
NARUTO : jujutsu template system

currently being rewritten. check my profile After being thrown tens of meters away by Truck-kun, I found myself in a completely dark area, surrounded by constellations I had never seen before. They said I died when I shouldn't have, disrupting the timeline. They said that to fix the mistake, they had to throw me out of the reincarnation cycle and reactivate a timeline without me. Since I could no longer live in this universe's timeline, I learned that they rewarded me with the chance to be resurrected by preserving my memories in a new universe. There were two big Wheels of Fortune in front of me When I spun the first wheel of fortune, I learned that the universe in which I would be resurrected was the Naruto universe, but that wasn't enough to deter me. According to what he said about the constellations, by spinning the second wheel of fortune, I would get one of the biggest tricks in the world of Naruto. When I spun the two wheels of fortune, I saw that what appeared was a jujutsu template system. While I was about to ask the constellations why I didn't get a gift related to the Naruto universe, my consciousness turned off and I found myself in the body of a baby. -------------- Small note: In the timeline I based on while writing FF, Naruto is born 65 years after Konoha was founded. source(tumbler - belive it ) note 1: the main character is a bit stupid and has mental problems but he doesn't realize it Join my patreon for support me or check my contract work patreon /OLD_storage

OLD_storage · Cómic
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70 Chs

mahito template

As soon as the nurse saw me open my eyes, she quickly put me in a crib and started yelling at the people around her.

I was obviously sure that the language he was speaking was Japanese, the language I often hear in anime, but I could understand exactly what he was saying.

"The baby is alive! He opened his eyes! everyone!"

A few minutes later, I continued to listen to the doctors talking while they were attending to me, and as far as I knew, my mother had died while giving birth to me.

But that wasn't the scary part, the really scary part was the ugly guy standing in front of me and watching me.

This person was a person I was sure I could recognize wherever I saw him, danzo shimura

Just when I thought things couldn't get any scarier, Danzo approached and held me in his arms. I don't know why, but he didn't seem sad at all about the death of the woman who gave birth to me, and he looked at me with a curious look. Based on what I know about Danzo, he was probably trying to check if I was really his child right now.

"You are destined to be unhappy"

I was startled by a voice entering my ears, I knew the owner of this voice very well, apparently the Celestial beings who caused me to be reborn in this universe did not forget to make fun of me.

While I was being examined by Danzo's hands, I swore with a rage that I would spend the rest of my life having fun, and no Celestial being's voice was ever heard in my ears again.


Exactly one day had passed since I was born, and I was lying on my cradle in one of the rooms in a large villa that was now falling into infancy , staring at the ceiling.

Yesterday I learned that the people I thought were nurses and doctors were actually roots under Danzo's command. One of the nurses disappeared for a while after taking a drop of blood from my arm.

When the nurse who took blood from my arm came back, the things she said astonished both me and Danzo.

According to the nurse, after the test on my blood, she found that my blood was not related to Danzo or the woman who gave birth to me, my blood was quite different from the blood of everyone living in this village. They suspected I had awakened a new bloodline.

At that moment, I saw someone as ugly as Danzo smile for the first time in my life and I succumbed to my instincts and started crying.

Afterwards, Danzo tried to calm me down with a lullaby. Even though the lullaby he sang was very bad, I didn't forget the fact that he might experiment on me if I didn't calm down, so I managed to keep my mouth shut.

After the nurses took care of me, they brought me to Danzo's house and arranged a place for me there.

They left me all alone in the room after I was fed by a wet nurse that Danzo had hired for me.

While I was lying in the crib, I fell asleep after a while because it was dark. What greeted me in my dream was a video explaining the system I had obtained.

Thanks to this video, I had already learned everything about the system until I woke up. I called the system into the air.

[ Profile ]

[ Template giveaway ]

[ Template progression quests ]

As far as I learned in my dream, the profile shows my current situation. Template raffle gives the right to a new template raffle when I bring my previous template to 50% level. And I also said template progression tasks. Thanks to these template progression tasks, I can increase the speed of integration of the subject into my body.

If I do not do any template progression quests, the template I choose will adapt to my body by 0.02% every day, which means that I will be able to fully obtain a template in approximately 13-14 years.

I went to the template progress tasks section and looked at which task I could do right now.

[ Makes a sound like a goat 3 times a day ]

[ Reward : template progress +0.02% ]

[Note: So you will have fun all your life, huh, let's see. Try it like this, you know, goats have fun jumping around in the mountains all day long, why don't you try it too (astral constellation no 701 {great justice constellation})]

If anyone were to see me right now they would say I have a pretty scary expression for a baby.

Seeing that getting angry wouldn't make any difference, I decided to try more often to achieve my goal of living a life full of happiness.

Right now, you could see a baby laughing and having fun in the cradle, but there was something that spoiled this view, and that was the baby rubbing his teeth together that had not yet emerged.

I was wondering which template you got so next I clicked on the profile tab

[ Profile ]

[ Template : mahito ( 0.02%)

Template capabilities: *

Mui tenpen / soul shaping (locked / 10%)

Tobari / curtain (locked / 15%)

Tajukon / soul multiplication (locked / 20%)

Battai / body thruster (locked / 25%)

Kikon iseitai / polymorphic spirit isomer (locked / 50%)

Kokusen / black flash (locked / 70%)

Domain expansion; self-embodiment of perfection (locked / 80%)

Hensetsu soku reitai / Instant soul body of distorted killing (locked / 100%) ]

[ Statistics

Chakra: 500

Cursed energy: 12

Power: 0.4

Defense: 2

Intelligence: 8 (learning speed only)

(3 statistics can be a maximum of 10 points for ordinary people)]

The reason I had so much chakra in my body was probably because I was the child of a ninja.

While examining my profile, I learned yesterday why my blood and my family have different characteristics. Apparently, my first template draw took place automatically as soon as I was born, before I even had a template draw.

The main question in my mind right now is, if I get the soul shaping ability, can I change the shape of my own physique like Mahito?

I thought there was no point in dwelling on this issue for now and decided to do my daily template progress task.

"Meee, meee, meee"

After making the goat noise 3 times in embarrassment, I checked my profile again and saw that my template progress percentage was 0.04%.

Apparently they must have heard the sounds I was making, so three root ninjas teleported into the room at the same time and started checking me out.

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