
Naruto: Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi,(from baki) the legendary samurai finds himself in the Naruto. *This is my ever first novel I'm writing, I hope you enjoy it.* PS: I'm also using this book as training to improve my skills, so that may also explain some different writing styles. PPS: I have a small phone keyboard and my thumbs are fat, so if something doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. PPPS: PP, that's funny right there. PPPPS: I'm hungry as fuck.

Dung_Eater · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 16

"You pass!" Ibiki shouted.

The participants all let out a sigh of relief, all except one yellow spike-haired boy, who was whooping and shouting in success.

'How funny.' Ibiki thought with a smirk.

While the participants wallowed in their success, Ibiki wondered where Anko was.

'Not up to her usual antics? That isn't like her.' Ibiki wondered.

After a few more moments, Ibiki's worry was snuffed out as Anko burst through the windows and did what she did last year.

"I'm Anko Mitarashi! The proctor for the second test of the chunin exams!"

Ibiki moved around the sheet that Anko set up and saw the confused and frightened looks from the genin.

The room fell silent from Anko's entrance, they all waited for her to continue but she was starstruck as an unpleasant thought crossed her mind.

Ibiki looked at Anko and saw the tips of her ears and her cheeks were rosy red.

'Anko, embarrassed? I thought I'd never see the day, but I'm more worried about what has her this embarrassed.' Ibiki thought as he stepped next to Anko.

'Why am I thinking about him!' Anko said to herself with anger.

'Damn, now these genin have seen a side of me I wished they hadn't.'

Realizing that Anko wasn't going to continue, Ibiki spoke up.

"You all are to head in that direction until you come across a forest, you have 5 minutes to get there, and if you fail to reach there in 5, you will be expelled," Ibiki said seriously, pointing toward the broken window.

The students looked confused at first, wondering what was going on with Anko.

"Go!" Ibiki shouted.

Not wasting a moment and forgetting everything else, all the students jumped out of the broken windows and began running towards the direction Ibiki pointed out.

As the last of the participants left, Ibiki stood in front of Anko.

Anko had started curling toward the floor, clearly embarrassed.

"This isn't like you, Anko, what happened?" Ibiki said, leaning up against a nearby desk.

"It's nothing, it was a stupid thought," Anko said, trying to brush off Ibiki.

"Your lying," Ibiki said coldly.

"Shut up! My thoughts are my own." Anko said before jumping out of the window.

Ibiki walked up to the window and saw Anko running away, jumping from building to building, her blush still visible, even from the classroom.

'I think Anko may have found someone special.' Ibiki chuckled as he turned around and started collecting papers.

"Today has been an interesting one, hm?" Ibiki pulled up the test sheet, and it was blank.

'Did I just pass a kid that didn't even answer any questions.' Ibiki smiled at himself and the yellow-haired kid's outburst during the test.

'What an interesting day indeed.'


Miyamoto had been travelling through the forest for a while, he was wandering around until he heard the sound of squished mud. Miyamoto turned around and saw a figure in white pull themselves out of a shadow.

"Miyamoto Musashi, I bring news from the Hokage." The figure said as they were still only still halfway out.

Miyamoto just looked at the figure with his default face, waiting for them to continue.

"The Hokage has allowed you to participate as an added variable to the test, but he would like it if you used this." The figure pulled a wooden sword out of the shadow and threw it at Miyamoto who caught it with ease.

The figure explained the rules of the 2nd exam before they disappeared into the shadows and Miyamoto was left alone.

Miyamoto examined the sword and swung it once, breaking it in half. Miyamoto threw away the other half of the sword before he continued to walk away.

Night fell upon the forest.

Miyamoto was walking through the forest, in search of other candidates while contemplating his match with the Hokage.

'Now that I think about it, I didn't even cut the Hokage once..." Miyamoto's thoughts went silent.

His presence began to build up as he realized he didn't even successfully attack the Hokage.

"oh ho. Looks like I can release some unpleasant feelings out of my body." Miyamoto stared into the trees, staring a candidate in the eyes.

"Come!" Miyamoto shouted, inviting a fight.

Being found out, 3 shinobi revealed themselves, emerging from the bushes and tree.

They were covered in clothes, and their eyes were the only thing that could be seen, but even those were covered up with glasses.

Miyamoto stepped into his stance, containing his presence.

'Don't want to scare them off, that wouldn't be fun.' Miyamoto thought as he could see that the shinobi were ready to attack.

The shinobi jumped and charges Miyamoto with their kunai in hand.


"Neji, Tenten, I felt a powerful presence over there." Rock lee said, pointing toward the presence he felt.

Neji stopped and activated his byakugan. Neji saw the chakra of three shinobi surrounding something.

"Strange," Neji whispered.

"What is it, Neji?" Teten asked, walking up behind him.

"I can see three shinobi, but they seem to be surrounding nothing," Neji said, deactivating his byakugan.

"I think we should check it out, we so need a heaven scroll, and they may have it," Tenten suggested.

"I agree with Tenten, I think the best course of action is to catch these three off guard," Lee said, supporting Tenten's suggestion.

Neji let out a sigh, he couldn't argue with them about this.

"Alright, let's go."

The team jumped to the trees and began dashing in the direction of the other team.