
Naruto: Let The World Feel Pain

In this riveting alternative tale of Naruto, a divergence from the original storyline takes center stage. Uzumaki Naruto, now wielding unimaginable power, stands above Konoha with a chilling proclamation: 'From now on, let the world feel pain.' Unlike the Naruto we once knew, this version has not been influenced by Ashura Chakra, maintaining a unique path. His life took a distinctive turn as he lived in harmony with Kurama from a young age, shaping his destiny differently. Growing up with modern compulsory education, this Naruto has a worldly perspective beyond the shinobi realm. As the narrative unfolds, we witness a Naruto who has witnessed the entirety of the 'Naruto' anime. His extensive knowledge of his own future creates a fascinating dynamic as he navigates this new reality. With a large black spiral wheel in hand, emitting boundless light and heat, Naruto's power becomes a force to be reckoned with, laying waste to everything in his sight. Brace yourself for an exhilarating and unpredictable journey through a world where the choices of our beloved hero have led him down an unprecedented path. The question remains: Will Naruto's new tale bring hope or plunge the world into darkness? ======================================== This is a translated fanfic, I am just making it more readable. Enjoy P.S. The cover, story, characters does not belong to me, though I wish they would.

_Blank · Cómic
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10 Chs

008. Disturbance and TV

Nine Tails woke up the moment Naruto entered the room. He opened his eyes and glanced at the imposing little demon in front of the iron gate. After a moment of thought, he understood what was going on.

In order to break through its Eight Sign Seal, Nine Tails constantly released Chakra to erode the sealed space, which naturally affected Naruto, who was the Jinchūriki.

While being nourished by Nine Tails' Chakra greatly improved Naruto's physical and mental energy, it also significantly weakened his ability to control Chakra. This was not an insurmountable problem, but considering Naruto was still a beginner ninja at the moment, it posed a significant challenge.

Though the beginning of the matter was not intentional by Nine Tails, the outcome brought him some satisfaction. He remembered how Naruto had recently been contemptuous of his power and now knew the consequences.

"Oh, kid, it's not that I'm interfering with your ninjutsu practice, but my Chakra naturally leaks out of the seal and affects your Chakra control," Nine Tails said with a smile, not intending to frighten Naruto.

Understanding that Nine Tails didn't mean it, Naruto's anger subsided a little. He decided to reason with the big fox. "Then please control your Chakra and don't disturb my ninjutsu practice. You can consider it as payment for living in my body," Naruto requested reasonably.

"Smelly boy, do you feel the strength of the old man now?" Nine Tails grinned and immediately refused, saying, "Impossible, stinky kid! Hahaha, you thought you could despise me and still become a Jōnin in your life? Think again!"

Disappointed by Naruto's lack of a frustrated reaction, Nine Tails pouted and went back to his original position, closing his eyes to sleep.

This annoyed Naruto, but he didn't give up. He knew this was vital for his future, so he tried to communicate with Nine Tails again and again.

Finally, an impatient Nine Tails opened his eyes and said in a harsh voice, "Little devil, please, beg me hard and offer your body to me, maybe then I'll forgive you."

As a tail beast, Nine Tails knew that controlling the spirit of the Jinchūriki was another way to gain freedom outside of breaking the seal and escaping. However, the Eight Sign Seal prevented it from carrying out such plans. If Naruto volunteered his body, it could be a different matter.

Naruto frowned, uncertain about this option, but he didn't give in. "Okay, enough of this talk," Nine Tails snorted and turned away, closing his eyes, indicating he was done discussing it.

"You're leaving me no choice," Naruto said fiercely before disappearing.

Unfazed, Nine Tails considered it meaningless words from a human imp and dismissed any idea of Naruto making him submit.

Meanwhile, outside the sealed space, Naruto began his training and decided to leave the matter for later. He took out a book titled "Basic Methods of Physical Exercise" and read through it before starting his practice.

After practicing, Naruto utilized his study space and rewarded himself with items he had accumulated over a year through learning points. He transformed the sealed space into a comfortable entertainment room with sofas, a TV, and other amenities.

On the TV, Naruto began to watch the mythical story "Investiture of the Gods" in the Japanese version. Ignoring Nine Tails, he settled comfortably on the sofa, fully engrossed in the epic tale.