
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 25

Underworld - Gremory Castle - Dining Room.

In this you can see the Gremorys patriarchs gathered together with the Young Group of pieces of their daughter Rías with the exception of her piece Bishop Gasper who is locked in his room by his own will.

Those present can be seen gathered at the Great Table looking at their food but none of them actually touching it.

The Gremorys patriarchs are worried about their daughter Rias who seems a little distant like their Queen and hasn't eaten anything since they brought them their meals, "by Lucifer", Rias hasn't even said a word to them since the night before she returned from the meeting of the Young Demons and the most Shocking Event in demonic history and Miraculous that the Demons could not Explain happened, Now They and The Underworld has a Sun and a Moon like humans do in The human World, being that it simply happened of suddenly and even the Maous have not come out to talk about this event that has all the Demons and surely the Other races that live in The Underworld with doubts, even They, who are the parents of the Current "Lucifer", do not know what is happening.

Issei, nor has he touched his food like the Gremory patriarchs because he watches with a worried look the actions of his president and Akeno-san... They seem lost from their surroundings since he saw them when he woke up and looking at Asia and Xenovia, They don't seem to give much importance to their "Onee-sama" for being in their own thoughts, although he can notice that there is something about them that makes them grimace every second, as if their thoughts hurt them.

Now Kiba, He, is looking at his food in silence, he doesn't seem worried, nor that it hurts him to be in his thoughts, he simply looks at his food.

Issei frowned.

Issei[ What's wrong with everyone? The president doesn't seem the same and I still haven't seen Azazel-sensei or Sirzechs-sama to know what's happening or happened with that Angel, I haven't even seen Grayfia-sama to be able to ask her about The ]... - The Current Sekiryuutei thought with several doubts in his head, not understanding what was happening or if at least there is a new Enemy, Irina is not even here to explain something to him.

"Rías, please, talk to us... What's wrong with you?"

A beautiful voice, soft but elegant, sounded worried, attracting everyone's attention to a beautiful brunette who spoke, being no one other than " Venelana Gremory ", a she-devil and the current Matriarch of the Gremory Clan, Mother of Rias Gremory, The King of the Young People present.

Rias seemed to hear her, as she came out of her stupor just like Akeno and a beautiful pink tint adorned her cheeks in shame for losing herself in front of those present in her thoughts and no less before her parents.

Akeno blinked and looked at her food in silence, happy that the Attention was on her Friend and King.

Rias: Oka-sama? Excuse me, did something say?... - She asked him with her normal attitude, trying to make her embarrassment diminish but curious to know what her Mother told her, who looks at him with concern dancing in her beautiful violet eyes. than Rias's father, this being none other than Zeoticus Gremory.

Venelana: Yes, Rías, you seem lost... you haven't touched your food and you didn't have breakfast today... What happened at the party? Sirzechs didn't tell us anything when he brought them but something happened, right? Tell me so I can... .

Rias: Oka-sama... - she called, interrupting her mother, who looked at her between serious and worried, since her little girl had never interrupted her while she was speaking.

Those present just watched everything curious but silent.

Rias: There is nothing to worry about Father, Mother, Sirzechs-Nii-sama will take care of it... I was just thinking about something... - She told him softly before proceeding to grab her fork and begin to calmly eat her food under the attentive gaze of all.

Venelana looked at her Husband who looked at her in silence and denied and they both began to eat their own food, Akeno and the others followed, including Issei but they all ate in silence since some of them couldn't stop thinking about certain things.

Kiba [ Mordred, it was what I heard but it can't be Her... but she had the Armor ]... - The Gremory Knight thought about a certain beautiful blonde that he saw the day before when they were going to Fight the God Loki but they didn't have that, because of the arrival of God but still, that was not as important to him as finally seeing the girl who came to him and his friends years ago, the one who eliminated the people he hated the most before his eyes when he was dying. , She didn't see Him but He saw Her and nothing had changed.

Issei [ Rías-boucho, what was she thinking about? What distracted her so much? It's not because of that Angel, right? Even Akeno-san ]... - The Brown One thought, a little worried and jealous of what could have happened while he was unconscious. He had never seen Akeno, nor Rias Boucho, act that way.

Draig let out a mocking growl in his own mind, his companion still could not follow him, The first Impression is always Something that lasts in the Mind of any being, whether by Someone unknown or known and The Impression that that Angel or God gave them The day before is still fresh in his mind, I'm sure that in those girls too, he may intimidate them at first, obviously even him a little, but after that happens, the impressive, high and powerful will arrive. that "God" was seen.

Draig[ I only hope that they do not develop the closest thing to interest because of how powerful and unattainable that Angel seemed, it is known that power always attracts women and my partner still lacks this to truly glimpse his girls before "that Angel". ] ...-The Dragon thought, worried about his partner and what could happen in the future with his Love Interests, since race does not matter, Power always attracts Women.

Little did The Dragon know that this is more or less what was happening to Rias, who couldn't stop thinking about that Angel descending like the true God, the Light that followed him behind, he had never seen anything like it, like a true God descending into the sky. Underworld.

Akeno was different, she felt "subdued" with his mere presence and that couldn't leave her mind, she couldn't speak, move, she couldn't even think, never in her life had she felt so at the Mercy of Someone Else, not even Rias.

Asia hoped for her master's forgiveness for abandoning him and going with the demons.

Xenovia had the same thoughts as Asia and hoped that she would be able to meet her lord and that he would give her the punishment that she believes she deserves for abandoning him and stopping believing. She wants to start over again, if only she had followed Irina, who Now he must be closer to Him.

Xenovia gnashed her teeth, but She's going to solve her Mistake.

And so the group continued eating their food in silence, unaware of what was happening in the supernatural world and that news would soon arrive that would shake it in its entirety, starting with the Biblical ones.

Human World - Pendragon Mansion - Living Room.

In this one it was possible to see how a flash of light slowly appeared as Kuroka, who was reading the book she was reading next to her mother, jumped from her seat quickly in front of said flash with a mischievous smile to Himari's surprise.

" Nyaa ."

Himari looked in surprise as two Hands came out of the flash, capturing her daughter in the Air by the waist and then several Figures began to show that the Nekoshou recognized calmer.

Naruto being the main figure and the one who Overshadows the others with his sole presence and Light, whether consciously or unconsciously, he does it, being the same one who captured Kuroka in the air for her wide and sexy waist who looked at him with a mischievous smile hiding his pout for not being closer to his Master, since Artoria is his Mistress and He is the only Elder and partner of his Mistress, that makes him her Master.

Mordred smiled amused at her cat's actions. At least she was lucky and didn't go into her mother's arms.

Mnemosyne and Naruto raised curious eyebrows but Naruto noticed something.

Naruto: the cat girl.. - he stated calmly with his soft and imposing voice while gently lowering her to the ground and Kuroka nodded, sharpening her gaze for a few seconds and looked under her Master's toga where she could see beautiful and at the same time powerful golden eyes similar to his own but those are purer, almost divine, just seeing them made him shake his two tails.

Kuroka: I'm Kuroka-nya... - She told him after not being able to see anymore under her toga, reminding him of her name while she stands almost at the same height as Naruto, since he is not as tall as a normal teenager like Kuroka. , but still, he looks taller than everyone, it is strange but at the same time, fascinating.

Naruto: I know... - He responded softly and brought one of his hands to the young Nekoshou's head and began to rub it gently to her delight.

While his other Companions moved calmly, Some to the unoccupied armchairs and Others to the kitchen to look for something to eat, except for the New Addition of the group called "Metis", who remained standing near Naruto, this being the one who had the form of a Fly and that Naruto saved from Zeus when he took her out through the empty Basin of the Same and decided to bring her with Him.

Metis, is a beautiful brunette with long hair that goes down to below her knees, she wears a beautiful white toga similar to the one always worn by the Ex-Goddess "Athena" that fits her beautiful and gifted curvy figure, she has a A pair of beautiful opaque brown eyes that have small Blue spots that give him an Exotic touch. His skin is a slightly tanned cream color, having inherited the powerful features of his Parents Oceanus and Tetis.

The Titanides who now accepted her Titan part more than that of the "Goddess" for which she was known when Zeus won the war of The Titanomachy, which she regrets, since She had a hand in said Events and put her on the Throne of Olympus. someone worse and crazier than Cronus,...The Titanides, he denied, this is no time for regrets... Metis looked around with curiosity, He is Free again after so many Centuries of forced confinement and not of his own free will, he could Smell and feel now, He is no longer at the Mercy of Zeus, nor does He exist anymore by the work of "The One and True God" as Naruto and one of his Aunts, Mnemosyne, a Titan and the companion of this Deity who humiliated, made himself known, He subdued and murdered Zeus, simply because, yes, he didn't even know Zeus, nor did he hate him or anything like that, he did it because he could and wanted to, and also because he saw Zeus thinking about his little sister, whatever it may be, no less because That's it, Zeus died for thinking with his cock and he was not the only one, Ares, Poseidon and Apollo followed the latter for wanting to give a treacherous attack on Naruto that did not turn out as he expected and he died foolishly even with how "powerful" he was.

Metis, even with everything, is surprised and internally horrified but hides it very well, Zeus was very powerful and someone without a rival for centuries, not even Gaia came for him knowing of his power, nor the primordial Others but a single Angel, a son, no. .. The firstborn of God or Now known as God came and made Zeus look like nothing, she literally destroyed him something that Many wanted and not only that, but She also found out that this same angel when Olympus was forming , She faced Uranus Himself before the Watchful gaze of the first Titans no less... She never thought that the Los Angeles Faction could have such Monsters among them.

"Can I see your face Nya?"

Now that attracted the attention of Metis who was a few steps away from Naruto and looked in his direction curious about how he looks. She knows that he is young by his voice, but she can't point out how much even though she knows that he is even older. That she or something like that.

Naruto: Oh, okay... - he said after assimilating her words while recovering his hand from Kuroka's head, who looked at him with her beautiful golden eyes overflowing with curiosity.

Naruto brought his hands to the top of his robe and slowly retracted it, leaving part of his face visible again, while he continued to move his robe.

Metis gasped.

Mnemosyne smiled.

Kuroka gasped at having him at point blank range.

Himari averted her gaze.

Metis: beautiful... - the Titanides couldn't help but Mormur when she saw the most beautiful face she had ever seen before in her life, hell, It's even more beautiful than Her.

Kuroka blushed, now looking better at her Master's beautiful eyes from which she couldn't take her eyes off.

Naruto smiled softly.

Naruto: are you okay?... - he asked, having lost his voice a little, which made those present shudder.

Metis that just like Kuroka I couldn't take my eyes off him, I contemplate... He is so...


A scream caught everyone's attention as Eva appeared wearing a beautiful strappy white dress and ran in Naruto's direction before jumping into his arms with her own arms outstretched.

Naruto, who saw that, moved one of his hands, capturing the beautiful blonde in the air, who held onto him very well and hugged him.

Eva: I missed you!... - Eva exclaimed, putting Naruto's face between her Imposing Cleavage while Naruto hugged her waist.

Naruto: I missed you too... - He said softly, hugging his partner.

"Oh come on Eva, he was only gone an hour and a half...

Aphrodite entered the room commenting on the time Naruto spent outside and that led again to Tamamo and Irene who were comfortable in two different armchairs to contemplate.

Tamamo looked in the direction of Naruto or God as he is calling himself, although neither She nor Iréne nor anyone from the Mansion has been forced to call him as such, only Naruto, but this Naruto can see it as normal or not give it any importance. , which does not mean having Killed four Olympic Gods who were among the Best of the Top 30 of the Strongest and with whom few would think of Messing with These, even Amaterasu-sama or Susanoo-sama would Avoid them even with how strong What they are but He... He, Naruto Eliminated them as if nothing had happened, without fear, without a doubt, without questions or anything, he was brutal and forceful without giving importance to the possible consequences, He did not even contemplate that and later Intimidated Hades Himself , for Something that They do not know what it is, and then proceed to place Rhea and Hera in command of Olympus in which Mnemosyne was thinking about how to proceed with Them, an External Angel of the Olympic Faction Ordered them and dictated Their Leadership not less.

But that was not what had Tamamo worried and curious, but his words. He said that depending on his partner's response, he will destroy Olympus or not... He will kill all Olympus, semi-Olympus and everything related to him. Olympus Including the Titans and she said it with a certainty that made her shudder at his forceful words and that makes her think that she would... She has to talk to Yasaka again and maybe even with the other Gods of Shinto, She He cannot let his people become a Target of This...

Tamamo focused her gaze on Him for a second, watching him grow Imposingly, whether it's an Illusion or not, He's not Someone to play with, he'll put in a good word with Yasaka.

Irene, She is between amused and attracted to Naruto, she felt him for his beauty before but with how Imposing and dominant he showed Himself against those Olympus, He is more than Material to be a companion of his and even give him strong offspring, yes, with his beauty and power will be the most powerful Dragons that ever existed before, Be sure of that.

"Look at me-nya."

Kuroka grabbed Naruto's cheeks with her soft hands in a moment of courage and made him turn his attention from Eva to Her again.

Shirone, who was entering the room with some snacks in her hand, raised a curious eyebrow at the closeness of her sister to her Master.

Metis didn't know whether to look at the Interaction or the strong Titan Essence that caught her Attention and looked a lot like her Aunt's.

Naruto smiled at the attention the little girl wanted.

Eva pouted cutely while looking at Kuroka.

Naruto: good because we didn't sit down... - he said looking at a free chair to which he was followed by Kuroka and Eva, and when Naruto sat down he attracted them both, each sitting on one of his legs while he hugged them around the waist. an Imposing Image, similar to that of a King, that was what Himari saw from her Angle.

Aphrodite smiled, apparently He is not rough, but soft and Incoming although his presence makes him look Unattainable.

Naruto: Now m...


A strange sound interrupted what Naruto was going to say when everyone raised curious eyebrows.

A small deformation appeared in front of Naruto as someone fell face-first into the ground.

Artoria, Mordred who entered the room with snacks in their hands raised an eyebrow when they saw the stranger.

WAA... Ouch*.

Naruto and those present raised an eyebrow, equally curious when they saw a beautiful black-haired girl sit up while rubbing her face, now showing her beautiful face and something that caught the attention of those present, she has large curved horns.

Naruto: Oh... - he murmured and that attracted the attention of the stranger who looked ahead and gasped frozen by what her beautiful eyes saw.

Metis[ E... This seems to be normal for it to happen ]... - thought the Titanides, blushing, looking at how that unknown Young Woman is delighted when she sees the beautiful face of Lord Naruto.

Naruto: are you?... - I ask with curiosity to the stranger who smells familiar and also looks familiar.

"Oh... and... u...

The stranger stammered, unable to form a word.

Mnemosyne smiled.

Artoria [ This is going to take a long time ]... - thought the Pendragon when she saw how lost that Girl looks, She knows that Naruto is at least controlling the Intensity of her beauty or those present would be in the same shape as that Girl until her , but at least it only happens to Ella when they are in their kissing session and how close Naruto is to Her, That's A Lot.

Artoria bit into her cookies and came to an armchair curious because she is looking for This Apparent Demon.

Heaven - Eden.

In the center of Este, under the shade of a large tree, you can see a beautiful blonde lying asleep on the soft green grass.

" Don't take too long, Big Brother "

A powerful and imposing voice sounded through the wind before everything remained silent.











Naruto's beauty is something like the species of Sephie Michaela Deviluke and they must hide their face.

Kuroka, she is not attached to Cannon, nor Shirone, remember, They little ones were taken in by Mordred.

The fic is going kind of slow, you know me. It's specific to each moment of the day and I just don't jump to weeks without meaning or explanation, but don't despair, the good stuff is coming from the next chapter.

Read well, in the chapter I gave another sign of Naruto's Error, part of his Error.