
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 7


After having listened to what his father informed him and his brothers and leaving Gabriel in his living room sleeping, Naruto returned to the Extended Dimension of the earth where his children currently live.

Watching from afar next to a tree, Naruto watched his children play with each other and others talk among themselves in a large group.

Naruto wrinkled his face slightly under his toga covering him, remembering what his father said about the punishments he gave to Adam and Eve for eating the forbidden fruit, something that made him a little disgusted.

Removing the robe from his head, Naruto let out a sigh as the soft air made contact with his face.

Naruto: why would father place that Tree in Eden in the first place if he didn't want it to be eaten?... - he asked himself in a low voice without understanding his father's meaning and then came his punishments.

Her father made both Adam and "Eve" Mortals in addition to Multiplying the suffering of her "pregnancy" to Eve who will give birth to her children with pain, She will feel attraction for her husband, and he will dominate her.

Naruto did not understand half of what his father said but he sounded bad and his father also did not want to explain what he said to make sense of it and yes, he also punished the Snakes for some reason that was not specific to his curiosity.

Naruto: How would we give him an answer if he didn't Explain what's happening and what is this about giving birth?... - He muttered with disgust for not understanding anything his father said besides the punishment that He can't take back, since that his father will be watching both Adam and Eve and what they will do next.

"What's bothering you, my partner."

A deep but soft and exotic female voice was heard coming from behind Naruto who had felt the signature since before it was shown.

Naruto:Lilith... - He murmured softly when the aforementioned appeared on his side, tilting her head cutely with her beautiful purple eyes shining as she looked into Naruto's golden eyes, who raised an eyebrow. She could change the color of her eyes, it seems, now that look different.

Naruto turned his attention back to his children.

Naruto: father expelled Adam and Eve from Eden... - He said with slight displeasure for the same thing to Lilith who blinked several times before Naruto's words reached her and opened her eyes a little surprised before the surprise passed.

Lilith: well... I didn't expect that and I imagine you're upset about what happened to your friend and daughter... - She said softly, looking with her beautiful eyes at Naruto when he clicked his teeth when he remembered that essentially the Eva he was with. Adam is practically his daughter, a creation of his to keep the "real" Eve out knowing the earth and his daughter would be the one who would suffer.

Naruto: Something like that... - He didn't finish what he was going to say when Lilith grabbed his hand gently to his curiosity, calming his displeasure and moved in front of him, blocking his view which he kept on his children. Something that made Naruto raise a eyebrow. eyebrow.

Lilith: I don't like to see you upset ... - She said softly with her deep voice, attaching her generous, firm and soft breasts under her toga against Naruto's chest while she guided his hands to her waist and she took hers around him. Naruto's neck.

Naruto blinked uncomprehendingly when the closeness with Lilith became so close that he could even feel the beautiful black-haired woman's warm breath colliding with his while they both looked directly into each other's eyes with Naruto's being the Innocents even with their Exotic glow and those of Lilith the Strangers.

Naruto was only a little taller than Lilith but the closeness of the two made them seem like they were at the same height.

Lilith's heart began to beat rapidly due to the closeness with her partner and those beautiful golden eyes full of Light... She wants to corrupt them.

Lilith blinked, she didn't know where that came from but she didn't care, Those beautiful lips of her partner are...

Naruto opened his eyes slightly when Lilith pushed her mouth against his, so soft.

Lilith pressed, marveling at how soft He contacted her, it's so... she doesn't know what word to give it but she likes it.

Lilith captured Naruto's lips with hers until there was saliva contact to Naruto's surprise who did not retreat but did not understand what this was, so soft and good.

Lilith let out a slight grunt of pleasure and began to push Naruto back slightly without breaking the contact while she was understanding how to do it. The mouth-to-mouth contact would be wonderful as it is now that she tastes Naruto's lips and he gives her try to continue.

Naruto felt that he collided with a rock behind him and with Lilith pushing him slightly he sat on it when his partner began to climb on top of his lap without breaking the closeness with him or stopping pressing his chest with his as well as his body. Which I could completely feel.

Naruto tried to imitate what his partner was doing with curiosity because he was actually liking it only to feel how she was moving backwards and acting quickly. He tried to grab the place where she placed her hands at the beginning only to grab two soft and firm mounds.


Lilith moaned from the grip, breaking their mouth-to-mouth contact, and looked down, noticing her partner's hands on her butt, as he held her down so she wouldn't slip backwards. She liked that.

Naruto: Is something wrong?... - He asked curiously to his partner who denied before turning his gaze to Him with a strange shine in his eyes that were now somewhat darker than the normal purple.

Lilith put both hands into her toga and began to slide the top off, slowly taking it off with delight to Naruto's curiosity who saw how Lilith put her breasts in the air with her toga falling to her waist, revealing her large, full breasts. just like his soft and firm Abdomen.

Lilith smiled, licking her lips to claim Naruto's again, since she wants more contact, perhaps from Tongue.

"Oh, here they are."

An innocent but cheerful voice came from behind Lilith which made her hurt for a second.

Naruto: Eva... - he greeted the beautiful blonde who came quickly in his direction and hugged both Lilith and Naruto who had not been disturbed by her appearance, since he had felt her approaching.

"Heheh...Naruto I thought you weren't coming today."

Eva smiled with a pout rubbing her cheek against Naruto's which is sooo... soft.

Lilith snorted at her Interference and more at how Eva overwhelmed Naruto who still had Ella sitting on his lap without letting go of her for his internal enjoyment.

Naruto: I'm always with you, it's just that today I spent some time with Gabriel but I still came... - He responded softly when Eva left his face and nodded with a smile before the blonde focused on Lilith and Him. fact that she is half naked.

Eva: Why is Lilith naked?... - she asked with genuine curiosity, tilting her head cutely.

Before Naruto could say anything Lilith stepped forward.

Lilith: because I am having contact with my partner... - She responded calmly and Naruto nodded without understanding the term much, since this does not seem new to him or something that he had not done before with both of them, having them sitting on his lap.

Eva: eeh... I want to Join, I also want contact with Naruto... - she said animatedly, removing the top part of her beautiful light green toga just like Lilith, revealing her generous, large and firm breasts that rival the of Lilith.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at what Eva did.

Eva: Let's have contact Naruto... - she said as if it were a form of play and moved to Naruto's back and hugged him with her breasts pressing on his back while her hands were seen surrounding Naruto's chest.

Naruto: is this a game?... - he asks curiously.

Lilith [ is this stupid? Wait, Naruto seems to have the same look... looking at them closely, they are just as innocent ]... - Lilith contemplated, she had not noticed that, although Naruto's look is more innocent than hers. of Eve.

Lilith sighed before smiling softly.

Lilith: it's not a game but I like being this way... - She responded to both and Naruto nodded while he pulled her closer to him without letting go of Lilith's butt that seemed to like him holding her in that place.

Naruto sighed attracting the attention of Lilith and Eva.

Naruto: I don't know, but I feel that something I don't like will happen in the future... I have never felt this before so I want that if something happens and I can't get there in time... just press the necklace that I will give you and I will have Same... The necklace will take them inside and appear on my neck until I can deal with any problem... - He said to both Lilith and Eva with the first understanding but Eva tilted her head without Understanding when two beautiful Necklaces with green gems appeared in both Eva's Neck and Lilith's Neck, who looked at hers with a smile.

Lilith [ beautiful ]... - he thought with a smile.

Naruto looked at both of their smiles and smiled, unaware that his "premonition" or slight displeasure as He sees it, are signs that He is showing a slight level of "Clairvoyance", the "Unique" ability of God.

Lilith: don't hesitate... if I'm in danger or something bad happens and you're not here... I'll tighten the necklace, Eva will do the same... - She said softly to Naruto so as not to try to bring her displeasure into the air again, He is too beautiful to wrinkle his pretty, handsome face.

Eva: yes, I will too... - the beautiful blonde said animatedly with the hairs on Naruto's neck curling slightly due to the heat on her neck given by Eva's warm breath.

Naruto nodded.

Naruto: It makes me happy that you understand... - He told them softly before repeating what Lilith had done. He contacted mouth to mouth for a second before leaving with the black-haired girl's face being red and her eyes open.

Lilith quickly hid her face as it grew warmer in Naruto's chest, whenever he did something her heart just couldn't stop beating.

Naruto smiled softly and let Lilith press herself against him.

Eva moved her face next to Naruto looking directly into his eyes with a She-too look.

Naruto nodded and repeated the same thing he did with Lilith with the second Woman who melted and was excited by the contact... it's so... he doesn't know how to explain it but he likes it.

Naruto gently broke the contact and like Lilith Eva hid her face in his back with her heart beating rapidly, something that scared and excited him, he just didn't understand it but decided to imitate Lilith.

Naruto [ must be The heat that produces what they like... or remember how I Hugged them in Eden ]... - he thought for a moment of realization without paying much attention to the mouth-to-mouth contact he had with the two, Lilith being the first to do something like this with Him, no one has ever done it before, in fact they couldn't even keep their eyes on Him, something that Adam, Eva, Lilith and Gabriel could do just like their father without Bowing, that's why they are the Only Ones They can see your face just like your children.

Naruto [ What is he trying to do, father ]... - he thought for a moment.

Heaven - Fifth floor.

Lucifer's room.

In this one you could see Himself without his toga covering his face which is shown to be just as cute as Naruto's, sitting on a cloud calmly having his young pupil in front of him sitting on his own cloud in silence while looking at him. Lucifer who is in his thoughts.

Beelzebub: he doesn't think they can find out what... - The young Angel did not finish what he was going to say when a pair of crimson dots focused on him, freezing him and cutting off his breathing.

Lucifer blinked before smiling softly.

Lucifer: hey... I'm sorry, I was in my thoughts and responding to your curiosity... I arranged everything so that if they look for clues they turn towards " Samael " it's not yet time for them to put The Eye on me... I need more Angels on my Side... - He responded to his young pupil who nodded, clenching his fists to try to calm the beating of his heart, it was so intimidating for a second.

Beelzebub: I... I understand but why not frame brother Naruto?... - He asked his Leader curiously.

Lucifer [ fool, even when you think about trying to act against him, you don't realize that you revere him and talk about him without hate or bad intentions ]... - he thought for his young pupil but he doesn't point it out, He knows that his pupil He is not the only one with that problem until he is to a lesser extent.

Lucifer: there would be more exhaustive investigation and in the end they would find me. Plus I don't want him to get involved... I'm counting his time out... We'll start when he's not there... - He said calmly to Beelzebub who tilted his head without understanding why. Lucifer did think about Facing God and not Naruto.

Beelzebub: but why when Brother Naruto is away?... - I ask him with curiosity.

Lucifer smiled.

Lucifer: hey... good question... repeat to me how you call father even when you see me as your Leader... - He told him and Beelzebub frowned.

Beelzebub: God... - He responded without much respect.

Lucifer nodded.

Lucifer: what do you call Naruto?... - I ask him.

Beelzebub: Brother Naruto, why?... - He responded quickly, almost without thinking or hiding his slight adoration.

Lucifer: that is why we will attack when He is not there and I am Ready... in His presence You Unconsciously Ignore Your Reasoning and See It as Your... God...










Well, I think I've already closed The Initial Arc and the one you're waiting for will begin.

Mouth-to-mouth contact is a kiss, they just don't have that term.

Lilith took Naruto's first kiss and Eva took the second.

Because Lucifer speaks in Heaven's Domain of the Fearless God with Beelzebub, Lucifer knows that his father is not in Heaven just as he can sense when Naruto is not.

Because God does not know what happens, Let's say that The Beginning of the supernatural World as He said it, takes his attention in part like when He Forgot to Explain to Eve and Adam about the Tree that luckily for them they had not eaten.