
New Training Regime

This unexpected encounter with Hokage caught Naruto by surprise. He hadn't anticipated that Hokage would seek him out, and it left him wondering about the purpose of this visit. Was Hokage here to check on his status as the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki?

Once Naruto returned home alone after their meeting, he couldn't help but display a genuine expression on his face. He curled his mouth in disdain. He doubted that Hokage was genuinely concerned about him; otherwise, why would he provide such a meager amount of money? Did he think Naruto could get by with so little?

Naruto had ventured out to live independently, and he needed funds for basic necessities like food, clothing, and more. Did Hokage believe that he could subsist on instant noodles and expired milk, as depicted in the original book?

Therefore, he chose to ignore Hokage's earlier words, whether it was the suggestion to visit the back mountain the next day or the warning that he'd starve if he stayed home.

The following day, Naruto resumed his training routine in the back mountains. At first glance, it seemed like the same regimen as the previous day, and even the Anbu tasked with monitoring him didn't sense anything unusual.

However, only Naruto was aware of the difference. He felt stronger today than he had the day before. With the assistance of weight training, combined with his current bloodline and the all-encompassing enhancement and recovery of Ashura's Chakra, he realized that his training was much more effective now.

It was as if he was achieving twice the results with half the effort. Naruto couldn't help but feel elation. This sensation of tangible growth, where he could clearly sense his increasing strength, was invigorating. It signified true progress.

However, the constant surveillance posed a challenge. Naruto couldn't start more advanced training until he had a chance to break free from the watchful eyes of the Anbu. He yearned to practice Chakra control exercises like tree-climbing and water-walking, and he even contemplated developing the Rasengan, a technique he had seen in the plot.

Naruto's perception abilities had greatly expanded, allowing him to sense everything within a radius of several hundred meters. This included the movements and positions of the three Anbu agents assigned to monitor him.

Despite his desire to advance his training, he understood the necessity of caution, especially given his current circumstances.

He was particularly eager to explore these abilities, including the Sharingan, which enhanced his insight and allowed him to predict trajectories and mimic movements. Naruto even ventured to practice the Sharingan's abilities in secret, honing his skills in the bathroom mirror.

He discovered that the Sharingan could enhance insight, predict the opponent's actions, and even imitate their movements. The Sharingan had different states, with the Three Tomoe Sharingan being the most powerful, providing heightened insight and the ability to see Chakra flow.

These newfound abilities added to Naruto's arsenal, further motivating him to develop his skills and fulfill his potential.

The Mangekyō Sharingan, even within the Uchiha clan, remained a closely guarded secret technique that only a select few could attain. Once the Mangekyō Sharingan was awakened, its power was comparable to that of a Kage.

Yet, with great power came notable drawbacks. The Mangekyō Sharingan exacted a heavy toll on the eyes and the body of its wielder. It was said that from the moment one unlocked the Mangekyō Sharingan, they embarked on a path towards darkness, and the more they used these eyes, the faster they would lose their vision.

Mastering Susanoo required an adept command of the Mangekyō Sharingan, presenting a formidable challenge.

However, Naruto had no reason to fret over these concerns. He simply hadn't decided which ocular technique to master—would it be Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu, or something entirely different?

Despite being unable to venture beyond the confines of his current location and being continuously monitored, Naruto could only suppress his itch for action. He refused to believe that he would remain under surveillance indefinitely.

As the days passed, Naruto persisted in performing the most fundamental exercises, day after day, for an entire month. Gradually, the Anbu assigned to him began to ease their vigilance.

Initially, the Anbu operatives closely scrutinized every move Naruto made, but now they were less attentive, even occasionally departing from their watch.

After over two weeks had elapsed, one day, the three Anbu agents suddenly vanished, never to return.

Naruto realized that he had finally earned their trust, prompting the Hokage Project to recall the Anbu operatives.

Looking up at the sky, a radiant smile adorned Naruto's face, reflecting his genuine relief.

For at last, he could delve into the practices he had contemplated for so long.

"It's snowing," he remarked, savoring the beauty of the falling snowflakes.


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