
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 260

"Please, be gentle! Aren't you the most unqualified intern?"

Just when the three villages were all in a tumult because of Kaito, Kaito was looking at Yaneko with an unfortunate expression.

The result of Yaneko studying with Tsunade is that she also has some knowledge of medical ninjutsu.

After all, Tsunade is the head of the medical department in the Leaf Village. If Tsunade's disciple doesn't know medical ninjutsu, that would be really questionable.

However, Yaneko has only been studying with Tsunade for a few days, so basically, she hasn't learned much.

But even without mastering it, she could still try to do some things within her capacity, such as taking care of Kaito, who is mostly fine.

Kaito's interaction with Tsunade can be described as "fruitful." After all, in front of Tsunade, Kaito mentioned that he knew the secret of the wood release technique, which was naturally shocking for Tsunade.

But it seems Kaito has no intention of discussing it further with her, saying they will talk about it after the war.

This attitude naturally made Tsunade very dissatisfied, but she didn't know what to say about it.

So she simply asked Yaneko to take good care of Kaito since Yaneko is her disciple and has learned some things.

Although she hasn't studied deeply, Yaneko could still do something.

Yaneko was quite pleased to receive this task, but this made Kaito a bit distressed.

Even if Kaito said he was alright, Yaneko didn't seem to have any intention of letting him off the hook.

At this moment, Yaneko was persuaded by Kaito to give him a massage, and she happily agreed.

But now Kaito started to feel a headache because Yaneko's extremely unprofessional technique made him somewhat uncomfortable.

Although as a ninja, Kaito has a high tolerance, he can't stand Yaneko applying so much force when he's fully relaxed.

"Didn't you say I'm an intern? An intern should act like one."

Yaneko didn't care about Kaito's words, but she gradually lightened her movements.

"How is it now? Is it better?"

"Much better now."

Kaito gently nodded, then he continued.

"Tsunade really shouldn't have you doing these things. After all, I'm also a minister of the Leaf Village. 

I should at least enjoy the treatment befitting a minister. It would be most appropriate for her to do this."

"Do you think Lady Tsunade is you? The current battle situation is so intense, the tasks Lady Tsunade has to deal with are unimaginable."

Yaneko looked at Kaito with dissatisfaction, then shook her head and continued.

"However, the war has accelerated. I'm afraid it won't be long before Ōnoki arrives on the front lines.

By then, I suspect no one will have such a leisurely time, and it will be the most dangerous moment."

Upon hearing Yaneko's words, Kaito didn't object, given the current situation.

With the supply route of Iwagakure being disrupted by Kaito, a significant gap in their troop deployment emerged.

Tsunade also began to instruct the Leaf ninjas to launch attacks from various directions, effectively suppressing Iwagakure's front in the Grass Country.

Iwagakure is now continually retreating, and due to problems in troop movement, their key positions are also constantly being eroded by the Leaf.

It's easy to imagine that Iwagakure is really having a tough time now; they are almost entirely suppressed within their defense zone by the Leaf.

They actually wanted to keep retreating to buy more time.

However, it's clear that Bungo didn't dare to do so, as their current region represents Iwagakure's last front in the Grass Country.

If retreating results in Iwagakure losing these strategic locations, one can imagine his future would be doomed.

Now, Iwagakure also displays a strong will to fight; they've engaged in an intense battle mode with the Leaf, contending for every inch of land.

Several times, large-scale ninja battles were sparked due to the dispute over a key area, but they didn't retreat at all.

However, it's predictable that Iwagakure's morale isn't very high now.

After all, their supply line was disrupted, and the Leaf's aggressive attacks caused them to lose many ninjas.

Under such dual blows, the fact that Iwagakure can hold on only shows their high caliber and their deep resentment towards the Leaf.

If they continue this way, they might have to pull out all the stops, leading to a decisive battle to end it all.

Of course, it's also possible that the Leaf Village will completely surround them and initiate the final decisive battle, thereby putting an end to everything!

Regardless of which scenario unfolds, the time might not be long; at most a week or half a month, or it could even be within the next few days!

"How are those kids doing now?"

Since Kaito stayed within the Leaf camp, he naturally had access to more information than if he were outside.

After pondering for a moment, he inquired with curiosity.

"How are they being accommodated, and what's their current situation?"

"They are all fine. Although a few of them got unlucky and were injured, with so many people protecting them, none of them died."

Yaneko sat beside Kaito, gently massaging his shoulders as she softly responded.

"Some of them are quite reluctant; they also want to participate in this final battle. However, once the order came, they began to cease their tasks one after another.

But they don't want to leave here. According to them, even if they can't participate, they still wish to witness this battle.

Lady Tsunade is somewhat torn, but in the end, she agreed. After all, she's satisfied with the growth of these kids.

Moreover, letting these children understand the horrors of a large-scale war can help them realize the hard-earned peace of the Leaf Village.

This can make them love the Leaf more and cherish peace even more."

Kaito was somewhat surprised that there was no intention to evacuate these youngsters. However, after some thought, he had to admit Tsunade's decision was correct.

Actually, Kaito himself was someone without much experience in large-scale wars. He had only heard from many ninjas that such battles were genuinely the most dangerous.

Because you never know when a kunai might fly towards you.

You also never know when a teammate's ninjutsu might affect you.

Sometimes, a kunai aimed at you might be inadvertently blocked by your teammate.

And you have to witness your teammate's demise without any time to mourn because the moment you're distracted, you might be the next to fall.

Such bloody and cruel events are genuinely unimaginable for Kaito.

Those who can walk out of such a scene of death and destruction are truly the most admirable.

Of course, without proper guidance, the personalities of such individuals might change due to their experiences.

Because what they've been through is a genuine hell on earth, facing things unimaginable to ordinary people.

"I understand. The cruelty of war is indeed hard to imagine."

Kaito sighed slightly, speaking with his eyes closed.

"I just hope Lady Tsunade is prepared. No one knows how many people will mentally break this time."

"So, your power is indispensable."

At this moment, Yaneko's voice became somewhat somber, her tone shifting from its usual languid softness.

"Although it sounds selfish, your strength is decisive.

You're someone who can change the course of the war, and your might is beyond the imagination of common people.

As a friend, I truly hope you won't risk yourself, but as a member of the Leaf Village, I hope you can end all this.

However, when the time comes, I'll be with you, always with you, no matter the outcome."

"There's no need for that. I'd feel more at ease knowing you're safe, otherwise, I'd worry I'd have to protect you."

Kaito replied with a smile, though Yaneko's words did make him ponder deeply.

His power had increased significantly, whether it's his eyes or his bloodline abilities!

Under such circumstances, the damage Kaito could inflict might be much greater than before.

With that thought, he couldn't help but recall Uchiha Madara.

He remembered Madara's invincibility during the Fourth War and how he dominated the battlefield.

Although Uchiha Madara did utilize the power of the Rinnegan, he relied more on the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan's strength in battle.

Kaito knew that even when compared to Madara just after his resurrection, there was a significant gap in their abilities.

But now, Kaito is not too far behind. With the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, even if he can't surpass Uchiha Madara, there are certain things he can definitely do!

If Uchiha Madara can freely dance amongst the Shinobi Allied Forces, why can't he, Uchiha Kaito, do the same?

If Uchiha Madara can face five individuals alone, why can't Uchiha Kaito confront the Akatsuki and the Ōnoki?

Moreover, Uchiha Madara didn't have anyone to assist him at the time. Behind Kaito is a large force from the Leaf Village, including Tsunade, the founder of medical ninjutsu.

Most importantly, he has strong ninjas like Shisui, Kakuzu, and Kakashi. He can fully unleash his powers and do something!

Furthermore, he knows that he has captured the Raikage and the Eight-Tails, and he does not intend to let the Fourth Raikage return alive.

So, he must ensure that the Leaf Village demonstrates overwhelming combat power in the war against Iwagakure.

Only in this way, even if the Fourth Raikage dies and Kumogakure suspects them, they wouldn't dare to initiate a war!

Thinking of this, Kaito felt even more invigorated.

He's never had a chance to use the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. He must find an opportunity to fully display this strength.

Then Iwagakure is his best opponent, and this war is the best platform for him to show his power!

"Rest well, and don't feel too pressured."

Seeing Kaito fall silent, Yaneko couldn't help but sigh slightly, then she stood up and softly said,

"I told you, I'll be with you this time, whether you agree or not.

We are friends, teammates, and comrades. You can't leave me behind."

"Don't worry. I don't feel any pressure, Yaneko."

Hearing Yaneko's words, Kaito couldn't help but lift his head. Seeing Yaneko's serious expression, he began to smile.

"Moreover, I've said before that I'm most at ease and happy when you're safe.

I know what to do. I've always known what I should do!"

What I desire is to dance just like Uchiha Madara!

"We can't continue to be passive like this!"

Inside the Iwagakure camp, Bungo looked at the various reports in front of him, his face had become extremely grim.

The recent developments in the war had truly been beyond expectations, and such unexpected events had exhausted him mentally.

He had never seen such a string of misfortunes and absurdities happen, but all of it was unfolding before his eyes.

What's worse, all these events were almost costing him his life.

With these unfortunate events continuously occurring, the Iwa frontline had become incredibly compromised.

Meanwhile, Konoha had seized this opportunity, continuously attacking and pushing back Iwagakure's defenses.

If this continues, they will inevitably become even more passive and may even lose the war!

Bungo couldn't bear to think of the consequences of losing the war. Even though he didn't care about his political future in Iwagakure, there were certain matters he had to consider.

That is the comrades who have sacrificed their lives in this war, and the reactions of the families of those fallen ninja.

He wasn't heartless. He really couldn't imagine how he would face all this.

But the current situation left him with no options. For Iwagakure, it had truly reached a life-or-death juncture.

Though he had received news that their Tsuchikage was on the way, he was really uncertain about when Ōnoki would arrive.

The movements of the Tsuchikage were highly confidential. Even he was in the dark about it. Under such circumstances, he wasn't sure how long Iwagakure's ninja could hold on.

If this situation doesn't change, they really won't be able to hold out.

Thinking of this, Bungo's sturdy body suddenly stood up.

He made a decision, a bold one - to concentrate all forces and have a decisive battle with Konoha!

Such an approach is extremely risky. If they fail, they may lose their current frontline.

They might even be forced back into the Land of Earth. It's not an impossible scenario!

But being continuously consumed by Konoha, like slicing a sausage and gradually losing their own territory, was untenable.

If things continue this way, Iwagakure will only become even more endangered and more passive.

But by taking a risk, perhaps they can inflict heavy casualties on Konoha, thereby reclaiming their territories and significantly boosting their morale.

Currently, the morale in Iwagakure is really low. The news that their logistical supply line had been cut off, even though he tried to suppress the information, still got out.

After all, the supplies coming in were decreasing, while their consumption kept increasing. Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for them not to notice.

Especially since many who had gone to support the rear had witnessed it all. Even the most naive among them could guess what was happening.

"It will be a gamble, an extreme gamble."

Bungo muttered to himself, but his gaze had become unwaveringly resolute.

"But even if it's a gamble, we have to try. Instead of waiting to be defeated, it's better to give it our all.

At the very least, we have to show everyone that there's hope, and at least show Konoha the courage of Iwagakure!"


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