
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 27


The great doors of Heaven that were closed and guarded by some Angelic guards suddenly opened abruptly sending the guards back when a flash of Light appeared and a large group of strangers appeared to the surprise of several Angels who were nearby.

Several flashes quickly appeared in The Place and from these came none other than the Seraphim who had not left Heaven after the revelation that He is again in The World.

Some Angels Armed with Spears of Light Appeared followed by these, as did Michael and Dulio.


Michael whispered, looking at the one in possession of the Toga, and the Seraphim listened to him in surprise and looked in the direction of the group.

Naruto took a step forward and everyone, without exception, everyone present fell to their knees with their heads lowered as the Light Illuminated Naruto.

Naruto: I have returned small ... - he whispers with his words loaded with power while giving the Image of a true divinity in front of his subjects who are on their knees.

Current events .


Absolute silence is what there is around the first Heaven even with the large number of Angels in The Place who are currently on their knees with their heads bowed without making a single sound.

Artoria attended in accordance with such coordination in which they revere Naruto, she has never seen an Equal before and she is sure that those Leaders of Other Factions have never had an equal from their people and that this showed them such a level of submission.

Naruto took a step forward before taking another and another, while the Angels without raising their Heads would have given him a great path in a straight line along which he began to walk.

Lilith and Naruto's other Companions began to follow him.

Satan, who has his hands crossed behind his Head, looks with an amused smile at his surroundings and how the Angels kneel before their father as they should.

Mnemosyne also looked around with interest in what is happening next to the group. No Angel has raised his head or said anything. It is interesting and surprising at the same time the level of dominance that his companion emits with his mere presence.

Lilith kept a funny and elegant smile on her beautiful face while contemplating " Heaven ", since this is the first time she has stepped on it and she never thought she would do it before but now she does it, walking in it.

Jeanne and Eva share happy smiles as they look around them with curiosity and interest and more so at all the Kneeling Angels, a complete dream for Jeanne and no less stepping on Heaven itself by the Work of her Lord and...

The beautiful maiden's cheeks turned red before the memory that came to her of what she did last night with her lord and her sisters.

Aphrodite, Guinevere, Himari and Metis who were invited to come with Naruto to Heaven are amazed by how beautiful it is, everything is a beautiful white with some golden touches as if it were Gold and the ground is made up of clouds by the which they walk, seems like a true Celestial or divine Kingdom.

Morgana, Tamamo and Irene look at each other, surprised at seeing heaven for the first time in their lives and no less at the number of kneeling Angels that make way for Naruto, a surprising and impressive image.

Tamamo simply couldn't help but be surprised by everything. These are many impressive things in just a few days of meeting her rival's partner that she never expected to see, let alone set foot in Heaven itself.

Belial, Hanna, Mordred, Kuroka and Shirone who go to Satan's side still look at everything with surprise and curiosity, except for the first two who nod in agreement at the Obvious, just like their older brother Satan, the duty of the others is to be there. kneeling before their God who in this case is their own father.

The group continued walking in silence to the surprise and anxiety of some angels who did not know what happened or because they are on their knees and simply cannot lift their heads from looking at the ground but they feel something strangely warm and familiar returning to them.

Dulio Gesualdo who is among the Angels kneeling in complete silence closed his eyes Impressed and in slight Shock by Something that he noticed and could not avoid, his body only reacted without his Order and submitted to Him in his sole presence. That did not even happen with Michael-sama or the other higher Angels but here he is on his knees without thinking about raising his head, he can't even or tries to, it's as if this is his place, he doesn't feel uncomfortable or anything, but for him to have such a level of control in He and his body Impress him, scare him and Shock him, all in One... He truly is... God ?...

And He is not the Only One to whom the Same thing happens although others begin to leave those thoughts for something new, as if joy will begin to flow from Them and happiness will follow.

Michael who, like everyone else, is on his knees, looking at the ground of Heaven in silence before noticing how this change suddenly and...

"I claim his Throne...

They all listened and something made them turn around, still on their knees, and now they could lift their heads to observe, but not their bodies, and what they saw completely surprised them all.


"R... came back...

"We together...

The Angels murmured in disbelief at what their eyes see while tears began to come out of these for the divinity they see.

The Seraphim gasped at the Image.

Seraphim Sariel smiled as tears came out of her beautiful eyes at what she was looking at, just like her brothers.

Michael: father... - he whispers with his eyes open without believing what he sees.

Everyone looks like the divinity that looks like God, no, his own father arrived at his golden throne and slowly began to bow on it and sat down while strange golden slings shot out several times but that was not the attention of the people. Angels or that Now they are not in The first Heaven as they should, but The Seventh Heaven, The forbidden floor but that was not the Interest of the Angels either, but the Imposing Image of their father sitting in front of Them who look small before their greatness .





It is what everyone is looking at in the Imposing Image of their father that is superimposed over all of them, being that it began to shrink now, showing a smaller but no less Imposing and divine Image.


"Help us...

"Bless us and give us...

Naruto sighed at the Multiple voices that came to Him suddenly.

" Silence ."

Naruto's powerful and imposing voice swept through them all, causing the Angels to stop breathing although the Order was not directed at them and they were not the only ones who heard it.

Around the entire human world, all humans in their entirety without exception, even the half-humans, stopped moving or doing what they were doing, remaining silent because of the voice they heard in their heads that ordered them.

Irene, Tamamo and Himari were shocked by the voice except for the others where Aphrodite and Kuroka licked their lips by the Dominant and needless to say Irene's voice.

Naruto smiled quietly as he stopped listening to the voices and looked at his kneeling brothers before fixating on the specific one he remembers being none other than Michael.

"Hmhmhm... Did you miss me Michael?"

Naruto asked with his deep and imposing voice when Michael shivered and timidly focused his gaze on the divinity that is his Big Brother, he looks like his own father, no... it feels like he is literally in front of his father.

Michael: Do I do it... Father?... - I ask, not knowing how to address Big Brother and even though it is a mistake to call him after his father, He... He is so nervous that he doesn't even think about that and no, he doesn't want to bother him. He... Who sits on his Throne... The true one.

Naruto settled better on his Throne and contemplated what Michael said, when Lilith and her group reached Naruto's side several steps down but being the only ones standing.

Naruto: "I hadn't thought about it"... why didn't we ask Gabriel ... - he said happily at seeing his sister, did he feel her in Eden, sleeping?

Michael gulped at that but didn't think, nothing he said would stop Naruto or change any Ideas he had, so he opted for Silence.

The Seraphim remembered their Eldest sister, The true one apparently will once again be Free, something with which Metatron, Sariel and Sandalphon agree without a doubt, They are going to regain the power of their faction and not be the weakest Faction. of the other two which they were but now with Naruto that will surely not happen today.

Griselda, who had appeared in the group suddenly on her knees like those she had spoken to at some point, raised an eyebrow at Lady Gabriel's mention of her "father" and proceeded to watch alone, happy to see her father and be part of the group. of the group that received it and can be in its presence.

Irina, like Griselda, can only see her Father with adoration and love, she never thought that this would happen after she was told that he was dead and she never stopped believing in him, since by a miraculous twist of fate he returned. .. came back and She can see it... being part of This.

Tamamo from her place still looks with her mouth open like practically the entire Los Angeles faction, which is a little reduced, she bowed in submission to Naruto, perhaps because she shared 2 days with him, she takes it this way and a little calm down or she would be next to Them at this very moment or who knows where in front of the Imposing God who is watching.

Irene did not share her surprise much, She has her eyes slanted in slight lust for the Control and dominance of the Masses that Naruto shows her... such a Level of Supremacy and dominance is stirring her Dragon side.

Naruto pointed his hands to a separate place a few meters away from him, something that everyone looked at since suddenly the Seraph Gabriel "known" to everyone appeared and seemed confused.

Naruto [ So that's what he did ]... - he thought looking at the current Gabriel, nothing like his real sister.

Gabriel: Eh?... brothers and father...

Naruto moved his head a little as his robe shook a little and suddenly a powerful Light surrounded Gabriel, taking her by surprise.

"¿Q... e..

" Big Brother... Release me ...

An Imposing and deep voice followed when the Light that surrounded Gabriel as it appeared around him began to disappear, revealing Someone different from the Previous Gabriel who is surrounded by golden chains which He Tries to destroy while Shaking.

Michael[ It's... it's... She ]... - he thought, there was no doubt... the real one and even with those seals you can feel its power.

Naruto looked at his sister who was shaking in her chains that contained her.

Naruto: calm down... - He ordered but with his softer voice, looking at his sister who stopped shaking and looked in his direction still with the beautiful ribbon that covers her eyes, he knows that she is looking at him.

Naruto pointed one of his fingers at her and the Chains that contained her disappeared in a flash, revealing the real Gabriel in all her Splendor.

Dulio opened his eyes surprised, That... is the real Gabriel!

Griselda [ no, I feel the connection with Lady Gabriel ]... - she thought confused.

Metatron[ is... She ]... - he thought looking at his Imposing Elder sister who has just been freed but still imposes a powerful Image.

Lilith [ so this is Naruto's little sister and also his Apprentice ]... - thought the first Woman with a smile looking at the beautiful Angel who now appears before everyone and what a surprise it is.

Irene and Tamamo felt a sudden Chill when looking at... Gabriel... what happened to the Previous One?, the one known throughout The Supernatural World?,... This... "Gabriel", They impose a bad vibe on Them as if it were dangerous.

Artoria smiled when she saw a possible rival. Apparently Naruto's sister is a Warrior because of the Sword that rests on her waist.

Metis[ such a presence... She is an Angel?, no... they both are? ]... - the Titanides wondered with curiosity, since the Kneeling Angels give off more of the vibe of what an Angel is and she read at some point but Naruto and Gabriel are not giving off the same vibe... but a different one. and Strange.

Gabriel sighed, after so much time and having woken up 10 years ago Locked in that other Gabriel with whom he could not communicate or take her body, He could finally breathe the rich air again and is Free.

Naruto: how do you feel?... - he asked from his throne looking at his little sister with a smile.

Gabriel: well... it feels good to be free after so long... - she responded now calmer or so. They all waited until Gabriel's eyebrows furrowed and Naruto noticed it.

Gabriel: well... judgment time... - he said when a golden trumpet appeared in his hands and the Seraphim gasped at his words with the exception of the Angels, some of whom were stunned looking in Naruto's direction and others worshiped him in silence.

Dulio[ Judgment ?]... - he asked himself.

Lilith smiled.

Gabriel brought the trumpet to his mouth, She is going to clean up all the mess that her father created and now she will definitively eliminate the Demons, the Fallen and Some Angels for... for not killing the Demons at the request of her Big Brother and the Fallen for sinners.

When the trumpet was a few centimeters away from touching her lips without anyone stopping it, it suddenly collided with something that also covered the Archangel's mouth.

Gabriel quickly noticed his brother who was the one who stopped her.

Gabriel: brother... - he muttered when he looked at his beautiful and divine older brother who now sits on his father's throne in front of her.

Naruto slowly retracted his hand as he caught his sister's full attention on him.

Naruto: I decide The Moment Gabriel... - He said in a soft voice to his sister knowing what She was going to do.

Metatron[ She was going to ...]... - The Seraphim thought, slightly shocked and surprised by his actions.

Michael tried to make himself smaller in his place, she is back again and it seems exactly the same as when they sealed her, but her father said that she would calm down with time and would be more... like the Gabriel with whom he lived quietly and He called him Ni-sama.

Gabriel looked at his older brother and decided to ask.

Gabriel: Why are you stopping me? We must quickly destroy Them... before they reproduce and I am not weak and...

Naruto: I know... but I will decide... The moment and when, we are going to catch up "you and I" as humans say... we have not spoken for centuries, nor have we seen each other because we are sealed and We barely see each other... do you want to start The trial?... - I ask him with a small smile while they are heard by everyone.

Mnemosyne[ wow ]... - thought the Titanides with a smile.

Eva tilted her head in confusion, she didn't understand anything.

Gabriel, in response to his brother's question, nodded without any doubt as to why not begin the trial at that very moment. His father gave him " The Trumpets of the End " for the same reason and he trusted that she would carry out a fair trial... well, he He gave them to the Other Gabriel, who did not use them at the same time as she should, but she will still do so and carry out a fair judgment, purifying all sinners with her Light and saving them as she did in the past.

Naruto smiled at her thoughts with which he agrees, but first he wants to resume some time with his sister and companions before starting the cleaning.

Naruto: I agree but later okay?... - He told his sister who pouted but nodded as he made his Trumpet of the End disappear before hugging his older brother who reciprocated. The hug had been a long time without seeing him. .

Artoria looked with a blank look at the brothers after listening to all their words and exchanged.

Artoria [ Like Naruto... does not have Common Sense, nor differentiates good from Bad ]... - she thought, releasing a sigh, Those two do not contemplate what would happen with their Actions or well, they do not see them from Another point from a normal point of view, the one who is going to literally Massacre humanity with Judgment Day.

Aphrodite [ beautiful ]... - he thought looking at the Angel who hugs Naruto and wondered with curiosity why she has a ribbon that covers her eyes. Any vision problem?

Metis[ She's crazy, no... They both are ]... - the Titan thought forcefully after listening to them pass words and observing them, she had no doubts.

Mnemosyne [ has a presence similar to that of Naruto ]... - the Titanides thought with curiosity about that fact.

Satan: this is going to be fun... - he whispers happily at the position his father is in now.

Michael instead let out a sigh, Humanity has just been saved by The Moment but he is not very sure of how much, anymore... he is no longer sure of Anything, Heaven is no longer his domain but theirs... His brothers, One the Eldest and the other the Youngest... Who are just as they were in the past and their father is no longer there to stop them both... And both of them did not change anything.

Metatron looked at his brothers who hugged each other, Now Heaven is his.

After Naruto's arrival back to Heaven and the subsequent taking of his father's Throne plus the Liberation of the real Gabriel, 3 days passed when the entire Supernatural World learned of this fact and revelation of Great Impact and more for the Other two Biblical Factions.

"The Firstborn son of God and Now New God, has taken his Throne."

Something that circulated throughout the Supernatural World quickly and took him by surprise but not only that was the Shocking news that they have not yet assimilated, but this same One also Eliminated Four of the Great Olympian Gods, Zeus, The God of Olympus, Ares , The God of War, Poseidon The God of the Sea and Apollo son of Zeus, The Four Gods were Killed by The Son of God Himself and in their own Pantheon.

This fact now alerted the Other Factions, since Eliminating Four Gods and some who are in the Top of the strongest is something that simply no one expected and even less that it came from the Los Angeles Faction, who want to enact Peace or Now Things are not like that?

The Supernatural World I was trying to understand this news and the revelation of this son of God until another news came that shook them completely again, the rumor that the Sun and the Moon that are now in the Underworld were created by none other than The same one who descended into a part of the Underworld and with a single breath created them to the Disbelief of the Supernaturals.

Yes, the media of the Supernatural World exaggerates but with the revelation of this new Player who Appeared, created a Sun and a Moon, killed 4 Gods and now sits on the Throne of God without any fear or attempt that the news of what What made them not run through The Supernatural World, The Supernatural beings found themselves believing these Exaggerations and now they have their Eyes on the Los Angeles Faction who have not come out to answer anything, nor to deny.

The Alliances of the Three Great Biblical and Asgardian Factions have not come out to speak either, for the concern and curiosity of the Supernatural Beings who want to meet this son of God and give their Opinion.

And this is what has happened in just three days.

Current Events - Underworld - City of Lilith - Lucifer's Castle - Maou Lucifer's Office .

In this you can see the Four Great Maous of the Underworld gathered together, being none other than Sirzechs Lucifer (of the Gremory Clan), Serafall Leviathan (of the Sitri Clan), Ajuka Beelzebub (of the Astaroth clan) and Falbium Asmodeus (of the Glasya-Labolas clan). , being that the current Maous of the Underworld all have serious expressions.

Sirzechs: Did you see the latest news that runs through the entire Supernatural World, right?... - He asked his fellow Maous while he was sitting behind his desk with his arms intertwined at the level of his eyes that overflowed with power.

Serafall: that is now the most talked about in the entire Supernatural World, even the minor Servants know about it and believe... that He Created the gifts that we now have... - He said with a grimace to his companion Maou, leaving aside His Childish Attitude, this news came out too quickly, so much so that he did not have time to quell it or give the Excuses he thought to the Other Leaders of his demonic houses for Watching over the Demonic heirs lest they be loose-tongued and create... what is currently happening.

Ajuka: the masses are curious about Him and He has drawn a lot of attention from everyone and doesn't seem to care, since our Spies have said that the Angels have not shown themselves since 3 days ago this news came out... it doesn't seem like the They will try to hide or give importance to their actions... - he commented with a frown.

Sirzechs: have the Olympians spoken?... - I asked them and now Serafall denied.

Serafall: no... the last thing we heard about them, since they closed their Pantheon, is that Rhea, the Mother of Zeus ascended the Throne and does not show any hostility towards the Angels, since she has not deployed Spies or anything like that to any of them. On the other hand, El Olympus is closed and silent, just like the Los Angeles Faction... - he commented seriously.

Fallbium frowned, everything seemed to go down with the release of This Naruto.

Sirzechs: I want to know everything about this Naruto... he simply can't be a stranger to us who appeared suddenly and we don't have any information about him... he killed 4, 4 Olympians and if the rumors are true he was alone ... even if it were the 4 of us against these... we could, I don't know... just like there is even we could just... survive but He killed them alone and also Zeus who could give us all a bad time, united and separately only against Him... and now there is an Angel who only Killed Him... no matter how much a son of God he is... now it is dangerous... - He said Raising his voice to the last, annoyed by all this Unknown.

The Maous did not Interrupt him, since They are a little like Sirzechs worried about what Naruto represents for their race, being He their Damned creator and not Lucifer as they thought.

Sirzechs: They wanted you three to investigate everything... books, ancient texts, whatever... I need to know who He is and what he represents... for... Our Alliance... - he finished saying the last bit bitterly. , since he knows that now Michael is not the leader of his faction and he was more tractable and good... Idiot easy to play with The Dragon boy who lost being the center of attention for the moment because of this new son of God who appeared .

Ajuka: we will do it but... Let's try not to start anything antagonistic against the Angels... since now they have shown us that they have several Very dangerous Secrets... - He told his Maous Companions who nodded although Sirzechs bitterly for also remembering that , making an Enemy out of nowhere to someone possibly powerful about whom you know nothing, is not something I seek and even less so when there is a signed treaty involved.

Fallbium, who had been silent, decided to make known his Idea that he had been thinking about.

Fallbium: let's call a meeting to meet him... he will have to come... and we can get to know him up close and his Intentions being the new Leader of his Faction... he is Risky I know, but it is better than simply making a spy problem out of everywhere that we will not be able to control... - Opinion El Maous and his companions looked at him contemplating his Opinion, after all He is a great Strategist and knows what he is doing.

Ajuka contemplated that, knowing him up close, even for a few minutes, would allow them to read him and yes, He is going to participate in this meeting.

Serafall: it doesn't sound bad... starting the Spies thing could be problematic and in the long run we won't be able to control everyone... I think it's a good idea while we search the Ancient texts for anything about Him but if we have a meeting it will be later d Months when the Masses calm down, the news is very fresh Currently enough to tell others more crazy things and believe more stories Exaggerated if they find out about the new Meeting... - I support his partner Maou and I think how much time they need to proceed with another meeting.

Sirzechs [ After that time I could call Grayfia a few days before and know what she managed to get from him or even what base she has in the human world as a precaution ]... - The Maous thought and nodded.

Sirzechs: well, it will be as Fallbium said although I will talk to Azazel later, how to arrange the meeting, since it will not be with Michael, but with El.. - He told his companions who nodded in silence but each one in their thoughts. thinking about the same thing.










Artoria, if you know more or less about Naruto's Problem.

Metis is logical and Intelligent, she simply thought about her point of view.

Why weren't Naruto's companions horrified by Gabriel's words?

Lilith, Artoria, Eva... Etc... are from ancient times and changed little in regards to Artoria, Lilith and the Others did not, to give Importance to the Scope of whatever The Judgment or Gabriel's words are.

It was explained to Irina about Naruto and God, different beings but when they see him... they only see practically God so they refer to Him as Father, since when they Worship Him... nothing else Matters.