
Naruto: Fourth Hokage

In battling and defeating Kyuubi No Kitsune, the sealing jutsu unexpectedly sealed away Yondaime Hokage into Naruto. What will life for Naruto be like now that Yondaime is sealed away into him?

UchihaFamily · Cómic
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70 Chs

Chapter 040

"If Neji-san and Naruto-sama got into a fight," Hanabi asked, "Who would win?"

Hinata was about to voice her opinion when…

"What's this about who'd win in a fight between me and Naruto-sama?"

Both siblings turned to see their older cousin standing by the door with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Neji-san," Hanabi said.

"Niisan," Hinata greeted, "How long were you there?"

"I heard my name mentioned so I came over," came his reply, "So what's this about who would win in a fight between me and Naruto-sama, Hanabi-sama? Does this have anything to do with Naruto rescuing Hinata-sama from Itachi?"

"You know about that," Hinata asked.

"Everyone in the clan knows about it," Neji answered, "Naruto-sama had to save you because you were too weak to defend and hold your grounds against Itachi. It's pitiful that the supposed heiress isn't capable of defending herself against criminals. Fate has deemed you weak Hinata-sama."

Neji turned walked off from his two cousins and back to his quarters. Normally in the past, Neji's harsh and cold words would have made Hinata question her worth, however after spending quantities of time with Naruto and Ino, and gaining her father's recognition and approval, Hinata decided not to let her cousin's words get to her.

"Fate, fate," Hanabi snorted, "That's all he ever talks about. Sometimes I wonder if one of the cadet branch members dropped him on his head as a kid."

"Hanabi…," Hinata lightly laughed.

(Later That Evening)

Naruto was sitting on top of the Hokage Monument; unsurprisingly he was standing on top of the side with Yondaime's head. While he was there, he was thinking back to everything that transpired all in one day, from him training in the use of the Rasengan and failing to perfect it, arguing with Minato and Kyuubi, a run-in and battle with Itachi and Kisame of the Akatsuki after the two of them kidnapped Hinata and Ino to finally Hinata and Ino learning of his familial history and legacy. He was happy that he allowed Sandaime to explain the issues concerning the Namikaze clan and Kyuubi's imprisonment.

Sandaime was careful about how he went about explaining to Ino and Hinata the truth about Naruto, Yondaime, Tsunade and Kyuubi. He explained the history of the Namikaze clan and how they were specialized in discovering, creating and mastering sealing jutsus, spirals and creating seal-less attack and defense jutsus. He also explained what led to the Namikaze to near extinction and how Minato was originally the last of his clan and was planning on reconstructing his clan after marrying Uzumaki Kushina.

Sarutobi then explained how things took a turned for the worst when Yondaime received word about Kyuubi No Kitsune traveling to Konoha and destroying everything its path as it made it's way to the village. Sandaime held back no details from the two girls in explaining the tragic and horrific events in sheer details. Hinata and Ino were in tears upon learning that Kushina died from heavy trauma and distress during Kyuubi's attack and ultimately of childbirth and how Minato had no other choice but to seal Kyuubi into his own newly born son, turning Naruto into a living sacrifice with the use of a forbidden master jutsu that was meant to take his life in the process.

Without actually stating the name of the kinjutsu used in spite of it being a fluke, Sandaime explained that Kyuubi was sealed into Naruto's right hand and that Yondaime's body was completely destroyed after the jutsu was initiated, with all of his chakra absorbed and sealed into Naruto's stomach. Sarutobi was careful not to reveal that Yondaime Hokage himself was sealed into Naruto as well and that Naruto is gradually absorbing his father's Hokage attributes, knowledge and wisdom. Sandaime explained that as a result of Kyuubi's sealing into Naruto's right hand, he was instantly given a summoning contract with foxes and can summon them when needed.

Sandaime then went on to explain how Hyuuga Hiashi volunteered first to adopt Naruto into the main house of the Hyuuga clan before explaining how Tsunade came into the picture and became Naruto's new mother and how he's been her only son ever since. What Sandaime left out was the facts that Naruto has been heavily trained and taught by Tsunade, Jiraiya and Yondaime while growing up. The girls figured that Tsunade taught Naruto some stuff; however they weren't aware of just how much.

Thinking back to those moments, Naruto remembered the shocked look on Hinata and Ino's faces after Sandaime revealed those revelations. It was all so overwhelming for the girls to take in at one time and he knew that they would never look at him the same way again. After a period of silence that felt like an eternity, both girls went over and hugged Naruto affectionately. Both girls were happy that Naruto trusted them to the point that he was willing to reveal and share his greatest secrets with them and promised never to reveal it without his permission.

While standing there he wondered what the unknown future has in store for him. After several minutes, Naruto said, "I know you're there so you can come out of hiding."

A second later, an aged man in his 60s smoking a pipe stepped out from out of the shadows and walked over to Naruto.

"I figured you'd sense I was here Naruto," Sarutobi said. Naruto nodded.

"Thinking about what happened earlier," Sarutobi asked.

"I was," Naruto admitted, "I have to admit the girls took it rather well. I was surprised that they didn't turn into crazed fangirls on the spot."

Sandaime chuckled at this and said, "That's because they're your friends Naruto, not shallow girls who sees you only because of the name you carry or because of whose son you are. They see you for you, and I can tell that from the way they look at you, as does your mother. Those girls really like you Naruto and I'm sure that they'll be of great benefit to you in the future."

"I saved their lives," Naruto joked, "What's there not to like?"

"Tell that to the Akatsuki and your father's enemies from the other villages and nations," Sandaime shot back.

"Point taken," Naruto frowned.

"Seriously Naruto," Sandaime stated, putting all humor and jokes aside, "The truth about who you really are will eventually come out into the opening. Once word gets out that you're the living son of Yondaime, you'll be a most, if not solely, loved figure in this village and a most hated representation of Yondaime to outside enemy villages who really hate your father."

"You told me this before jiisan," Naruto retorted, "As did my father, who has yet to teach me all of his jutsus and fighting styles, and the Hiraishin No Jutsu for that matter."

"Most likely for your own protection," Sarutobi stated, "Your father was the feared Yellow Flash after all. From what your father told me before you were born, creating and mastering the Hiraishin No Jutsu was no easy task, even for a seal master like him. He didn't go into many details about how he created that jutsu or how long it took, but he told me that he designed and created the Hiraishin No Jutsu in a way that only someone of his bloodline descend could use it."






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