
Chapter-5 : New World

[Summoning Jutsu] 

Hiro used a bit of his chakra as he summoned one of his contracted beasts.

"Oh boy, you have been fighting against with those hippos again, haven't you" Hiro said as he patted the neck of the horse he just summoned.

*Neighghhh* the horse exhaled and then replied as he bought his head near Hiro's head to show affection.

This was 'Roach', his loyal horse summon.

Hiro had contracted him 3 years ago when he was just a newborn foal, in just 3 years, it had grown up to become a majestic creature.

It was part of the herd of horses that lived in the island plains near the coast of land of fire.

These creatures were not only fast, but also incredibly strong along with possessing many useful Abilities like being able to run over water.

All in all, they were perfect for Hiro who loved to travel a lot at that time.

Hiro, took out his saddle along with other equipment from a scroll as he made preparations for his travel.

*Tchk tchk*

Hiro clicked his tongue as he spoke "easy boy, lets take it slow at first, you know where to go" Hiro said as he patted him on the side of his neck as the horse started running.


After riding his horse for more than a couple days, Hiro finally arrived at his destination.

Hoei Village.

A village near the border with land of Lightning, in the mountainous region of the land of Fire.

This place was nearly a 2000 kilometers away from Konoha, but considering the path Hiro chose to stay out of sight, they travelled more than 4000 kilometers in total by taking detours.

As for why he took detours? Well, he didn't want to be tracked about where he was going as it wasn't as simple as it seemed.

As for how the horse could cover such a large distance in such small time, well, it was a chakra beast after all.

For those who didn't know, this world was a lot different than what Hiro had originally thought.

Not just the details but just in size, it was easily much bigger than earth.

It's geography was totally different from earth's, first of all, instead of there being different continents, this entire world was just a single super continent.

The world was divided roughly into 7 great nations, them being the Land of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind and Lightning, along with land of Snow that lied on the northern pole and the land of iron which lied on the southern pole.

Roughly 60% of the surface of this planet was covered by water instead of 71% that covered earth.

Also, there were bodies of water within this super continent that seemed like a sea of its own.

Fun fact, Uzumaki clan had once ruled the great Uzu sea that was inside the land of fire, another fun fact, Uzu sea was just a tad bit smaller than the Mediterranean sea on earth.

Not only that, humans were not the dominating species on this planet, not by a long shot, even though humans were one of the strongest, they were not as abundant or populous as animals and beasts.

Here on this planet, which had its own energy, not only humans were powerful, but also animals and chakra beasts.

Average animal was larger, stronger and better than those on earth while those that head learned to use their chakra came into the category of chakra beasts.

These beasts could use chakra in its crudest form to boost their natural abilities and strength. 

Those beasts that have been doing it for generations upon generations had gained sentience over the centuries and had came to form clans just like humans did.

Beat example would be the toads of Mt Myoboku.

These creatures were much stronger than normal chakra beast as they had intelligence as their strength. 

Humans normally lived in small settlements over all of these lands, grouping together to survive against these beasts, that was why the Shinobi profession was not going to decline anytime soon.

Anyways, as he was saying, Roach was also a chakra beast, he could run at speeds in excess of 200 kilometers per hour continuously without tiring out, with Intermediates dashes in between where he could double this speed for a few hours.

Hiro dismounted off Roach as he gave him some feed and unsummoned him, sending him back.

Wearing a straw hat, Hiro entered the small town of Hoei, though was a village, had developed a lot in the last few years, making it a prime hub for trade in the region.

As he crossed the mud ridden street of the town, he could see carts being loaded up with boxes with multiple powerful presences guarding these carts. 

Each cart was being protected by a Chunin level ninja or mercenary while a dozen of these carts formed a convoy that was being led by a few Jonins.

This level of protection was for not only the beasts in the wild but any other party that might be looking to make an easy profit looting these convoys.

These carts were loaded with sealing scrolls, each scroll being able to hold approximately half a ton of anything.

Despite not looking much, each of these carts held materials worth millions of ryo.


Hiro passed them all without sparing them a glance as he entered the largest Tavern in the town, sitting down for a cup of sake.

As he drank his sake, a young man with grey hair and a cut on the chin to his left side came and sat besides Hiro.

"So, how's everything going?" Hiro asked as he slid a cup to his side, offering it to the youth to his side.

The youth smiled as he picked up the cup of sake while saying "Its getting much busier than we thought it would become, so, it's good I guess"

"Well, a man needs to make money after all, how the other thing going?" Hiro said as he finished his cup.

"Why don't you head to the back and see for yourself" the young man smiled, drinking the sake in one shot.

"Sure, lead the way then" Hiro said as the young man lead him to the back side of the tavern which was the premium section for people of higher class, the VIP section.

Hiro followed him through the premium section where a couple Jonins were eating in silence, they peeked their heads towards their direction to see who was coming but with just a look from the grey headed youth, they lowered their gaze and focused back onto eating their food.

As Hiro followed him, they went through the VIP section and into the kitchen, where two men with towering bodies were cooking food.

As they noticed the two figures entering the kitchen, they smiled with their teeth showing as they said "Bug Brother Shira, you are back!"

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