
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 56

Asgard - Odin's Palace - Meeting Room.

In this large and spacious room you can see the beautiful Angel Bayonetta sitting comfortably in an armchair, who has standing behind her protecting her back the second strongest Entity of the Apokolips Elite of Heaven, "Demiurges", who observes the entire Room in silence, while in front of the Angel in another armchair sitting which is separated by a small table in the middle, you can see in this the father of Asgard , the Great Odin who looks calmly at the two Angels although his gaze deviates further. to Demiurges, something that the Angels noticed but did not give great importance to.

Odin[ Monsters ]... - The God thought to himself looking at the Imposing Angel in Armor and then at the sitting Angel whom he cannot read even with his years of experience being able to do this, something simply does not allow him to see in Her , nor get an idea of ​​who she is dealing with and if that giant is protecting her. She must be someone important to the Sky Faction, the Asgardian contemplated.

Adjusting her glasses and crossing her legs on which she rested her crossed hands, Bayonetta decided to start by attracting Odin's Attention.

Bayonetta: well, I appreciate your good reception and that of your people... they gave me a good impression, something good... but... I will go to the point of why we came to your Kingdom... - I comment with a small smile, being that Odin rubbed his beard curious about his words.

Odin: and that is?... - he asked.

Bayonetta: very simple... we are approaching her with the proposal to save her Kingdom... Odin narrowed his gaze at her words, which did not faze the Angel who continued speaking ... The fact that her Works and stories of what she did continue standing... That its people continue to live peacefully without any kind of danger or fear of war, Heaven offers them stability and support, all we ask in return is their death... he pointed to Odin who opened his " "only" good eye with surprise ...You can leave any son of yours in power with the exception of Thor... since then we would be approaching Him after the same proposal if you Accept... - I comment and explain calmly their proposal without any type of manipulation or exact explanation of the reason for everything, which bothered Odin, since they are asking for his life for some reason that he does not understand.

Odin: I thought we had an Alliance and...

Bayonetta: Oh,... you interrupted him ... that's why we warned you and not only devastated your kingdom without warning... The problem is you... I'll explain ... My God, Lord Naruto, I look at the future ... Odin gasp ... You in This One will seek to betray us... you have not done so yet but in that future you will out of Fear of us, so we are simply dealing with that Right Now... You are already old.. He has lived long enough... let his new generation make the decisions... - He explained and commented on his point calmly, surprising Odin by his words and declaration that He would betray Heaven in the future... no, That is not what surprises Him, but that He can see The future and what can Happen... that is Unheard of, He will have no Opposition if He can crush them before they are even born because they already...

Bayonetta: If you agree, take this pill... - She showed a white pill in her palm to Odin who looked at her, emerging from his contemplation at the terrifying discovery that the Angel revealed to him about "Naruto".

Bayonetta: it is as a precaution... This pill only serves so that you do not plan... or leave instructions or any sign of what happened... what we talk about here will only be for us, of course if you accept... if not, Well, it's a shame... she will lose her entire Legacy and dynasty... her Kingdom out of simple selfishness... she will lead her people to total Extermination or Accept and She lives... - The Angel commented calmly without any kind of sweetness. even to more or less tempt Odin who has to digest his Bitter words.

Odin: and if...

Bayonetta: What if he attacks us in advance? Does he try to take us here as hostages?... Here Demiurgos will give me one second, which is the time I need to erase half of his Kingdom and in the next second Lord Naruto will be present or maybe, he already sees us talking... I mean... he is God after all and then, what if?... - He said with a smile, winking at Odin who did not take it, but rather his face became deadly serious.

Odin simply could not believe the reach of the angels in a short time and even less that they had a menacing column... Elohim, he did create monsters and left them at the hands of a worse and damn intelligent one, he can see the damn future and subdue possible Threats.

Odin:to.. all this is because of Something I look in the future and it hasn't happened... they just couldn't leave me the Warning and...

Bayonetta: Will she take the pill or not?... - She interrupted him and asked with a blank look at Odin that gave the Asgardian to understand that She does not care at all about his opinion, or what he says, she simply cares. given the Option Yes or No , you want to save your Kingdom or face the forces of Heaven.

Odin sighed.

Odin: What would prevent you from taking Asgard after my death?... - I asked the Angel seriously, contemplating that this could happen with the conquests of the Angels to the World.

Bayonetta: the Alliance of course... that's why we warned him and gave him the option of dying for Asgard or sinking with her... - He answered calmly, not giving Odin a window to ask more questions, he was forceful, save Asgard without fighting or fights and dies next to Her.

Odin closed his eye for a second, he felt again The weight of all his people on his shoulders because of his decisions... fool his future self who sent him this problem... make a decision... Fight and carry his people to almost Extermination or total Extermination or leaving Someone else in power, clearly familiar to him to calm the concerns of the Angels who are the current power of the entire World... He is not totally Blind... after the Fall of Shiva and his Faction... The power of the World Bowed for the Angels Just as it was in The Beginning with Elohim alive... Wait... the Fight... that being of Light was Strangely...

Bayonetta: your answer... - she said, taking Odin out of his thoughts, who looked at the white pill that was offered to him and sighed, he felt that Age was Catching Up with Him Right Now.

Odin: the pill just doesn't...

Bayonetta: will not allow her to speak anything regarding Heaven, nor about the proposal I made her and will stop her heart in a week... if she tries to leave clues or something like that... this little girl will realize and stop her heart before he can do anything stupid... the week is just for him to decide on his heir and leave it Written for his people to read... - I comment calmly with Odin Understanding, These Angels are straight to the point. ..no more conversation or creating a little Friendship, nothing.

Odin: why is Thor not Acceptable as my heir?... - I curiously ask the Angel why they decline Thor... it is her own decision yes, but she is curious about what the Angels saw to not accept to Thor on the Throne of Asgard and decide to approach him with the same proposal that they approach him, if he leaves him in power.

Bayonetta: simple... even if you leave no warning or clues about anything... He will succumb to betraying us out of Fear... Fear for being very strong and that... Lord Naruto allows me to Explain this to you in a way of respect to you back when you were strong... which is not now... since you fall into the category of weak fools who fear what they cannot understand and seek its destruction or control it by being stronger than Them... - You He commented calmly and Odin snorted at his words with Irony because everything is true... if there was a strong coalition against the Angels he would have joined it because he saw the Angels as very strong... A Threat and everything else... Living and aging so much made him a little more docile and weak in contrast to his former Younger self who would not participate in any of this, but would show the power of Asgard to Ward off Threats although he would respect the Strongest, but would not plan on his against... that is Indignó.

Odin sighed, He is strong but has a weak mind, Thor is strong and powerful but he will reach the same point... The only one he can think of is his daughter Hela , She is strong but vile, Evil and spiteful... never It was an Option but leaving Asgard unprotected is the Right One... as Queen, He believes that She will do what is necessary to keep Asgard strong and This is the fact that her mind is not closed to succumb to the Fear of the weak.

She will at least have Thor and the others who are the Best being Ordered, not giving Orders.

Odin gently grabbed the pill from Bayonetta's palm and watched her silently.

Bayonetta smiled softly, waiting for the Asgardian's response.

Odin with a sigh opened his mouth and threw the pill at Esta.



Odin screamed after swallowing, rubbing his knee since Bayonetta had pushed the middle table against East's knee, making him scream slightly in surprise and that the pill would go down.

Bayonetta: to be sure... - She said with a smile when she got up from the couch in He Who Is, The Light, is already in The Asgardian's Body.

Odin cursed internally, He was going to place the pill behind his Last Tooth when this slip made him swallow it... Cunning Angel.

Bayonetta: A pleasure Asgardian, you have one week left in which your Soul will be ours... look for your heir... My work is finished here... - she said before starting to walk towards the door followed by Demiurgos.

Odin just watched them in silence leave the Place... those Angels, he doesn't know if they try not to seem like a Threat to others but their Out of Logic Actions and movements simply shape them as a Threat... The Current Angels Faction... It is truly Terrifying and does not deny it... it seems that they are in the times of Elohim.

Underworld - City of Lilith .

In this you can see Naruto surrounding Gabriel again from behind, gently denying.

Naruto: As I expected... - He murmured softly, not having expected anything from Odin but he still disappointed him, at least in the past the Asgardian was more... a fighter against his father but now he simply accepts.

Gabriel: is something wrong?... - I ask with curiosity.

Naruto: no, we already fixed the nuisance that the Asgardians could become... their new Leader... is nicer... - I commented softly to Gabriel who nodded, watching as Lucifer orders the demons that she will lead now. those who will be purified.

"N.. Naruto-sama".

A small docile voice drew the attention of the two Angels to two young girls who came with a third following them.

Naruto: Rias, Akeno and... Venelana... - he commented calmly and the two devils nodded submissively except for the third who seemed lost.

Akeno quickly looked away from Naruto. Like Rias, that Angel looking at them is dangerous.

Naruto: They gave up first Gabriel... - He gently told his sister to stop seeing the demon girls who look uncomfortable as prey.

Gabriel pouted a little and stopped looking at the sinners who sighed in relief when they felt that strange force move away from them.

Naruto smiled softly before rubbing Gabriel's head much to her delight.

Naruto looked at the Young Demons again while still loving Gabriel.

Naruto:Venelana... - he greeted the devil who seemed lost but his voice brought her back to the World.

The beautiful brunette focused her gaze on The Angel of the Toga and the blonde who took away her grandson, son and husband.

Venelana: you... you took everything from me... my son and...

Naruto: I'll give you a new one... - He interrupted him and said simply, making the trio of demons gasp.

Akeno and Rias opened their mouths in surprise.

Venelana blushed, strangely for some reason.

Naruto: well... - said calmly and Venelana, to the surprise of Rias and Akeno, nodded submissively, little knowing that since the demons descended in some way from Naruto, he is more master of them and their actions than they are of themselves simply when he wishes and It is a primitive desire of Them and their subconscious to submit to their Creator, Which is the Case of Venelana Currently.

And so time continued calmly with Lucifer gathering all the demons and revealing himself as The Original Lucifer, to the shock of all the demons who could not believe that Among them is the true and first Original demon and not only that, but he will be Leading again since Some could not believe it, nor understand what was happening.

Some older demons did not believe that this Strange and Exotic devil who presented herself as Lucifer-sama was truly one until the time of the purge arrived and there are the few that remain who lived since The Reign of Lucifer understood and accepted that she is the real one. , A Crazy Unscrupulous Psychopath who enjoys senseless Killing.

Being that the Angel who presented herself as Gabriel for disturbing memories of the Greater demons helped Lucifer by creating a pool of Light where the demons that both did not like were to be held one by one under the watchful eye of everyone, A purge to his race already small.

Sona, who is among the non-Chosen demons, looked with a disturbed look at the Action of those monsters but she couldn't say anything, since her Mother hugs her tightly so that she doesn't do anything stupid, especially when she saw Issei being led by Irina. to the well.

Sona closed her eyes tightly.



"No, no... please, I have a daughter... AAAHHHH

A demon screamed when he was kicked to the ground by none other than Lucifer, who watched with malicious mockery as the demon writhed in the Light and when he screamed in pain, it entered through his mouth and...

Lucifer: Haaahahaha... I have children, that was good... next... - he said when his Apprentice and to some extent Gabriel threw a somewhat injured chestnut tree to the ground while it groaned.

Irina: Lady Lucifer, A sinner fell ill... I would like the honor of myself to throw him into the well... - Angel asked the devil who nodded calmly.

Draig[ No, no, no... this can't be happening... I can't Die Here... that Light... is not normal... can it hurt my Soul maybe... no ]... - The Dragon roared with frustration, he did not want to experiment, nor to chance whether he would live if he was thrown into that well.

"You know... you can serve me... you are willing to give your Soul to Eternal service."

Draig listened and gasped at the sudden voice, searching he didn't know where it came from.

Draig[ Who's talking and can you get me out of here? ]... - The Dragon asked.

"God speaks and if I can get you out... I am God."

Draig sweated before the Chills ran through him, looking through his foolish carrier he could see Him in the distance...

Draig[ I agree to serve you !]... - said in panic when that Crazy Angel lifted her bearer or Ex-bearer by the collar of her shirt.


The voice I accept and Draig along with the Souls of its previous bearers disappeared.

Issei felt the lack of Draig opening his eyes with a grimace, he looked into Irina's purple eyes watching him while holding him on the edge of something white.

Irina smiled.

Irina: Finally in your senses my Friend... nothing personal but you are beginning to understand the consequences of entering a World in which you were not born... it could have received you well and that as well as in this way... you should have refused to continue as a demon, run away, I don't know...seek a change or simply die like a human as you should have done when you were Attacked... I digress but... your sin and desire was stronger... foolish and Ignorant... .moved by breasts and their Lust... pitiful... - He said calmly when some tears of Helplessness and fear began to come out of Issei's eyes.

Irina: you cry now when you are steps away from your end... if nothing of this happened you would still be moved by your lust... but know, this is because you abandoned God in your Heart and languished for a useless demon... That was your mark... your Lust led you to This... - I told him when Issei had a series of Flash backs , remembering how he prayed and made wishes to Sirzechs-sama for breasts and...

Issei suddenly felt himself fall, looking at Irina who had let go of him and looking.

"No, no... NOOOOOOOOOOO...


Irina: The world can be cruel my Friend and even more so for sinners... you should never have entered it... - were the last words of the Angel for her foolish Friend who entered the Supernatural World believing that you would win girls, harem and nonsense... it could have been who knows, but not under God's Command.

And so the purge continued quietly reducing the demon race further until Lady Lucifer decided that it was enough and of course Naruto stopped Gabriel from purifying the entire demon race, since for her she would support Lucifer in purifying the entire Underworld and Naruto too but again They are to some extent part of their creation so I do not accept but while certain events in the Underworld in other parts occurred others.

Human world - Kyoto - Yasaka Shrine - Living Room.

Looking out the living room window is the Goddess Amaterasu, while a surprised Yasaka watches her from her chair in the one she is sitting on.

Amaterasu: call a Maid, clean up those ashes... - He told Yasaka who nodded slightly while Amaterasu denied.

Amaterasu: you are afraid that he has removed a problem from the Path and at your command... - She commented calmly without turning to see her Friend.

Yasaka: Eh, no... just a little surprised... I mean, he's one of the oldest Yokais who was still alive and...

Amaterasu: a Threat to you... so you shouldn't care who it was... Yasaka-chan... I like you, you're my friend and everything but I don't like it when you act like someone weak... you're a Kyubi... projects the presence of your race... - He told her and Yasaka nodded with a sigh, perhaps, it is true that she lacks a little cruelty but not like that of her mother who in her time and Reinado fucked for a good time for Yokai and humans alike... the Intervention of the Gods was the only thing that stopped her from starting a war because of her abnormal blood thirst that she wanted to satisfy with the cruelty of war.

Amaterasu smiled.

Amaterasu: well, leaving that aside, let's clean up your advice... - She said, turning to see her Friend who with a sigh nodded in acceptance before this could get out of hand.

Unknown place.

" A shame, El Caó ...

A beautiful and exotic woman with dragonian features murmured with some Strange Runes surrounding her, completing some Strange spell she cast on certain Unconscious creatures.

"Finally, now... let's see this son of God... kukuku...













Well, principle Odin, if you know what the Angels are capable of.

The second thing, I think, Explain everything and about Issei, like I said... Naruto, Gabriel and Lucifer don't even know him... just someone else from the Lot and who sins... remember Issei believed in Sirzechs, not God... it was his Coffin.

Draig well He is simply not going to die at the hands of some bearer for some honor... He has had Many... he has become attached to Some but not more than there are.

It's still like tomorrow at noon... in The Fic, I simply show the Scenes that happen in certain parts so as not to skip anything.

Naruto explained who he sent to Asgard, the Leader of Apokolips is hunting the Khaos Brigade, etc.