
Naruto: Lovelife

He wakes up, to only realize that he is no longer in his own body, but instead in the body of a 19-year-old Naruto Uzumaki. For more Chapters: patreon.com/amonk

Amon_Kai · Cómic
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: Hyuga

At Hyuga's residence, Lee, Guy, and Naruto paid a visit and were awaiting Hiashi Hyuga to arrive.

Guy's voice trembled as he asked, "Naruto, may I inquire as to the purpose of our return to this place?"

"We are here to convince Hinata's father to let her join us on our vacation," Naruto replied with a poker face, his eyes showing no emotion.

Lee chimed in, his face beaming with excitement, "Ah, that's a piece of cake, Guy-sensei. You know Hiashi, he'll definitely grant our request. After all, he is your friend."

Guy's nervousness was palpable as he contemplated the task ahead. "I am not so sure about that, Lee. Hiashi is a very strict man, and he might not easily grant our request."

As Naruto mulled over the situation, he couldn't help but think to himself, 'Of course, there's no way Hiashi would let Hinata go on vacation with me alone. So you are both here.'

And just like that, Lee and Guy's reason for joining the vacation was clear.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Hiashi stepped into the room, his face stern and serious.

"Hello, everyone. I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Hiashi said, his eyes scanning the room.

Naruto, Lee, and Guy stood up, ready to face Hiashi.

"Hiashi, my old friend!" Guy exclaimed, trying to hide his nervousness. "It's so great to see you. How have you been?"

Hiashi gave Guy a curt nod before turning his attention to Naruto.

"And what brings you all here today?" Hiashi asked, his tone chilly and aloof.

Naruto stepped forward, his face serious. "Hiashi, we're here to talk to you about something very important. We want to take Hinata with us on vacation."

Hiashi's eyes narrowed as he regarded Naruto. "And why would Hinata need to go on vacation with all of you?"

Naruto took a deep breath before responding. "Well, you see, we're planning on going on a mission, and we need Hinata's help. She's an expert in infiltration and intelligence gathering."

Hiashi's expression softened slightly as he considered Naruto's request. "I see. And where is this mission taking place?"

Naruto hesitated for a moment before answering. "Well, we can't really say for sure. It's a bit of a secret mission, we need a sensory-type Ninja?"

"Aren't you the best sensory-type Ninja in the village?"

"Well! My senses have gone numb these days.

Hiashi raised an eyebrow, his suspicions growing. "I see. And how long will you be gone on this mission?"

Naruto thought quickly, trying to come up with a believable answer. "Uh, just a week or so. We'll be back before you know it."

Hiashi narrowed his eyes, sensing that Naruto was hiding something. "I'm afraid I can't grant your request, Naruto. Hinata has important duties here at home, and I can't let her go on a secret mission with a group of strangers."

Naruto's face fell, and he exchanged a worried look with Lee and Guy.

"Please, Hiashi-san," Lee pleaded, bowing slightly. "We really need Hinata's help on this mission."

"If you don't, then…." Naruto paused.

"Then… What?" Hiashi opening his Byakugan.

"Guy-sensei will keep doing push up in this room until you allow or he dies." Naruto looked towards Guy-sensei, with a serious face, "Isn't that right?"

Guy was about to speak when Rock lee screamed, "No, Guy-Sensei, You shouldn't. If you die then…"

Guy patted lee's head, and spoke "No lee, Let me do it."



Hiashi sighed, his expression softening slightly. "No need to die here, It's her decision. I will respect her choices."

"Thanks for playing along, I didn't expect you to get along with the act. Pushups until death seemed way too much even for an act."

Guy was dazed, hearing Naruto's words. "Act?"

"It was an act Guy-sensei. You are too good at deception, I thought you were serious." Lee said, admiration in his eyes.

Guy scratched his head a couple of times, as he let out an awkward smile "O-Of course, I knew that!"

'For real!' Naruto looked at him with doubtful eyes, as he didn't how to react. Either he should be happy for his selflessness or pity his dumbness.

"Thanks for playing along," Naruto chuckled. "I must admit, Pushups until death is a bit extreme for an act."

The words of Naruto left Guy in a state of confusion. "An act?" he mumbled, his mind still grappling with what had just transpired.

"What?, Guy-sensei, it was all just a performance," Lee chimed in, his eyes shining with admiration for his mentor, "You are too good at deception."

Confusion washed over Guy, and he scratched his head a few times, a sheepish smile spreading across his face. "Ah, I see now," he said, his voice laced with a hint of embarrassment. "I knew it was all just an act. A Ninja should be good at deception after all."

'Unbelievable!' Naruto regarded Guy with a skeptical expression, unsure of whether to feel impressed by his selflessness or pity his lack of perception.

"Will any of you mind dropping me off to Shikimaru's place? I need to go there but i like having company" Naruto said, though he didn't know where he actually lived.

"Sure! It falls on our way." Lee said

The door was plastered with sticky notes, each one bearing a cryptic message scrawled in bold, black ink. "Stay out!" read one. "Warning: do not enter!" read another. Naruto furrowed his brow in confusion, wondering what kind of game Shikamaru was playing.

He hesitantly pushed the door open, half-expecting a booby trap or some kind of explosion to greet him. But to his surprise, the room was empty save for Shikamaru, who was lounging against the doorframe with a bored expression on his face.

"Hey, Naruto," he drawled, his eyes half-lidded. "What brings you here?"

Naruto cautiously stepped into the room, taking in his surroundings.

"Not much," he replied, eyeing Shikamaru warily. "Need your help for something."

Shikamaru shrugged, his eyes already closing again. "Sure, come in."

Naruto plopped down next to him, feeling suddenly exhausted. He stretched out his arms and yawned widely, feeling like he could just close his eyes and drift off right there. The two of them lay there in silence, watching the clouds drift lazily overhead.

"I feel lazy entering the house," Naruto murmured, feeling Shikamaru's aura of lethargy wash over him. 'You always manage to make everything seem so...relaxed.'

"Wait for me in the living room," Shikamaru muttered, scratching his head. "I'll be there in a moment."

Naruto walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch, lost in thought. It was then that his eyes fell upon a burning cigarette lying on the table beside him, its glowing ember beckoning to him like a siren's call.

Without really thinking, he picked it up and took a couple of quick puffs, savoring the harsh taste and the rush of nicotine that flooded his body. For a moment, he felt a sense of peace, a fleeting respite from the chaos that surrounded him. But then, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye and quickly looked around to see if anyone else was in the room with him.

That was when he saw Shikamaru, standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, a disapproving look on his face.

"Smoking, Naruto?" he said, his tone laced with a mixture of amusement and concern. "I didn't take you for a smoker."

Naruto let out a puff of smoke, his eyes narrowing as he regarded Shikamaru with a playful grin. "You think too innocent of me."

"Maybe," Shikamaru sighed, walking over to the table and picking up the cigarette. "Never thought of you that way."

He examined the cigarette closely, taking a few puffs. "Hm, looks like it's getting pretty short," he observed, before snuffing it out with a practiced flick of his wrist.