
Chapter 51: A New Kenjutsu Style?

Shikuro looked at Ken and asked, "So I have been told that Mukai had taught you the basics of Kenjutsu?"

"If by basics, you mean how to hold a sword, how to slash, how to block and how to parry then yes I have been taught the basics." Ken answered

"Good. First, I would teach you about the Kenjutsu style that the Anbu shinobi are being taught which is more inclined for assassination. But it still helps you to increase your mastery over the sword. It would not take you more than a week to learn its basics and then I would introduce you to something new. But it would take a lot of time for you to sufficiently master the Anbu kenjutsu." Shikuro said with a smile

"What new?!" Ken asked curious.

"You will have to wait to know about that," Shikuro said smirking.

A vein popped on Ken's forehead as he shouted angrily "Tell me before I burn you!"

"Jeez, kid. Relax you should really try to control your temper. I was going to teach you a Kenjutsu style that I learned but I was not able to properly master it because I fought most of my battles using my hands and Taijutsu. Since using Swords would make my clan ability useless." Shikuro said

"What's the name of this technique?" Ken asked curiously

"Kodachi Nitō Ryū, It's a technique developed by a samurai clan during the warring states period. Sadly, the clan has perished long ago. It can be used with one sword and also with two swords. Now get to work. Follow my movements." Shikuro said as he guided him and trained him in ANBU kenjutsu.

While at the same time, Shikuro's insect clones trained both Itachi and Kabuto in ninjutsu. Itachi already knew how to perform Ninjutsu and had been using fire-style jutsu for some time now.

So it did not take long for him to grasp the essence of water style. Shikuro taught him hand signs for a couple of D-rank water-style jutsus and one C-rank jutsu which was the Hidden Mist jutsu.

Shikuro was trying to make Itachi the assassin of the team as he felt that Itachi suited the role perfectly with his shuriken prowess, Shairngan and Genjutsu. Hidden mist jutsu would make him even more lethal.

Kabuto was the medic while Ken was the heavy dealer. Anyways, while It was easy for Itachi, it could not be the same for Kabuto since it was the first time for him to learn elemental ninjutsu.

So it took some time for Shikuro to make him understand the concept of elemental ninjutsu, but Kabuto's exceptional chakra control and smart intellect helped him learn the Earth Dome jutsu easily.

Two weeks passed just like that. Their training with their sensei had ended.

Ken felt that the two weeks had really helped him improve his Kenjutsu. Although he could not train much in Kodachi Nitō Ryū Kenjutsu style, he found the Kenjutsu style quite fascinating and a strong technique if used properly.

Shikuro did not only teach them Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu in the case of Ken but also several things that had to be remembered and instructions that had to be followed in missions outside of Konoha.

There were several rules and regulations placed on Shinobi outside the Leaf village.

Each country had its own rules. The Land of Fire had rules placed to protect civilians from shinobi mistreating them and taking advantage of them.

No Shinobi was allowed to mistreat any civilians. No shinobi was given any special treatment unless it was regarding some important mission.

Any Shinobi failing to comply and was caught red-handed or a civilian complained against him to the local authority was sent to prison and was put on trial in a shinobi court.

Although it was only done for genins and chunins as Jonins were considered respectful in the shinobi world and they could not waste their time in prison or court. Even genins and chunins from big clans could get away without any punishment.

Shikuro told his students that each big town and city in the land of fire had leaf shinobi stationed there. Most of the genins and chunins there were the ones that were taught outside of the Leaf Academy in local shinobi academies in the land of fire.

The jonins that were in charge of these genins and chunins were from the leaf village. He told some more jibber jabber about damiyos, town heads and some more jibber jabber which Ken ignored.

Who would dare to put the grandson of the third Hokage in prison in the land of fire anyway?

Shikuro also told them about various ambushes and traps that bandits or enemy shinobi could set up for them outside the Leaf village. He told them about what could be waiting for them outside the village. What schemes the enemy village could do to take them out if the info about their respective missions is leaked?

As for why enemy villages would target them, their team consisted of an S-rank leaf shinobi who is a powerhouse of the leaf, the son of the patriarch of the Uchiha Clan, the grandson of the third Hokage and a budding medical ninja.

He also taught them different team formations and how to act in different scenarios.

After the two weeks ended, Shikuro felt that his students were ready to take on the challenge of the ruthless shinobi world.

They arrived at the Hokage office to take their first mission.


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