
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 26

After the arrival of the stranger who introduced herself to Naruto and the other Girls after coming out of her stupor and looking away to concentrate and not get lost in Naruto's face, she introduced herself as Seilah Pheonix , a demoness and the firstborn of one of the children of Naruto and Lilith specifically " Pheonix ", and after that things in the Pendragon mansion continued relatively normal, since Naruto accepted Seilah after she gave him the Orb that his father told him to give him. would help find Him.

When Naruto grabbed said Orb that Seilah offered him, he more or less understood the request of one of his semi-corrupted children and the Creator no less than a Clan of demons called by his name, " The Pheonix Clan ", being that Some of his Other children like Pheonix created their demonic Clans with their names under the Command of Lucifer when he took them and corrupted them, while Others before they could be corrupted chose the path of death at Satan's side until the end, unwilling to succumb and be ordained by Lucifer in honor of their father.

Naruto smiled at what he saw in The Memory of Pheonix and accepted that his children who died are worthy, he will recreate them like more beings under his command but their personality and memories would not be the same, that was lost in his centuries of confinement and even if He gives the memories that He and Lilith have with Them to His new creations, it would not be the same, so He will simply let them rest knowing that They were worthy of being called His children and about the Other mistakes. He will solve it very soon, just like The Punishment that his brother will give him, of course after reviving him.

After Naruto contemplated and accepted a lost Seilah, she decided to stay with him, since her only goal in life was to find him and her grandmother, and since she did so she had no other motivation or goal to follow. , since after so many centuries, this was the only goal she had and the one that kept her entertained, so much so that she did not think about pairing with anyone or forming Friendships, if not, she only had in mind to fulfill her Father's request and desire. .

Naruto understood and did not deny that the demon stayed with Him or saw her with contempt for being a product of his corrupted son. He is beyond that and accepted Her request to personally serve Him for the happiness of Seilah, who did not have in mind if she was rejected, He would return to the Underworld to serve those false ones.

The Girls present had no opinion on Naruto's words or actions of accepting the Demon, besides, who would oppose him? They were sure that none of them would, if they couldn't even look at him without trying... well. ..

Seilah, amazed and happy by the small smile he showed, proceeded to meet "Naruto's" Companions, since he did not understand the other family terms from what she noticed and he is also too beautiful and young for her to call him " Grandpa " or Some terms of Someone older and yes, He is the first being in the entire supernatural world that She finds Attractive, hell, He even awakened her lividity that had been kept dormant since She entered puberty and Alejo by looking for Him.

Seilah, met Artoria Pendragon , A beautiful blonde with beautiful deep green eyes, a pretty curvy figure and face, She had nothing to envy anyone, since her beauty seemed to be unique to her Image, she is also The Leader of the Pendragon dynasty in The Supernatural World, An Immortal human who has Naruto's blessing on Her, In addition to being the Queen of Ancient Camelot and One of Naruto's companions.

Mordred Pendragon , The very Image of Artoria but Younger, beautiful in her own right and is also The spirit daughter of Naruto and Artoria.

Aphrodite, Metis and Mnemosyne , Three beautiful Olympian Titanides, very well endowed and surely have all the good genes in them plus that Aphrodite that surpasses the beauty of the others and also the Last Mnemosyne being another of Naruto's Companions.

Eve , The Second Woman to be created by God and the Original no less which Shocked and Impressed the Devil to meet such a biblical figure and no less the Companion of the Firstborn of God instead of Adam as It is written, She is a beautiful blonde with beautiful almost grayish blue eyes, she is very well endowed if not too much with a perfect figure, I couldn't see a single Imperfection in her, not even in her smile so... Innocent.

Himari , A beautiful black-haired Nekoshou who enters the Milf range and her daughters being a sexy and young black-haired woman of perhaps 17 years old, named Kuroka who has a good figure even in her development and Shirone, a young and beautiful white-haired girl who is The youngest and is in the development stage is perhaps about 15 years old, the Three are Nekoshous at the service of Naruto.

Irene Belserion , The Imposing and beautiful second strongest Dragon Queen after The N1 Queen, Tiamat Although from the Supernatural World it is heard that She is stronger than Tiamat Herself or something like that, I cannot affirm it if even the gossip I hear in At some point it continues to circulate in the supernatural about that, since She disconnected from the Supernatural World a long time ago to be sure and does not know This Tiamat enough to compare the Auras of both and comment on which one has the strongest.

Tamamo no Mae , A sexy and beautiful pink-haired Yokai, Kitsune type, good with the Sword, according to her, she is an Assassin of the Yokai Faction under the Command of Yasaka, believed to be the name of the Current Leader of the Yokai Faction.

And last but not least, She also met Satan Himself , Her Father's Older Brother and who told her that he stood up to the Original Lucifer Himself, Currently He is a Child of maybe... 10 years old, A cute black-haired boy with beautiful crimson eyes, who did not pay attention to her for watching television again while he passed through the living room to the kitchen and returned with food to the living room without seeing her and only greeting Naruto.

Yes, a strange but powerful group was what Seilah met and noticed, Naruto being the one at the top of these.

The day continued relatively normally at the Pendragon Mansion with Naruto pampering both Eva and Kuroka while the others began to talk to Seilah to get to know her better and understand a little about her until Lilith and the others arrived with their purchases and started to comment to Naruto and everyone about his day and Naruto about his where he eliminated 4 Olympians and one of them was the King of these to the surprise of those who did not know that detail except for Lilith and her daughters who did not give importance to That, since they didn't even know these Olympians and the small surprise that actually surprised Lilith and her daughters was meeting Seilah Pheonix, the New Addition along with the Titanides Metis, although the latter surprised them to a lesser extent.

Things remained relatively normal as Seilah also met a beautiful maiden named Jeanne d'arc, Guinevere, Morgana Le Fay, Belial the Original and not the Imitation, Hanna being the latter two her aunts no less which surprised her and El Time continued until Night came and it was time for Dinner where you can see all the residents of the Mansion gathered in the dining room.

Dining room .

In the main seat of the table at the head of everyone, you can see Naruto sitting with the others sitting on his sides in their different chairs while the Maids begin to enter the room with large trays of food in their hands, which they place Organized on the table in view of everyone, although it can be seen that everyone makes an effort not to look in the direction of Naruto, who has the upper part of his robe uncovered, showing his beautiful but devastating face.

Aphrodite smiled with some amusement and Acceptance at the Acts of the Young Maids, Naruto,... his beauty is actually a Threat to any Woman, he even surpasses Her in beauty but that still doesn't make him look any less Masculine, No, of course not... yes, no, He is simply perfect, The pinnacle of the male gender in all its Splendor and his eyes are the most beautiful and exotic Eyes that She has seen in her life without a doubt, Those of Lilith comes in second with her beautiful strange violet eyes that keep changing from strange to yellow or red before returning to her beautiful violet.

Aphrodite denied and looked around at the different faces that look at each other. Except for Eve who happily looks at her food and everyone, She is a Love, there is no doubt.

Seilah who is comfortably in her Seat looked at her beautiful "Grandmother" or in this case Lilith "The Original", the Mother of her father and the first Woman, A total beauty that has the Elegance and the touch that makes her look like Someone superior or of great Status, apparently the Bible and everything Written through time is Erroneous.

Lilith, who noticed her seeing him from the other side of the table, smiled at him and Seilah lowered her gaze, nervous and embarrassed for not knowing how to take her relationship with such a biblical exponent, as well as with Naruto, and both of them are alive.

Lilith smiled elegantly and shook her head.

Morgana from her place calmly looks around, being that internally, she is happy to see the Dining Table more full and lively than before when she sometimes shared food with her always busy sister who now seems very happy than before, which she likes to see. in her.

Guinevere [ it's uncomfortable to eat and not look in your direction, until seeing and eating at the same time is ]... - the beautiful black-haired woman thought because of Naruto's devastating beauty which she couldn't handle, it's Mucha.

Metis looked around curiously. She's going to have her first meal in centuries and it actually looks delicious just like that Angel.

The Titanides quickly denied, Apparently she couldn't control her lustful Titan side that she couldn't resist Naruto or didn't really want to, The Shock of seeing his face still lingers in her Mind and seeing him doesn't help her think about anything but Him. and it is not her fault, but her beauty, it is simply something inexplicable and captivating at the same time as devastating.

Naruto: this looks good... - he commented softly, drawing everyone's attention to his cute and soft voice.

Eva nodded with a big smile. Like Satan, the food looks good no matter how strange some things are.

The others simply accepted her words with Artoria happy, She hired the Best and Youngest capable girls to serve her and they seem to be doing their job very well.

Guinevere smiled happily at the compliment he gave the girls, since they themselves cook and maintain the house in addition to being confidants who know the supernatural world, so they are simply the perfect people for the job.

The Maids were slightly startled by the approval of their food but continued placing the plates on the Table with blushing Cheeks.

Mordred let out a slight smile when she saw that, as did her sisters who were each on her sides.

Tamamo looked askance at Naruto, this is the second night that he joins the table with the group and it doesn't seem like he's going to push her away even though she assumes that he must know that she informed her leaders about him and his visit, although it was only his existence but...

Naruto: don't worry, you haven't done anything that bothers me or that I consider bad and I actually think that your tails and ears make you look... Cute... - he said, directing his gaze at the Kitsune who shook slightly in her seat. being the center of everyone's gaze, just like the smile that He sent her.

Tamamo's cheeks turned slightly red, missing that He read her mind by looking for a place to hide her face out of shame and shame, something that never happened to her before and He just praised her and called her Linda... Oh God.

Naruto smiled when he heard her mention.

Naruto noticed another look in his direction.

Naruto: Kuroka, you are also pretty... in fact they all are in their own way... - He said to the Nekoshou who smiled happily and to everyone in general who smiled happily at his words.

Satan: can I eat now father?... - He asked with a pout looking at his father who smiled softly in his direction.

Naruto: can you... - He responded softly to his son who happily began to eat.

Irene tried not to look in Naruto's direction, it is uncomfortable to try to eat in the presence of someone so devastating to her species, women in general could simply stay and look at Naruto all day like a fool, that was as far as the reach of her divine beauty... The dragon denied, could it be that her demonstration of Supremacy against the Ex-Olympic Gods was beginning to Affect her, she did not know.

Eva: Yes!... - She exclaimed happily and began to eat her food just like everyone except for a certain maid who looked in Naruto's direction.

Jeanne: m... my lord... - The maid called to Naruto who was going to pick up his fork before putting it aside and nodding gently at her thoughts.

Jeanne stood up from her Nodded to the curiosity of Seilah and Metis who watched her go around the Table until she reached Naruto's Side who leaned back in her Seat and the beautiful maiden entered her Space before positioning herself in a way as if she were going to sit down. on top of Naruto which he did to their surprise.

Jeanne, blushing from contact with her God, couldn't help but move her big, soft butt in comfort on Naruto's lap, who grabbed her by her wide waists, which almost made her scream.

Naruto moved his hands and arranged Jeanne in a way that she would be on her side and would make it easier for her to do what she was looking for.

The maiden with a little more courage from contact with her God proceeded to grab the fork on the table before grabbing some of her God's food and turned to look at him while holding her breath from the closeness.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Jeanne noticed the smoke coming from the food on the fork and timidly blew on it to cool it down a bit.

Mordred from his place swallowed a little when he saw Exciting Scene of those two two chairs away from Her so he could see it well.

Naruto opened his mouth when Jeanne moved the already slightly warmer food to Esta and proceeded to chew.

Naruto: it's delicious... - he commented while chewing his food with a smile and Jeanne nodded happily, proceeding to grab the plate in one of her hands and with the other the fork to feed her master.

Artoria contemplated that, apparently that was what Naruto did today after She had breakfast in the Morning and kissed him, He must have created his taste buds which apparently he did not possess and She did, no wonder she felt a tickle on her tongue during their session of kisses but she is still happy to help her partner, just as he will help her later.

Lilith from her place smiled later she could try that, but for the moment there was no problem in learning as They did.

The same was for Mnemosyne who thought the same as Lilith, since she did not want to simply shove the so-called food down Naruto's throat, but rather like Ella... that maiden and Eve who by nature is sweet and speaking of Esta, Esta, Esta happily eating her food, apparently letting someone else hog Naruto at the table at lunchtime today.

Aphrodite pouted, She could have risked doing that with Naruto, after all, she finds him interesting and mysterious, the closer she is to him, the more she can see in him.

The Exciting meal for Naruto and Jeanne continued as well as the rest's quietly until they finished and the Maids came to collect the plates while they did what they called resting in their Seats.

Jeanne is still sitting on Naruto's lap for her happiness after he fed her just like she did with him, a dream come true for her and also a great honor.

Lilith: well... we're done, let's go upstairs Naruto... - the beautiful black-haired woman said after a few minutes of unnecessary rest, since that food disappeared from her just like it did with Naruto and Eva, who do not need that thing called Food, not even his daughters.

Eva: yes... - she said with a big smile looking at Naruto, since he is going to join.

Artoria: well... I don't see a problem, we can go create another heir... - The Pendragon commented without shame or mincing words, just like Lilith.

Satan: I'll go watch television... - said the little black-haired man leaving the dining room.

Irene, Tamamo and Himari gasped, surprised by how direct they are, they don't even discreetly say that they are going to... fuck.

Mordred blushed understanding his Mother's words.

Seilah pretended not to understand but a soft pink tone appeared on her cheeks.

Aphrodite smiled, amused by the trio's frankness.

Morgana was hurt in her place by her sister's shameless words.

Mnemosyne: I'm joining in... - said the Titanides, interested in this and even if she wasn't interested, she wasn't going to be left out.

Themis[ Waooo ]... - thought the Titan.

Lilith nodded.

Lilith: I will be the first, you can join...

Eva: I'll continue later... - she said animatedly, interrupting Lilith.

Lilith: well... let's go to the room Naruto, you will be Mine... - the first Woman said with a strange voice.

Naruto: okay... - he responded simply but with slight curiosity about how Lilith would do it, what she said just like the others.

Jeanne stood up letting Naruto get up from his seat.

Tamamo had her mouth open in shock. An Angel could have sex? Since when? Wouldn't he fall?

Lilith: if you want you can join... - She told the maid before disappearing like Naruto, Eva, Mnemosyne and Artoria with her own speed, leaving the room in complete silence.

Belial and Hanna smiled knowingly at each other, much to the curiosity of Mordred who saw them.

Belial: sisters, let's go to our room to talk... - he said, grabbing both Mordred's and Hanna's hands before disappearing.

Kuroka: Okay...

Himari: no... and... let's... let's talk yes, that... we have to catch up... - the eldest Nekoshou excused herself before pulling her blushing daughters to her room plus Kuroka. that I was going to ask her for something that she assumed and I didn't know... whether to let her... she's very young.

Guinevere: wow...

Main Room - Top floor.

In this Lilith and Naruto barely appeared, they both began to actively kiss each other while Lilith dropped her dress, showing her beautiful and sexy body that glows slightly in the Dark.


Lilith moaned in The Kiss, grabbing Naruto's robe as she tried to take it off before frowning as she couldn't find where to start.

Naruto smiled an amused smile at that before a faint Aura of Light enveloped him making his toga disappear and Lilith smiled as she broke the kiss.

Lilith: beautiful... - she murmured, looking at the sculpted and perfect body of her partner while she licked her lips in anticipation with her now long tongue.

Naruto: you are also beautiful... - he said before placing his hands on Lilith's waist and attracting her to him with Esta's firm breasts pressing against his chest.

Lilith smiled at his words and hugged him before returning to his lips as the others entered the room to see the Exciting scene and Naruto naked, much to the desire of those present, even Eva, who saw him prettier like this.

Lilith's long tongue surrounded Naruto's before Naruto lengthened his and subdued Lilith's who moaned with desire with her eyes turning a perverse yellow.

Lilith jumped, wrapping her legs around Naruto's waist, who now grabbed her by her soft, spongy, firm buttocks and gave them a gentle squeeze that made the black-haired girl moan.

Mnemosyne licked her lips at the hot scene that took place.

Naruto [ Now this ]... - he thought as he approached a wall of the room against which he pressed Lilith who raised one of her beautiful eyebrows in curiosity before feeling something that shook her in her lower part.

"Ahh... What?...

Lilith asked doubtfully, feeling something hot rub against her lower part before several images came to her mind through Naruto's understanding.

Naruto moved his head to Lilith's neck finding The Place and began to enter with his share.

" Hmm ...

Lilith moaned, pursing her lips, understanding that this is how He will be hers. She had more or less an idea of ​​how to do it, but now she understood that she was very far from what she planned to do.

Lilith's beautiful eyes blinked with slight tears as Naruto pressed himself against her and continued to enter her part.

" MMM ...

Naruto pursed his lips slightly, This is very tight.

Giving a Last Push.


Lilith let out a moan between pitiful and pleasurable when she felt Naruto's warmth deep inside her, inside her connecting her, both connecting.

Naruto took his face out of Lilith's neck and they both looked at each other, feeling each other's breathing.

Lilith: do it ... - he whispered with his deep voice covered in desire.

Naruto claimed her lips before beginning to move inside Lilith's tight interior, beginning a strong, rhythmic bayben.

Artoria [ I thought I would have to teach them what Sex is ]... - the Pendragon thought with amusement before looking at the hot scene of her partner and Lilith, since in some moments it would be her turn.

" Ahhh ...

" Ahhh ahhhh ...

Lilith let out deep and somewhat demonic moans which she couldn't control because of how good This felt, she felt like she was floating without doing it and there was a point in Her that only made her tremble when Naruto rubbed against It.

" Ahhhh Mmm ...

Naruto kissed Lilith, cutting off her moans in a hot kiss where both of their saliva began to fall, and Naruto did not deny that he also felt good... he could practically feel Lilith's soul touching his vast soul.

The minutes passed with the rhythmic sound of sex being the only thing heard in the room until Naruto moved carrying Lilith towards the bed where they both fell still joined and it seemed that Naruto went deeper into Lilith who began to tremble before releasing an ecstatic scream...


Lilith for the first time in centuries, came for the first time in her life and Naruto continued to move inside her to her delight little knowing They who do not have silence seals and the others below They listen to the closest thing to a Demon being tortured to Exception of Satan who has some Headphones with some Maids with whom he plays some video games.

Naruto didn't stop moving, knowing what comes next, as his body tensed as Lilith squeezed him.

Lilith's legs hooked around Naruto's waist having felt his tension and helped him go deeper as Lilith hugged him by the neck and pulled him into another kiss as Naruto pressed her against him and without breaking the kiss. He began to run inside Lilith who opened her eyes breaking the kiss and clenched her teeth feeling how Naruto's warm and fussy Essence filled her in a delicious way.

Naruto continued to cum inside Lilith until he filled that place, which was when he stepped back and before he could say anything he was approached by Eva who hugged him from behind.

Eva: my turn... - she whispered, looking at Lilith who was still in her dazed delight.

Naruto stepped back a little, allowing himself to have space for himself and Eva, who was already completely naked, as she immediately hugged him, pressing her large breasts against Naruto's face while she moved to sit Orcadas on his lap, or well that's what he thought, now. that his part was erect, not allowing him to sit down.

Eva noticed this, knowing what to do with one of her Hands, she grabbed him and began to guide him to her side like Lilith.

Naruto shook slightly but let Eva do it.

The Second Woman rubbed it with her part to her delight at how warm it was before beginning to guide it.

Naruto: there is no... - He said with a funny smile to Eva who raised an eyebrow and guided him to another place.

Naruto: there it will hurt more... - He told her and Eva pouted until Naruto helped her in a place that Eva didn't know and it made her shudder.

Naruto: It's here... - he didn't finish when Eva kissed him and let himself fall completely.

Naruto and Eva moaned into the kiss, one because of how tight it is and the other because of the pain and pleasure.

Naruto's tongue entered Eva's mouth surrounding this thing's, which distracted her because of how good it felt and both of their saliva mixed.


Naruto grabbing Eva's soft, firm butt with both hands began to raise and lower her on her part, beginning to feel good being inside Eva.

Mnemosyne and Artoria were not far behind and began to approach the large bed naked.

"Ahhh aahhh ahhh

Eva began to let out light moans although unconsciously, since she could not control them while hugging Naruto with her head resting on his shoulder while keeping her eyes closed, He... feels good in her.


Eva moaned until something made her open her eyes as she let out a deeper moan, Something else in her... Part of it felt so... good when she rubbed there.

The minutes continued to pass when, like Lilith, Eva came, trembling strongly in Naruto's arms while he came, and they came at the same time.

Artoria: Now both of us at the same time... - She told Naruto who released the stunned Eva, while a soft pink tone adorned her cheeks to the shock of the two present because of how cute she looks.

Mnemosyne, unable to resist, tackled him and kissed Naruto while Artoria followed at his side, being that she would take him first.

Naruto did not refuse and reciprocated his partner's kiss while letting Artoria guide herself like Eva which she did, while her part looks wet and glistening above Naruto's cock.

Artoria guided her to her snatch as Naruto looked at her and grabbed her firm, smooth ass helping her.


Mnemosyne moved behind her to help in all this interesting act for her.

Artoria gritted her teeth as she began to lower herself onto her Partner's cock so that he would take her first time or virginity even though he didn't know it. He finished.

"Hehe... can we join together?...

Naruto looked at the door of the room at his three naked daughters like a Mordred who did not want to look him in the eyes and...


Artoria moaned with pain and some pleasure as she completely impaled Mnemosyne, leaning on her shoulders and distracting herself from the fact that he had pushed her down.

Naruto closed one of his eyes slightly and did not deny it, Tight.

And so the night continued with Naruto taking his companions and daughters, although Jeanne still joined and was going to join Kuroka but Himari came and told him no and he needed to be bigger to which Kuroka told him that next year, they could already make babies

New day - Heaven - first floor .

The great doors of Heaven that were closed and guarded by some Angelic guards suddenly opened abruptly sending the guards back when a flash of Light appeared and a large group of strangers appeared to the surprise of several Angels who were nearby.

Several flashes quickly appeared in The Place and from these came none other than the Seraphim who had not left Heaven after the revelation that He is again in The World.

Some Angels Armed with Spears of Light Appeared followed by these, as did Michael and Dulio.


Michael whispered, looking at the one in possession of the Toga, and the Seraphim listened to him in surprise and looked in the direction of the group.

Naruto took a step forward and everyone, without exception, everyone present fell to their knees with their heads lowered as the Light Illuminated Naruto.

Naruto: I have returned small ... - he whispers with his words loaded with power while giving the Image of a true divinity in front of his subjects who are on their knees.











"I explain, very quickly, that Naruto and the others will fuck? They are not tied to the customs of the present or human, that is why they do not know specifically that what they had was sex, but to possess themselves and become theirs.

Naruto is not an idiot, he looked at some things that humans did and took lessons from them just to learn what that is or what it is called and what it does, it is more instinctive.

Naruto taking his daughters, Again that has no Effect on his Mind and even less on Belial or Hanna, who do not know what "Incest" is, that's why the only one nervous and ashamed of everything was Mordred.

Accepting Seilah very easily and the Titanides, Naruto is not very oblivious to the consequences or double intention, He is God.

Kuroka separates herself from Cannon, she is more of a normal, naughty girl, since she did not have to live through Cannon and she has her mother and sister with her again.