story is slightly slow-paced at the beginning, but after chapter 70 it picks up the pace this will be fun just read it. I know you have read many MLT stories on this site, so just shut off some of your brain cells and read the story, there may be some grammatical mistakes so turn your mind on autocorrect mode and enjoy the story. and no one is allowed to call the romance cringe, I know some of you will find it cringe so bear with it. the story will not be as canon there will be major changes in the story and characters.

Devils_hand · Cómic
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148 Chs

chapter 3



**Chapter 3**


"How much time?" Naruto asked.

[1 Bloodline Purification, 40.003%

Estimated time for completion: ~ 6 months

2 Six Eyes ~ 0.003%

Estimated time for completion: ~ 6 months]

Naruto looked at the panel in front of him. The panel was in his mind, not in reality.

~System, show me the status panel~


Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Bloodline - Uzumaki (40.004%)

Dojutsu - Six Eyes (0.003%)

Chakra - 9000 / ????

Taijutsu - 45 / 100

Ninjutsu - 30 / 100

Genjutsu - 0

Kenjutsu - 20 / 100

Shuriken Jutsu - 60 / 100


Rasengan [Max] Level 1

Shadow Clone [Max]

Element Affinity:

Wind, Mastery 0%

System Points: 10000

The host can buy any affinity from the system for 1000 points and upgrade any skill he has created or mastered for 1000 points.

If the host gains 100% control over two elements and creates a kekkei genkai, the host will be rewarded with 50000 points.

If the host changes the story, they will be rewarded points based on the impact of the change.



Fire 1000 points

Earth 1000 points

Water 1000 points

Lightning 1000 points

Yin 1000 points

Yang 1000 points]

Naruto looked at his stats. "This isn't looking very good. My taijutsu is good, ninjutsu isn't so good, and genjutsu… ah, it's the worst."

"System, buy all the elemental affinities."


[All the affinities have been bought. Current points: 4000]

Naruto felt a slight change in his body, not very noticeable but a slight tingling. "Now I have all the affinities. What should I practice first?" Naruto looked at his status.

"I can practice all of them later with my shadow clone, there is no need to ask Jiraiya to help with elemental training, but first I need Jiraya to teach me what is he good at- Taijutsu and fuinjutsu."

"Let's go with taijutsu," Naruto thought to himself.

He knew Jiraiya wasn't a good teacher. In three years, he only taught him taijutsu and Rasengan. Besides that, he hadn't taught him anything.

Jiraiya was always peeping on women, and that's why Naruto never thought of him as a good teacher.

Orochimaru and Tsunade had taught Sasuke and Sakura many things in comparison.

Naruto stood up from the bed and now he stood in front of the mirror.

He looked at his reflection, blond hair, blue eyes, and three whisker marks on each side of his face. He wore an orange jumpsuit.

He looked at the mirror closely and noticed a small red dot in his eyes, as small as the tip of a needle. He focused on his hair and saw three to four red hairs.

"So the effects have started. That's good for me; I'll be more handsome than before. Hehe, [an~ narcissistic bastard.]

He stood in front of the mirror, a malicious grin on his face. "Let the fun begin."

**A/N:** The outfit will change into a badass one, so don't worry about him wearing orange. Also, I've uploaded two chapters today for continuity. There will be minimal involvement of the system after all; I have to give him all the affinities, so this is the best method I've chosen. I have also written five chapters ahead. If you want me to upload them today, you just need to review this novel. If I receive 20 comments on this chapter, I'll upload two extra chapters today.
