
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 24

Greek Pantheon - Mount Olympus.

Olympus, a place similar to a great valley that looks like Eden himself created by the God of the Bible in one of his heavens, a place where natural life abounds everywhere..., the same place looks calm as always in The Kingdom of the Greek Gods who control it.

Going to the center of the great valley you can see a large temple in the middle of it surrounded by beautiful vegetation and some pillars, and the temple looks like a half-finished ancient construction due to its somewhat worn appearance and the lack of a roof that it does not have, it seems. an uninhabited Place which is far from reality, since said temple is the main Meeting Room of the Olympic or Greek Gods, in addition to the fact that said Place also has the Thrones of the Main Gods, implying that said Temple is a Place sacred and important to the Greek Gods.

Being that at said time and place, the 11 main Gods of Olympus could currently be seen gathered in said room, each one sitting on their respective Throne that creates a circumference with an empty center which is where the Gods judge others,...The Gods They are having one of their Annual Meetings in which the Gods inform their King, the King of the Gods, "The Great Zeus", about any discovery or event, no matter how minor, that has occurred and that may affect them at Olympus. or should attract your Attention, these 11 Gods being nothing less than:

Zeus: The King of the Gods and Olympus.

Hera: Greek Goddess of Women, Marriage and Queen of the Gods.

Poseidon: The God of the sea.

Hades: God of the dead and King of the Underworld.

Apollo: God of the sun, music, poetry, art and medicine.

Ares: Greek God of War.

Athena or Athena: Greek Goddess of Strategy, War and Wisdom.

Artemis or Artemis: Greek goddess of hunting and nature.

Hephaestus: God of fire and Metallurgy.

Hestia: Goddess of the heart and Home.

Demeter: Goddess of harvest and agriculture.

These being the main Gods of Olympus who are having one of their normal Meetings until everyone noticed Something Strange Approaching.

Hades looked curious although his Skeletal Body shows nothing.

Hades [ Finally Something to not have to pay attention to that Arrogant One ]... - thought The God of Death who did not want to be in said meeting in the presence of Zeus but he had to do it for the Appearances and that Zeus did not care. for snooping around their territory and finding out about their plans.

Hestia[ Familiar ]... - the beautiful orange-haired woman whose hair seemed to be on fire thought curiously. She felt a familiar presence.

Zeus, who is sitting on his Imposing Throne as The Great God, frowned deeply with his electric blue eyes Emitting slight flashes of Lightning, wondering who is trying to invade his territory and not only that, but he has the audacity to come head on in his direction to This Place forbidden for Mortals and Other beings.

Ares raised an eyebrow before speaking from his throne.

Ares: " A powerful presence of War is approaching, no, there are 3 presences but one of the Three Opaque the Other two that almost go unnoticed... - The God of War mentioned with his deep and powerful voice feeling the powerful presence that approaches and possesses part of his domain in a Strange way that He cannot describe but his Instinct tells him that said presence is dangerous, "Strange", but he trusts his Instinct and domains, since if it were not for Them, That great presence could go unnoticed by Him no less, since said presence does not show Aura, or anything, hell, it does not even show even the minimum sign of power that any being possesses, even the weakest human and that He can feel to point it out.

Apollo: They are fast, there are several of them and...

Athena: A presence looks like a Titan... - the beautiful Goddess said seriously, slightly startling the Other Gods for mentioning the forbidden word.

Hephaestus frowned wondering what was happening.

Demeter just raised one of her beautiful eyebrows in curiosity but remained silent, not wanting to get involved in whatever this is.

Apollo: Here... They are... - He calmly mentioned The God and looked towards the sky like all the Gods who raised their gaze.

A strange deformation shook the sky slightly and suddenly, out of nowhere, several unknown figures appeared and began to slowly descend in their direction.

Hades[ Interesting ]... - The God thought, narrowing his gaze.

Hera[ crossed the barrier and in less than a few seconds they reached the Center of Olympus and dare to come directly before Us... Before Zeus, Interesting! ]... - thought the goddess Queen with curiosity and interest in these strangers and the Titan who was able to escape from Zeus when the only one who walks freely that they know but with surveillance is her own Mother and the best question is why said Titan decided come to her Death or perhaps, Confinement at the hands of her Paranoid and Sick Husband?

The Goddess spat at the Last, calling Zeus, Husband continues to leave a bad taste in her mouth with all her vows that He broke.

The Gods watching the strangers slowly descend suddenly all frowned when one of the Figures suddenly Lighted up and looked like a true Celestial being or God descending Imposingly before Them, like Someone... Superior.

Hades smiled, guessing what comes next.

Demeter [ I'm sure Zeus doesn't like that ]... - the Goddess thought with a sigh.

Poseidon, who looks at the strangers, made his Trident appear in his hand by pure reflection, just like Ares his Spear, and there was no shortage of Artemis and Athena who summoned their weapons without realizing it, nor taking their eyes off the strangers, no... they couldn't do it.

Hephaestus[What the hell ?!]... - he thought when that figure for a second seemed like a Damned Titan, but the biggest one that Alla had ever seen in his life.

Hestia also opened her beautiful eyes slightly surprised. She also saw it, it was for an instant and when she blinked, that figure disappeared just as quickly.



Hahaha, that was fun Father!

The unknown group touched the ground in the center of the Meeting Room of the Gods who saw the Last One but who looks more Imposing and almost divine touch the ground and then seemed to slowly look in their direction with that Strange toga that covers him completely but They noticed that He sees them under This.

Ares gritted his teeth.

Ares[WHAT ? !]... - shouted in his mind, He just felt something not a second ago... Something unpleasant that he is not going to shout out loud but it makes him angry, was it Fear that he experienced? He! It was a damn second, He... The God of War, did he fear?



Zeus who was going to begin to ask and claim out loud who these strangers were suddenly turned off with a chill running through his entire body when the stranger in the toga seemed to utter a " be silent " with his hand covered by the toga he was wearing. at the height of his face, while he is sure that he looks in his direction.

Hephaestus analyzed the group of 6. The 5 are obviously very beautiful women, in fact. The other figure could not be identified as a woman or a man, since it was covered by that loose and large toga that did not show anything, nor could it. Point out her gender to her surprise at her Smell, since she doesn't smell anything coming from her.

Artemis [ no Smell ]... - he thought, capturing the same thing as Hephaestus.

Hera[ The... She just told Zeus to be silent and Zeus did it ]... - The Goddess thought with her beautiful eyes open in surprise, since she was the one who paid attention to That, apparently being the Only One if not tells Demeter.

Hades raised an eyebrow with curiosity and interest in this Angel, he never thought in his "life" to see an Angel, well, Imposing and with true presence, perhaps, in that so-called God who does not know where he went to have his Soul , but in no one else like Now, That Angel a few meters from Him looks dangerous and everything about Him screams Domination worse than any being that He knows there, not even The Evil Dragons, Rizevim or Himself can Emit such a presence, it is not Oppressive , it is not shown, or anything like that, it is like a fact to have to see Him as Someone superior and strong, different even from Zeus.

Athena looked with her beautiful gray eyes at the unknown group, a calculating look could be seen in her beautiful features, a Dragon, a Yokai, two humans, a Titan and an Angel, although the latter seems to emit the same presence as an Angel. but a dangerous one, Could an Angel Emit such a presence? She didn't know until now, since everything about Him screams danger even with his warm, soft and Incoming Aura almost as if it weren't there, but Damn, She is. seeing and does not understand it.

Naruto's Group contemplated the Gods calmly in the case of Artoria, Mordred, Naruto and Mnemosyne, Tamamo and Irene are a different case and they are alert, not sharing Naruto's tranquility, nor the confidence of lowering his guard.

Tamamo [ they have the same presence as Amaterasu-sama, so these are the Olympic Gods, total Monsters ]... - The Yokai thought with slight nerves, feeling the Oppressive Aura of the 11 Gods they present and make them look so big.

Irene [ Interesting, I had never met the 11 of them, let alone all of them together ]... - the Dragon thought with interest but on the defensive in case of attack.

"Thank you, darling," he smiled at Naruto for silencing the one who was going to scream and turned to see these beings. "...I didn't come to hear you speak, nor to yell at you strangers that some of you, for some strange reason, cause me disgust, so I'll get to the point... Who are you and where are my brothers and parents and don't tell me that you are some kind of evolved satyrs or cyclops ?!

Mnemosyne asked Now with her voice changing to a deeper and more hostile one, since she did not feel her brothers anywhere in all of Olympus, well, New Olympus, since This Place is not like the One She remembers, it looks very different And furthermore, who are these copies of Titans or some mixed or evolved brother of theirs, since They do not show the Titan Essence in Them, but their Essence in Them is Mild like that of the Cyclopes or Satyrs perhaps.

The Gods frowned, Offended by the word of that unknown Titan for matching them with those "defects" and no less speaking to them as if she were superior to them.

Zeus now returned to his normal and vocal state again when the Primal Fear Effect on him disappeared.



Zeus roared with The sky beginning to slowly change into gray clouds as his power began to Rise shaking the Gods Themselves.

Mnemosyne raised an eyebrow curiously about The Change of the Sky but not The Cry of This Defect.

Tamamo and Irene slowly made their power run through their entire body, surprised by the level of power that the God who is trying to oppress them is releasing.

Artoria and Mordred were not disturbed by the burst of power of the "God", since Naruto's presence was responsible for dispelling said presence for them.

Hestia looked expectantly at the beautiful Titan and her group, she hopes that Zeus won't be too hard on them or do something to...

"Se atreve".

Naruto took a step forward calmly and the Sky itself seemed to give way abruptly as instead of gray clouds, there was nothing, the sun now shines normally in the sky just like the beautiful white clouds that travel normally.

Hera and Hestia gasped in surprise.

Apollo: AT WHAT MOMENT!... - The God shouted in surprise, looking at the sky and breaking his imperturbable facet that he showed, He had not taken his gaze off of His surroundings but in a second, instead of everything darkening and the Lightning roaring, He The Sky suddenly Cleared and the Light came, since it was impossible to do that when Zeus's mood was bad that he even played with climate change and now, the Impossible has just happened.

Apollo turned and stared at the Young Man in the toga. He was a Boy, he could point out when he spoke and by his voice, he was Someone young but who? What could they face and no less who was the one who eliminated the power of Zeus from the Heaven itself?

Ares was also a little surprised by that. That Angel wanted to confront his father? No, first, how the hell did the sky suddenly change? And the presence of his father in this disappeared.

Naruto: Answer my Partner's question..." he looked at the God before being Enlightened "... Ah, I see... He is the son of Cronus and Rhea... Apparently he defeated your brothers and locked them in This called Tartarus to some and "Punished" others... - He said with his soft voice and without Interest to his companion after seeing what happened in This Place.

Mnemosyne opened her eyes in surprise. What the hell happened when She was not there? Now and her father? Surely He would not match those two and the children of Cronus and Rhea defeating their brothers. These defects. Impossible something else was there. Here.

Mnemosyne: my brothers were ven...


"¡NO, Zeus!".

Zeus roared and ignored the little voice that came from his head before disappearing at the speed of Lightning in the direction of Naruto who did not turn to look at his beautiful companion.

Zeus, who was running on another different plane, saw the Angel of the Toga there calmly, already centimeters away from piercing him with his lightning bolt for his offense against Him, " The Great God King " and Invading his Kingdom, later screwing those Other Angels and their Faction and will even claim that Angel Gabriel for the Lack of This Angel who has just opened the doors to savor said Angel.

The God who thought of subduing the first one who shouted danger from the group in his Euphoria, missed the Spear of Light that suddenly Appeared in front of the Place He was going to Attack.


Zeus opened his eyes in surprise, at what moment his attack was...

Naruto: silly... - he mentioned softly when he blocked the God's attack with one of his Spears and looked at the God while his other free hand was already going with three small Spears of Light in the direction of one of the Eyes of this supposed "God" .


Zeus roared in pain when he felt one of his eyes being pierced by Something and jumped back, letting his lightning fall, and Ares and Poseidon each appeared at Naruto's sides with their respective Weapons that were on their way to pierce the Angel.

Or that must have happened since before The Gods could carry out their Attack, they felt their bellies suddenly open to their surprise and pain, and they could not lower their gaze to see what was happening when they saw how The Angel was already face down. with his feet in the Air spinning and...





Both Gods shot out of the Place before the sudden and powerful kicks that greeted them as they crossed some pillars in their career.

Athena who jumped from her Throne and was in her own race against The main unknown, The One in the Toga found herself Intercepted by the girl of the group.

Mordred: entertain me "Goddess"... - Pendragon said with a ferocious smile, invoking his Sword and Armor and launched himself at great speed against the Goddess who invoked her own Sword and Shield and they began to Exchange Attacks.


Athenas opened her eyes surprised at the human's ability, she had pierced her with her Sword a Millisecond ago. She was sure then how?


Both Warriors jumped and began to Exchange Attacks.

Artemis made her arrows appear in her free hand as she stands up from her Throne, surprised and serious at the situation that got worse in just a few seconds.

"If I were you, I'll sit down again, both of you."

The Goddess of the Hunt heard with surprise a voice come from behind Her and suddenly a Sword began to rest on her shoulder, while Hestia watches a blonde look at her with those wicked green eyes, very similar to Hera's in cruelty.

Artoria smiled as Artemis made her Bow disappear and sat down.

Hera looked around in silence like Hephaestus who had not moved from his place.

Neither does Demeter, She is not a skilled Fighter.

Apollo did not move from his place, since the Titanides is standing next to his Throne, there is peace, something that Hades, two thrones away from the God, also noticed.

Mnemosyne: good boy... - The Titan said calmly to the little defect, while contemplating the words of her companion who could see pieces of the future and the past and if what he told her is true, she simply cannot believe it, These fools weak defects defeated his brothers... That makes no sense, not even his power compares to that of a Titan, then how? He would have to ask his brothers once he will free them from wherever they are and their Father and Mother? Those two, where the hell are they?

Irene and Tamamo just look at everything in surprise.

Hades smiled internally when he saw Zeus beaten, but he is curious about this unknown Angel, not only did he come and enter Olympus, but he attacked the main God King and no, he doesn't look like he was going to run away after what he did, He could very well try to kill them before leaving or La Titan who knows that the first move he makes she will attack him.

Naruto: Now we can talk or...


A sudden scream came suddenly and Rhea appeared in all her splendor through a flash behind Naruto, a few meters away from him. He was a few steps away from Zeus, who covered his damaged eye with one of his hands.

"Is it expected?".

Rhea froze when the voice came from behind Ella, if Ella was looking at... There is no one.

Rhea turned around only to feel a finger touch her forehead and looked at the same Toga she remembers from centuries ago, The son of God who stood up to his Father and hit one of his brothers, is already before Her.


Mnemosyne called but her sister did not turn around.

Naruto: well... my beloved is a little curious about some things... answer her while I think about whether to destroy this whole place or not because of the thoughts of your son with my little sister... - He told her simply, surprising the Gods present. and to the Titan Herself by her words, He can read the Mind and that of Zeus no less... but still The Titan nodded quickly knowing what they could Face and her children did not have the slightest chance.

Naruto nodded and retrieved his finger from Rhea's forehead.

¡ YOU T...


Rhea ordered with her own imposing voice to her idiotic son who remained silent, Oh, she is not going to let Zeus make things worse with a monster worse than Cronus and who was not the slightest afraid of attacking his father head on. and in front of them no less, what did Zeus think he could face this Monster?, or his sister whose power obviously did not deteriorate and no Throne could control her like the others.

Rhea looked at Mnemosyne who looked at him sharing glances.

Mnemosyne: you have a lot to answer, you know?... - He told his sister who nodded.

Naruto disappeared and suddenly appeared in front of a surprised Athena, whom he grabbed by the neck and threw against the floor of the room.



The entire temple was shaken by the powerful impact that shook those present a little.


Artemis shouted from her Seat.

Mordred raised an eyebrow when he fell into his father's arms, he was having fun but his father's arms are better.

Rhea shuddered slightly at the sound of her granddaughter's impact, at least she is alive and confirmed that they cannot play with El Angel and her sister, since they seem just as crude as what she remembers in the past, that means that they They have not changed anything and will not touch their hearts with anything, since time has not given them the experience of compassion or anything like that.

Naruto returned and touched the ground calmly having his little Mordred carried princess style which made the Pendragon blush.

Irene and Tamamo just looked at everything with their eyes wide open in surprise, Naruto has just hurt Zeus, fired Poseidon and Ares who have not yet come and has just hit Athena carelessly who is now seen in a small character awake but touching her throat With Apparent Pain, A Goddess of War, it's more like Mordred was able to hold out for a few minutes against This? That's another big doubt they have.

Rea: We can have the conversation calmly, without attacking my children and grandchildren... - He asked his sister to downplay his importance but she agreed to Rea's relief, since that would at least "calm" the Angel.

Naruto disappeared from his Place next to Mordred and appeared on one of the Thrones of the Gods, specifically that of Zeus, carrying Mordred while Hera opened her eyes surprised by his lack and seeing him sitting next to her... Next to her.

Zeus also looked in his direction with his one good eye, only to see that bastard point his finger at him.

Naruto: you move from your Place and I will claim your Soul... - He told him calmly now, attracting Hades' attention in his direction for this bastard Angel who now likes him a lot.

Zeus clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth, who thinks he is...

Rhea: Zeus, I know you are angry and you can do something stupid but not here and not with Him or do you want The Time of the Gods to end for something worse than the Titans?!... - I ask his son, Idiot, what do you think? He looked with surprise and anger.

Demeter [ is a Threat of that Level ?]... - the Goddess wondered, surprised, looking in the direction of the Angel.

Rhea sighed.

Rhea: I will explain everything... just... be silent and swallow your Pride for once... - She said seriously and almost exasperated to her son who snorted through his nose like a bull because of how angry he was but he didn't know. moved.

Hera, opened her mouth in disbelief, Now, what is happening here?

Irene and Tamamo ask themselves the same question.

Naruto dismissed her importance and proceeded to Pamper his daughter in which Mnemosyne and Rhea were going to talk, as the Titan appeared in front of Rhea before Rhea opened her mouth and began to ask her questions, to talk to each other.

"Hehe... Dad".

Mordred laughed, Embarrassed that her father played with her hair and poked her cheeks.

Hera looked at the Father and Daughter pair next to her in surprise.

3 Minutes later.

Mnemosyne: well... I'll come back later and think about it... - He said calmly to Rhea, drawing everyone's attention.

Naruto: Have you finished talking?... - he asked from the top of his Throne with curiosity.

Mordred: How... so fast?... - the beautiful blonde asked after her father as she settled into East's lap.

Mnemosyne looked in their direction and smiled.

Mnemosyne: girl, we are Gods and...

Naruto: "No"... - he said calmly, drawing everyone's attention to him.

Mnemosyne raised an eyebrow in curiosity as to what her companion would say.

Naruto: They are not "Gods", You are Mnemosyne a Titan... Rhea, also like you is a Titan... In Heaven There Was Only "One God" and that was My father, I find it unpleasant that more beings are call them Gods when they are not... Place by your side the Only One who was my Father as if his name belonged to you... - he said while Mordred gets up from his lap Listening to him and Naruto still got up from his Throne while everyone lends them Attention.

Naruto: Which I will solve soon, but now that my Father is not here, the only one who truly bears the title of God, the one who walks alone in Heaven is I... - he said while now letting out a little of his presence.




This is how those present now see Naruto until Zeus couldn't believe his eyes.


The Eyes of Hades went dark in Disbelief shared by all.

Naruto: Now Rhea... - he said, calling the attention of the aforementioned who sees him with disbelief. She felt and knew that he is strong due to the warning of his own mother to her and her sisters when he abandoned Olympus centuries ago with Mnemosyne. where her Mother warned them never to cross it, since She felt that He was the same Monster at the God Level that is The greatest Monster... She took Her Mother's advice but damn, She didn't think it was that much.


Zeus roared with Anger, drawing everyone's attention and Rhea opened her eyes.


The Titan did not finish when it was too late.

Naruto now grabs Zeus by the neck, no longer God, no more.

Naruto: allow me little one... - he said while taking his other hand out of his Toga and putting it through Zeus's damaged eye.


Zeus could only roar in Agony at The pain, The... Damn, feeling pain for a stranger and no one helps him... not The...

Naruto: tell me what were you doing in His Head?... - He asked softly to the small fly in his Hand that was surrounded by a Light and began to take shape.


Rhea, gasp.

Naruto: well, now tell me who it is?... - he said before tightening his Monstrous grip on Zeus who gasped when he felt how his neck began to contract and he couldn't get the Air.

The veins around Zeus's neck began to show like a color between Purple and Blue due to Lack of Air.

The God brought his hands to Naruto's to...

Naruto: don't touch me with your dirty hands... - he said with some Disgust while the God's hands were now seen in each one at a Strange Angle, since they had been broken.

Rhea: Wait, Lord Na...

The Titan gasped when he looked at her through her toga but, already with his hand crossing Zeus's chest.

Naruto proceeded to remove his hand stained with a Strange substance from the God's chest, which seconds later caught a golden fire before Everyone's attentive gaze.

Naruto: don't worry, Heaven and the domains that He had are Mine, so none of those things that you call misfortune will happen... Although where are you going? I said I would take your Soul... - he said calmly while he grabs a small translucent Sphere that no one but Him could see but his words made the Gods gasp more than having seen the Shocking Death of Zeus before their Eyes that even Hera could feel how their Union was broken.


Naruto snapped his fingers and the Soul of Zeus disappeared, it is not coming back.

Naruto: well, now... I don't think there will be a problem if I also remove the Others that touch my Sea and then The Last One, War?, Interesting... - he said while raising his hand and extending his palm pointing in one direction.

Mnemosyne smiled at him.

Naruto smiled at him from under his robe and a Sphere of Light was created in his hand.

Rea: Don't wait, I...



A powerful slingshot of power shot out, creating a powerful curtain of wind and a sharp screeching sound.


Naruto unleashes his small attack making everyone Shiver except for Artoria, Mnemosyne and Mordred, he turned and looked at Hades who looked in his direction with Fear.

Naruto: we'll talk... - He told him and...


A powerful Explosion came immediately, shaking all of Olympus.

Human World - Unknown Place.

In what appeared to be an Ancient-Looking Mansion, a small figure could be seen arriving at This, covering his head with a bag because of the rain that was falling, being constant in This part of the World.

The small hunched figure opened the door of the Mansion and entered it, closing the door behind her and removing the bag she was carrying from her head as she straightened up, now appearing to be taller than she had before, being that she was seen as a beautiful woman. purple-haired woman with long hair that reaches below her generous butt, intense crimson eyes, and she wears a secretary's outfit.

"Ahh... I thought today's Weather would be better, I should have brought my umbrella."

The beautiful Young Woman grunted walking towards her bathroom before noticing something that shines in her hand, being a bracelet she has that flashes crimson, which made the Young Girl smile.

"So He Found Someone Worthy Besides Me... Interesting...

The Young Woman smiled as her bracelet disappeared and a crimson Spear Appeared in her Hand, making the Young Woman smile.

"Later we will look for your Chosen One little one and see if he can hold you

" Belly "

The young woman smiled at the Ultimate before making her Spear disappear and going to take a bath.










Well, now Naruto is strong and yes, he does not have his seals and his attacks are Instinctive, remember Naruto is Someone Instinctive so the thing about the Gods with their open bellies did not follow him.

Naruto is not Hateful or Angry, he simply attacked because he wanted to and can, he is not Arrogant... He is Logical from his time when the earth was created.

Gaea, warned Rhea about Naruto just in case.

About Gabriel patience and The Act of Some gods, they must know it and also because they do not know how to approach strangers suddenly, they were simply caught with their hands down.