
Ch 32 : Breaking Tsunade

A few days later, Tsunade eventually came to Suna.

Her goal this time, of course was to take her fiancee, Dan Kato, away and, along the way bring back the Konoha's prisoner and negotiate with Suna regarding the post-war situation.

Arriving at Suna, she was greeted by an unbelievable scene.

Suna, which previously should be a barren land, now had green all over it, and it no longer looked as deserted as before.

In fact, Suna now looked very beautiful, as if it was full of Oasis in the desert.

Tsunade continued to walk deeper to Suna, where she was later be greeted by Suna's delegacy, Ebizo, with Chisaki, who was using henge on his side.

" Good afternoon, Ms. Tsunade. My name is Ebizo, and I will be Suna's delegacy for this time. And next to me is..

" Let's skip the formality. I'm not here to talk. Rather, please show me the condition of Dan first!"

The first mistake in negotiation was to show your emotion.

Tsunade, at this time, has clearly missed all the specifications that a good delegator need and was only here because of her strength.

Ebizo heard Tsunade's words, and a slight smile rose on his face.

When he heard the plan from Kazekage before, he actually thought that Chisaki was smoking some weird things, but now it seemed that what Chisaki said might really be possible.

It didn't take that long for Ebizo, Chisaki, and Tsunade to reach the location where Dan was detained.

It was a small warehouse, and inside was a cell that was covered by white sheets.

Tsunade was very happy when she was about to see Dan.

She was about to run and uncovered the white sheets. However, Chisaki was faster.

Before she could even move, Chisaki who had changed his voice shouted from the outside.

" Dan, Tsunade is here to meet you!"

The voice was a bit different, but Dan clearly notice the same tone, and intonation.

Everyone who heard it might think that it was just some simple kid's voice.

But to Dan, who has been detained by Chisaki for a few months here, this voice was his worst nightmare.

The moment he heard Chisaki's voice and the words Tsunade, Shiver began to grow all over his spine as he imagined all the forbidden things that Chisaki had forced him to do.

With him being drugged and given aphrodisiac every day to play with the baboon "Tsunade", it would not be strange if Dan was now mentally unstable.

" No! Please get Tsunade away from me !"

Shouted Dan as he didn't discover the abnormality from the outside.

Tsunade, who heard this, was frozen in place.

She was very happy just now to finally be able to meet her fiancee after, but what was this strange situation?

She was dumbfounded and wanted to ask an explanation to Dan, but just like before, Chisaki was faster.

He had seen the shock from Tsunade, and a smile rose on his face.

' Hehehe, don't worry, it is just the beginning..'

While the place was filled with silence, Chisaki asked his second question.

" Why? Don't you and "Tsunade" love each other? In fact, you have enjoyed all the nights you spend with her, right?"

Tsunade's face was full of blush this time.

This kid, did he really know what was he talking about?

However, she can't really refute.

They lived in the Ninja world, where life could be lost anytime, so it was normal for a girl to do it with her fiancee before they married. Especially with Tsunade's condition, who thought that she had lost everything and only had Dan with her.

Tsunade thought about all that night they spent in each other warmth, and a trace of sweetness appeared in her heart.

Yup, this all should just be a misunderstanding, she tried to convince herself.

Still, Dan's next answer had truly made her reconsider her view of the world.

" No, no! It was all not because of me. It was all because of Hokage-Sama order! How could I, a normal human being, wanted someone like her! Please, let me go, just anything but Tsunade..."


A big explosion had been dropped by Dan.

Some of you might consider it weird why he was saying Hokage-Sama, but it was none other because of the Third Kazekage and Chisaki ploy.

Even though Chisaki was a transmigrator, he was not one experienced in brainwashing and mind-breaking, and that's where the Third Kazekage took his part.

In the last few days, the Third Kazekage and Chisaki had tried their best to fully break Dan's mind and made him call Chisaki with the words of Hokage-Sama.

Tsunade was now on the brink of tearing up.

She had given her everything to this man and even her precious first time.

But all this time, it was all because of the order of the Hokage?

The smarter the person, the more she would try to make a reason for things that she couldn't explain.

The more Tsunade thinks about it, the more convinced she is that Dan was only acting on behalf of the Hokage and not because he truly loves him.

If not, how could just when she lost her last relatives, Dan appeared out of nowhere to console her.

Hatred for Dan and Konoha began to rise in her heart, and this was the result that Chisaki had been waiting for.

Still, he still had one more surprise for Tsunade, and this will be the one that hammered the last nail to Dan's coffin.

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Read up to ten chapters in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


note: change the à with a

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