
Naruto: Evil Within

Naruto, the beacon of light, the child of prophecy. What happens when all the hatred he has accumulated burst out one day when his soul is erased and replaced with an orphan. The orphan originally named, Mark Goldbridge, a notorious killer back on earth, his infamy spread across the world, they called him “Doomsday”. Now he has been reincarnated as Naruto Uzumaki, another orphan, inheriting his memories he realised the hatred inside Naruto that even Naruto hadn’t realised. “Don’t worry kid, I Uzumaki Naruto will exact revenge on the Konoha, I will be their demise, rest well”. ——- Author note- I’ve read evil Naruto fan-fics but they aren’t truly evil they still protect the konoha, what I plan to create is a truly evil Naruto, one that has nothing but konoha’s demise on his brain.

RadicalAM · Cómic
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23 Chs

16. Battle of Wits: Bell Test

Getting up in the morning, Naruto put on his gear and strapped his sword to the back as he walked outside.

Meeting Sasuke and Sakura along the way, they then walked to the field seeing Kakashi. Prior to arriving, Naruto had explained a strategy to them in which they agreed to.

Sakura was assigned the close combat support, whilst she would focusing on distracting Kakashi, Sasuke would help by releasing long range fireball jutsu's.

Whilst Naruto would unleash sneak attacks, since Kakashi didn't know of his strength, he would make use of that advantage.

Arriving at the next Kakashi, Kakashi pulled out two bells as he said "all you're test is to be able to take these bells and you pass".

"It's that easy?" Sakura said questioning, "no, dimwit" Sasuke said in a low voice which embarrassed Sakura.

"Now begin!", Naruto then looked at both his teammates as they nodded, "ok, follow the plan!".

Naruto then disappeared into the bushes with Sakura sprinting towards Kakashi, since Kakashi read a lot of books that were dirty, then Sakura would be his nemesis since it seemed he was afraid of the female species.

Sasuke was right behind her as he watched he engage in battle with Kakashi, 'using her as a decoy whilst one of you disappeares and the other waits for a chance to attack?'.

Kakashi raised his eyebrows as he felt the plan was too easy to figure out, Naruto knew he would that's why he made the plan easy for him to figure out, since he'd believe that he knew what was coming.

This allowed Naruto to lower the guard of Kakashi.

"Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!".

Sasuke sent a big fireball when he saw Sakura get launched, Kakashi avoided the fireball as he dived to the right, however Naruto popped out of the bush as he reached for the bells.

"Nope, not today young man", Kakashi the used Naruto's head as a leaping board. Naruto looked back as he landed. Grabbing his sword he pulled it out as he held it in one hand, over the years due to the training he became one with the blade, it felt like an extension of his arm.

Seeing Naruto pull out a katana, Kakashi prepared himself pulling out a kunai.


Him an Naruto engaged in close combat with Sakura helping and Sasuke sending fireballs from afar.

'I have to admit, their teamwork is pretty amazing', Kakashi couldn't help but praise them.

Naruto looked at the back of Kakashi and seeing they were getting closer to the the trap, Naruto smiled devilishly.

Looking at the devilish smile on his face, Kakashi felt like something was wrong.

And he would soon find out as he stepped onto a floor full of leaves and 10 Naruto's popped out as they all dashed towards Kakashi.

"Shit! I've been had".

"Quick Sasuke send a fireball!" Naruto shouted.

"Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!".

A big fireball trapped Kakashi in his place, turning somewhat serious he sliced the fireball in half as he jumped up killing every single Naruto.

Sighing from that close call Kakashi looked down as he landed a few metres away.

Naruto then zoomed to his position as he threw a kunai at him, Kakashi blocked it as it flipped in the sky.

However it was a mistake as it turned out to be Naruto, "wha-" Kakashi looked dumbfounded as he watched Naruto slice down with his katana.


Parrying it Kakashi sent a gut shot towards Naruto's stomach, however Naruto blocked it but was still sent away.

After watching Naruto fly, Sasuke decided to give up on the battle plan, engaging in close combat, from the looks of it he was actually fight Kakashi a lot better then Naruto was.

Returning back Naruto stood still as he strategised, 'since Sasuke has given up on the plan, I need to think of an alternative'.

'I don't want to be out here until tomorrow'.

"Looks like it's time to use the first technique of Armageddon".

Naruto then held his sword in his hand as chakra started to be infused in it, small amounts of bloodlust started being released by the sword.

Kakashi feeling the malice looked over towards Naruto, looking at his sword Kakashi wondered why there was bloodlust seeping from it.

"Armageddon: The Beginning!", using this move Naruto kicked up his speed as he arrived right next to Kakashi.

Sasuke looked in his direction as he felt the bloodlust being released, looking into Naruto's eyes he felt a tinge of Darkness.

Naruto then slashed at the waist of Kakashi, Kakashi felt danger from this sword strike, so he finally got serious and coated his hand in chakra.

However, Naruto dodged the confrontation as he slashed the bells breaking them.

Kakashi's eyes widened, he realised Naruto had released that bloodlust to occupy his mind making him forget about the bells.

'He got me good, but how does he have a killing move if he hasn't ever killed?'.

Not wanting to remain answer less he asked "Naruto, how do you have a technique that specialises in killing? And what is that sword of yours".

Hearing his question, Naruto was already prepared, "this is a killing technique I developed from killing fishes for food and this sword is a sword I bought yesterday from the market".

After hearing that he developed that move from killing animals, Kakashi couldn't help but think that Naruto was a genius, and Naruto saying this sword was from the market was abit weak, however you could buy anything at the market so Kakashi was ok with that answer.

He then looked at the floor and seeing the bells he smiled and looked back at the three genins.

"You're teamwork was phenomenal, you three complimented each others style really well and along with the fact you helped each other out in predicaments was amazing".

"Remember, always put you comrades before you're mission ok?".

Hearing this all three genins nodded.

"Good, you three have passed, well done".

Sakura skipped as she laughed, Sasuke had a rare smile on his face as he closed his eyes.

Naruto also had a smile on his as he looked at Sasuke and Sakura.

Sasuke feeling something looked at him and seeing Naruto smile and raised hand in a fist towards him, he was surprised but soon fist bumped him.

Kakashi seeing this smiled, 'that's what comrades are for… never abandon them'.

'Like me'.