
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 13

Sky - Naruto's Room.

In this, Naruto could be seen sitting in the center of his bed calmly when a sudden flash illuminated the room and God could be seen appearing in the place.


Naruto greeted calmly from his place when God focused his gaze on him.

" Son ".

God greeted his firstborn with a soft voice, looking at him he noticed that nothing had changed about him, he was still the same normal Naruto who does not take off his toga that he created for both Him and Lucifer, the only toga of its kind and apparently Naruto appreciates it. more than his wayward brother something that makes him feel happy.

Naruto: So you have decided to punish me... - he commented suddenly, drawing all of God's attention to Him, as God looked at him with some curiosity as to how Naruto got to that point.

God: What brought you to that point, My son ?... - He asked his son with curiosity, looking out of the corner of his eye at the room that the only thing it has is the large bed in which Naruto is in addition to the small clouds around it.

Naruto smiled softly beneath his robe something God noticed.

Naruto: that's easy to answer father, this is the fact that since he locked me up here he never came to visit me and if he did after so much time it's because he has already decided to punish me or free me in the last case which I feel It won't happen, right?... - He responded calmly, surprising his God with his almost accurate words and deduction.

God: I could come visit you son, only with the rebellion of your brothers and the Occupied State and I felt that you needed space after...

Naruto: I know why I let Lucifer take my children while he locked me up... don't worry... - He said calmly, making God sigh slightly with the closest thing to sadness for his son's words and what he said. I carry your decision.

God: that was never something I wanted and...

Naruto: I know... - He interrupted him gently again to God's curiosity about who is being understanding with the other.

Naruto: to this... father, there is a question I want to ask you and it is: What happened to Gabriel? I don't feel it nor the blessing that is coming to him and I know that you know which blessing I am talking about.. - He told him calmly. to his father his doubts about his sister who suddenly when he was with Artoria, he lost his connection and had to return, leaving his partner.

God closed his eyes for a few seconds remembering what he did not recently before opening his eyes again and answering his son about his doubt.

God: Gabriel is fine, that's the only thing I'll tell you... - He said something serious with his voice and Naruto nodded calmly without any fight or anything like that because of the type of response he received.

Naruto: I understand... - he responded, taking his answer as God's internal fatigue due to the situation and the strange sensation he felt and did not understand.

God: actually for the first time in my existence, I don't know how to take this conversation further without ruining it in some way like it happens around you Naruto, so I'll get to the point, your "Punishment" will be that I'm going to seal you until you feel that you can be Free again ... - He told him with his forceful voice, expecting some disturbance from his son similar to the one Gabriel or even "Samael" had at the time but he waited and... nothing.

Naruto: I understand... - He responded calmly without any trace of emotion, whether bad or good, but simply accepting his words.

God raised an eyebrow in curiosity and surprise at how easily he accepted his Order.

God: why do you simply accept without Objecting anything against it? I am curious to know why... Lucifer or any other of your brothers, even Michael, would show some doubt, at least with The Punishment that I just told you that I will give you, but you, no. You do it, I don't understand... - He told him and asked with curiosity knowing that Naruto and Lucifer had more free will than any Angel since their creation, since when he created them he wanted them both to give him their opinion against his decisions to understand his points and that It leads them to have other Ideas against theirs, which never happened and they almost forgot to have given free will to Lucifer and Naruto because they acted like all their children, worshiping him as their father and his word being the only one.

Naruto tilted his head gently in curiosity, keeping his gaze calm.

Naruto: why don't I go against your word? You are the Strongest, there is no point in Opposing you and your Orders father, I am not Lucifer, I am Naruto, we both have different points... - He calmly answered his doubt and God shook his hand slightly. his gaze at her strange response.

God: then if you were even remotely stronger than me you...

Naruto: Yes, I would make my own decisions father, since I would be the strongest or should I follow Someone, weak?... - He asked with curiosity to his father who opened his eyes surprised by Naruto's form and how he sees things, that...

God: Naruto, children must listen to their parents, not caring about their power or anything like that, son, the simple fact of being your father is a reason for respect and if you know that I can seal your powers and...

Naruto: I know, that's why he is the strongest father and don't worry, I won't attack you or anything because of style... I'm not Lucifer... - He told him calmly without knowing that in reality, God had already placed two seals on him. to Him and his current power, although suppressed, was not his limit or true power.

God: What makes you think that I'm worried that you might attack me?... - I suddenly asked him with curiosity about what led him to think that. Lastly, he let go of part of the answer that Naruto had given him and I didn't refute that This Evil.

Naruto pointed with his hand under his robe in his own direction, specifically to one of his Hands that God looked at, noticing how it had a dull crimson Spear that he knew very well, since He had created it not recently as his personal weapon.

"The Gae bolg."

God opened his eyes slightly surprised, not knowing at what moment he took his Weapon.

"Don't worry father, like I said I won't do anything and if it keeps you calm having the Spear in your hand there's no problem."

Naruto calmly repeated to his father that he undid his Spear the next second, internally shocked. He looked at Naruto, like a Threat? At what moment? It's even strange, since not even Lucifer.

God sighed and contemplated in his Mind for a moment.

God [ I feel like just trying to start a conversation with my own son is hard, I can't find anything to talk to him about, anything to make him smile... nothing... I should have paid more attention to him, just like Gabriel, since lately she was emitting this same vibe and sensation that I feel coming from Naruto, it does not harbor any Bad Intention or anything and that is what makes it heavy... At least with Michael and my Other children I can talk and get smiles but... Naruto and Gabriel ].. - God sighed again without understanding his children, more so Naruto... He was not always like this or he does not know when it became so tense to talk to him when in the first instance he could not find anything to talk to him about.

God: " I will begin the process ." .. -He told him again Expecting something at least from Naruto, no more just a Nod from him and calm Acceptance at least Lucifer who is wayward shows him something even if it is Hate but Naruto.

God sighed and felt that he really shouldn't do this to Naruto or Gabriel, they did relatively nothing Bad but the level of their Actions should be punished for their own good... Hopefully this time will help them think well Naruto, since Gabriel is locked in the depths of the New Gabriel and there is no way for her to return on her own until He decides and...

God denied.

God: you will be sealed in a Place that only I will know, son. I hope this helps you think about your Actions and not commit them again until I release you in the future when I think you are ready ... - He told him and Suddenly the floor of the room began to light up and strange masses of light began to appear and move, consuming the entire room, including clouds that disappeared.

Naruto did not get disturbed or move from his place, he just looked calmly at his father without taking his eyes off of him while the Light began to cover the room.

Naruto [it seems that I won't be able to free them, he sighed ,... and this will remain in the hands of my Last Protected... Including my own release]... - he thought, knowing that if his father did something to Gabriel everything was in Artoria's hands with her last message that she just sent him.

Naruto refrained from smiling calmly as the Light began to surround him, seeming dark to him, Naruto felt that a better future awaits him in the future and this is not his time, no, it is not and he will fight like Lucifer does against his father for His freedom doesn't make sense, his brother still lives because his father wants him that way and trying to do what Lucifer did doesn't believe he will achieve it... his father is powerful and is on guard against him.

"Goodbye My son."

God said goodbye, looking at how Naruto's golden eyes never blinked or deviated from Him, something strange since his Light should be annoying for... God denied, this is not the time for Analysis... The Punishment of his firstborn began.

God disappeared just like the Light or Darkness that consumed Naruto.

Human world - Great Britain - Camelot - Throne Room.

In this, Artoria could be seen sitting on her throne peacefully after Naruto had left her in the middle of the night for Something, being that several hours ago and a new day had dawned along with the duties of being Queen.

Artoria, who is planning in her mind a better " procreation " attempt with Naruto, blinked when a series of memories, requests and explanations from Naruto came to her, trusting her with his freedom.

Artoria clicked her teeth and clenched her fists through her gloves making a slight clicking noise, her partner apparently had his time but he hopes she will help him in the future since she extended his immortality and told him to continue with his tasks. Kingdom before letting time take its course and his Kingdom will fall to the final like any other but now he has a Goal in his Immortal life to not simply disappear like a legend of the past or anything like that.

Artoria [ but...He took away my happiness ]...- she thought cursing Naruto's father while she let some tears fall from her beautiful eyes for her Beloved, she felt how her dreams were taken, her projects, what she planned with Him , although it will essentially show itself in its Spiritual form... He...He was always with Her, selflessly guiding her only in her Interest to be her best friend and someone with whom He could talk like Someone normal, he never said no to her, he never took her decisions and opinions as foolish or I expect from Her something more than Her Friendship and Love of course when She proclaimed it to Him.

Artoria sighed leaving her Tears and squeezed her new Excaliburn Sword, which she has next to her Throne. She wanted to go and slice Naruto's father but if He Himself did not Oppose, She knew that then she would not be a rival, which is why Naruto did not fight either. and for her problem, since her partner has some more problems on the mental side... maybe, She doesn't know it but she doesn't care, Now she will continue to prosper her Kingdom until she feels it's time to retire and go to help To Naruto... maybe "Morgana" can help you with this, she knows that loyal allies are always needed for these things.

"Don't worry Beloved... I will free you and support you no matter how many I have to use... you are worth it."

It was Artoria's thought, she will never abandon her Beloved, first Friend and King who helped her in this treacherous and cruel world and made her see the truth of the human race a little better.

Artoria[Naruto]... - he thought, feeling a warm sensation in his chest.

Underworld - Far from the Battlefield - Tents.

Lucifer, who is in his own tent planning his next strategy to Eliminate his father from the World, stopped his thoughts while he felt like a part of Him was taken away from him, Strange... with The Only One who felt this type of connections was more of a Monster than Him. so worrying about that fool was pointless.

Lucifer did not give it any importance and continued doing his thing with all of the three Great Biblical Factions, feeling a slight emptiness in his heart, whether they were Angels, Fallen or Demons.

Everyone felt like they lost Something.









Good although short cap.

What God feels is more The feeling of not knowing his son very much even though he has him by his side.

Naruto why he doesn't fight, He knows how to read situations easily and is not an Idiot.