

I whistled happily as I wandered back into the orphanage. I sighed, taking in the heavy wooden doors and faded paint. Home sweet home.

I walked in, greeting the guys lounging in the common room. While I was training to become a ninja, they became apprentices and were training to be blacksmiths, bakers, and so on.

I bounced on the ball of my feet as I walked to my room. I was one step closer to my dream.

Don't get me wrong. I could fulfill my dream as a civilian but when Orochimaru finally attacks the village, I'll surely be able to run away faster than any civilian.

I entered my room, stowed my pouch on the bedside table, and dived straight onto my bed.

'Ahhhh, it's nice to be home.'

The bed sank as it accommodated my form. The softness of the bed was lulling me to sleep.

"I could do this all day," I whispered, and promptly began to do so.

A knock startled me out of my sleep.

"Yuji?" I heard a voice ask, "are you in there?"

I looked around to see if the room was presentable. No one loves showing off their dirty laundry. Well, except if that's your kink.

"Come in," I said.

An older lady walked in. Miss Nao. She was the matron of the orphanage. With deep blue hair and faded blue eyes, she could have passed off as a hyuga. As she was in her late thirties, her body had the perfect milf curves.

"Are you busy?" she asked. "I wouldn't want to disturb our new ninja." She smiled.

"Of course not." I smiled. "What do you need?"

"Come with me, we have something to discuss."

Well, that ain't ominous.

As I followed Miss Nao to her office, I tried my best to enjoy the view.

In no time, we arrived. "Have a seat." She waved to the chairs and we sat.

"Yuji?" I raised both eyebrows. "I'm sorry to inform you that given your new status as a ninja of the village, you are now an emancipated adult."

"And?" A sinking feeling enveloped my gut.

"This means that you can't live in the orphanage anymore."

Well shit.

"We'll give you three days to find somewhere else."

"Three days?! That's not nearly enough time to do anything!"

"I know. And I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do. Hokage's policy."

"Where will I get enough money for a new apartment?"

Miss Nao shrugged. "I don't know. Don't ninjas get advance pay?"

I stood, numb and walked like a ghost to my room. What do I do? Do ninjas really get advanced pay? How does that work? Only one way to find out.

With a new destination in mind, I charged out of the orphanage. Taking the rooftop express, I was at the Hokage tower in minutes.

"Hi." I greeted the chunin at the front desk. "Where do I go if i have problems with my pay?" I presented my ninja id.

"Go down the hall and take a left. The fifth door on your right."

"Thanks." I walked as fast as I could without breaking into a run. Before long, I was knocking on the door.

"Come in." I walked in to see some overworked chunin dude with eyes in need of sleep surrounded by mountains of paperwork. "How may I help you?"

"Are there any provision for advanced payment?"

"Yes. Most people believe that ninjas get a cut of their missions pay, but that's false. Ninjas are paid a monthly salary but you can get a raise or pay cut depending on your score at the performance review every six months."

"So what do I need to do?"

"Do you meet the requirements?"

"What requirements?"

"To get advanced pay, you need to have completed at least fifty d-rank missions or twenty c-rank missions."

"Well, shit. I don't meet the requirements."

The chunin nodded. "New genin?"


"What do you need advance pay for anyways?"

Do I tell him? It can't hurt right? "I money for a new apartment in three days."

"Ouch." The chunin winced. "Lucky for you," he smiled, "I know someone in need of a roommate. A genin just like you."

"Really?" Hope blossomed in my chest.

"Yeah. I'm sure you both can come to an arrangement." The chunin smiled and wrote something on a piece of paper before handing it to me. "Here. Go to this address. Just say Kuro sent you."

"Thank you. I'll never forget this." I bowed slightly.

"Just leave me with my paperwork." He waved me away.

With a smile on my face, I walked out of the Hokage tower. Okay. Time to find my new roommate.

The address took me to an apartment building standing at a ten minute walk from the Hokage tower.

Flat 305. Taking a deep breath, I raised my hand and knocked on the door. After a few seconds of no answer, I raised my hand for a second knock.

Before I could knock, there was a click and the door opened. Standing before me was Tenten. With her hair in two Chinese style buns, short bangs framing her face and soft brown eyes, she looked cute.

Her pink sleeveless qipao-style blouse framed her modest breasts and her dark blue pants glued itself to her shapely hips.

"Hi, my name is Yuji Mukokuseki. I heard you need a roommate. Kuro sent me here." I preempted with a smile.

"Ah. Come in. Come in. Kuro you say?" I nodded and followed her inside. We came to a minimalistic living room with two three-seater couches opposite each other and a centre table standing between them. "Have a seat."

We sat down on opposing couches.

"Yuji right?" I nodded. "I don't recognise you. New genin?"


"Great. So, you need a new apartment."

"Yeah. I'm not really financially buoyant at the moment but I can come up with something when I get my first salary."

"You don't have money?" Tenten leaned forward with interest. "I'm sure we can come to other....arrangements."

I frowned. "Arrangements?"

"Yes." Tenten smiled. I don't really need the extra money you'll be paying for the room. I have other needs instead and you....would have to satisfy them."


"Yes. Needs."

Is she saying what I think she's saying?

"What kind of needs?"

"The kind of needs that has a respectable kunoichi contemplating visiting the red light district."

Ah. She is saying what I thought she was saying. I glanced up at the heavens and gave a silent thanks to whatever deity was listening. This is my big break. I knew becoming a ninja was the right choice.

"I think I'm up to the task." I smiled.

"Are you sure?"


"Okay. Becoming my roommate means you get to stay here in the other room. You get the room for free but you'll have to get your own food. In exchange, you'll take care of my needs anytime I ask while you are present at home."

"I can accept that."

"Before we finalise our arrangement however, you'll have to take a test."

What's it with Konoha ninja and tests?

Tenten stood and wiggled out of her pants as I gulped in anticipation. Surely not. I'm surely dreaming, right?

"Your test Yuji, is to make me cum within five minutes using just your hands and your tongue."

I bolted upright out of the couch. "When do I start?"

A/N: Before you leave, don't forget to leave a comment and those beautiful power stones in that pocket of yours.

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