
Naruto: Assimilation

Time_pass96 · Cómic
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8 Chs


In Konoha

On a clear starry night, the sky had a full moon and countless stars twinkling

but in one specific ward room of Konoha Hospital, there were loud screams from a woman in labor.

Outside the labor ward, a man apparently in his twenties can be seen hurriedly pacing.

"Sigh, please be safe, my dear!" The man speaks in a worried tone, clearly worried about his wife, who will soon give birth to his child.

"Yagami, you do not need to stress yourself. I am sure Hazuki will be fine."spoke a middle-aged man with a small build, which appears harmless at first sight, but that should be the worst first impression of him anyone ever had. Because this middle-aged man is among the world's most dangerous individuals.

Seeing the short man. Yagami becomes respectful and salutes him.

"Hokage sama, you are here, and how can I not be worried? She is the only one I have; if anything happens to her, what will I do?"

Yes the middle aged short man is actually the third hokage Sarutobi Hizuren.

The leader of Konoha , now known as the god of shinobi because when he enters the battlefield, the mere sight of him instills fear in the enemy, and only other village leaders can confront him.

"Hm, you are right Yagami, I know how you feel. I was anxious too when Asuma was born and had been worrying about biwa all the time. However, as a kage, I have to be strong mentally and physically because I have to worry about the entire village, so Yagami, as a man, a husband, a soon-to-be father, and a fine shinobi of hidden leaf, you should face every situation bravely, the entire village is there to support you, and do not worry, I have full faith in our capable medics, everything will be fine.

"Thank you, hokage sama; you are correct, I should be strong as a man and a shinobi."Yagami's mood improves following the speech from hokage, demonstrating how experienced hokage is.

Soon after, the cries of a newborn baby came from the ward room.

The gate opens, and a nurse leaves the ward room.

Seeing hokage there she salutes to him

"Hokage sama"

"This is not a time for formalities Mika, you should tell Yagami kun about his wife and child."

"yes hokage sama, congratulations Yagami kun, you have become a father and do not worry, Hazuki san is perfectly fine and she gives birth to a healthy boy."

Only after knowing that both his wife and child are safe did he sigh with relief.

"Thank you Mika san"

"ha ha ha... congratulations Yagami kun , you have become an old man and now you have more responsibilities on your shoulder."

Hizuren congratulates him while patting his shoulder.

After some time, they were allowed to enter the ward room.

The first one to enter was Yagami After all, he could not wait to see his wife and children.

As he enters the room, a beautiful woman comes into his view who was resting on the bed, and beside her lays an infant with small brown hair and brown eyes who appears curious about his surroundings.