
Naruto: Hanma Yujiro's Legacy

The infamous Hanma Yujiro, the Ogre, was sent into the tumultuous shinobi realm during the era of legendary figures such as Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara in his latter years with a younger body. Naruto, "Dattebayo!" Sasuke, "Hn!" Madara, "Let's dance, Yujiro!" Kurama, "I, Kyuubi, declared you as the Tailless Tailed Beast!" Hashirama, "Senpo: Mokuton: Shin Susenju!" Kaguya, "All chakra…belongs to me and once again, all chakra shall become one!" Yujiro, "Ehuk, ehuk, RaHAhAHahA!” ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at 11 p.m, my local time GMT+8. Dis cord: https://dis cord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · Cómic
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54 Chs

The Enigma's Arrival

The world quivered as a rift tore through the fabric of space and time, heralding the arrival of an enigmatic figure.

Hanma Yujiro, known across his own realm as the Ogre, found himself thrust into a reality unlike any he had known before.

A cascade of colors and sensations washed over him, disorienting his senses and leaving him momentarily stunned.




As the whirlwind of chaos subsided, Yujiro's eyes snapped open, revealing irises like molten lava that flickered with both curiosity and wariness.

He took a moment to assess his surroundings.

The landscape was vibrant and alien, a stark contrast to the desolate battlegrounds he was accustomed to.

Lush foliage rustled in the gentle breeze, and unfamiliar scents wafted through the air.

Yujiro's well-honed instincts screamed at him, urging him to be cautious, but he couldn't deny the surge of excitement that coursed through his veins.

As he flexed his muscles, Yujiro realized that his body was different—charged with a potent energy that seemed to emanate from within.

It was a pulsating force, something he had never encountered in his previous existence.

His martial instincts kicked in, and he channeled this newfound energy, sending ripples of chakra through his limbs.

The sensation was electrifying, intertwining with his physical prowess in ways he could barely comprehend.

A frown tugged at the corners of his lips. "Chakra…" he murmured, tasting the word on his tongue.

His own voice sounded strange to him, echoing in this foreign realm.

"It seems my body was reverted back to my teenage years..." the Ogre seems confused with his predicament and becoming younger all of sudden.

"My skin color is different, they're paler.

Okay, maybe a whole lot whiter than my tan skin....oho, my face is also different!"

The memory of his arrival was hazy at best. Yujiro's mind was a tapestry of questions, and he knew that the only way to unravel them was to explore this world.

"Pft, to think that I, Hanma Yujiro, will be this powerless against whatever magic this is...." although he's chuckling, Yujiro's mind was screaming in anger!

His long hair seems unaffected by gravity and raised up due to his baleful aura.

With a decisive snort, he calmed down his anger.

"Whatever, I'll get my information soon enough."

Then, he set forth, his steps guided by an instinctual understanding of his surroundings.




The dense foliage gave way to a narrow path, and Yujiro followed it, his gaze keenly observing the flora and fauna that flourished around him.

As time passed, he came upon a clearing—a tranquil expanse where a babbling stream wound its way through the terrain.

Yujiro crouched by the water's edge, cupping his hands to take a drink.

The chakra within him resonated with the natural energy of this world, and he could feel the power of the land seep into his very being.

It was a harmonious connection, one that fueled his curiosity even further.

With a decisive exhale, Yujiro stood up, his eyes narrowed in determination.

He needed to find civilization—a settlement or inhabitants who could provide him with answers.

As he strode forward, his senses picked up on distant sounds—the faint echoes of voices and the distant hum of activity.

He followed the sounds, his steps quickening with each passing moment.

The forest gradually gave way to a more structured landscape.

Buildings emerged on the horizon, their architecture is very unfamiliar unlike anything he had always seen.




"Hm" Yujiro thought for a second "this is similar to old Japanese architecture but there's a lil bit difference here and there."

Yujiro's steps slowed as he took in the sight of a bustling village, its streets teeming with people dressed in a myriad of colorful garments.

The scent of food and the distant clang of metal on metal filled the air, adding to the vibrant tapestry of sensations.

Yujiro's presence did not go unnoticed.

Curious gazes turned in his direction as he moved through the village, his crimson eyes scanning the surroundings.

He was acutely aware of the whispered conversations that followed in his wake—speculations about his origins and the purpose of his arrival.

Yet, as he ventured deeper into the heart of the village, his path was barred by a group of stern-faced individuals clad in the garb of shinobi.

They regarded him with a mix of caution and suspicion, their hands instinctively moving to the hilts of their weapons.

"Who are you, and what is your business here?" one of them demanded, their tone laced with authority.

Yujiro regarded them coolly, his crimson eyes narrowing slightly. "I am Hanma Yujiro," he replied, his voice carrying an undercurrent of unwavering confidence.

"Tell me about this place."

The shinobi exchanged glances, clearly unaccustomed to encountering someone so self-assured.

"You'll need to prove your intentions before you can enter the village," another stated, their stance firm.

A flicker of impatience crossed Yujiro's features, it's been a long time that he need to show his power to the one that is this weak.

If they wanted a demonstration, he would provide one. With a measured exhale, he shifted his stance, a palpable aura of power emanating from his form.

He didn't hesitate.

In an explosive burst of movement, he lunged forward, his fists blurring as he unleashed a barrage of strikes that left streaks of motion in their wake.

The shinobi barely had time to react before they were sent flying, their forms crashing into market stalls and walls with bone-jarring force.

The onlookers gasped, their astonishment mingling with a healthy dose of fear.




The path ahead was now clear, and Yujiro advanced once more, his gaze unyielding as he met the eyes of those who dared challenge him.

The shinobi slowly picked themselves up, their expressions a mix of shock and grudging respect.

They exchanged wary glances before finally stepping aside, allowing Yujiro to continue his path into the heart of the village.

As he moved forward, the whispers grew louder, a cacophony of speculation and awe.

Yujiro's arrival had left an indelible mark on this village, a testament to his raw power and unyielding determination.

He ignored the attention, his focus fixed on his goal—the heart of the village, where answers and understanding awaited.

And so, Hanma Yujiro, the Ogre from another world, pressed onward.

His journey had just begun, and the clash of titans that awaited him was far from over.

With each step he took, he carved a path through this unfamiliar realm, a force to be reckoned with amidst the shinobi and chakra that defined this new world.