
Naruto - Konoha no Raijin

what is Death? Can it be really possible to retain memory after death? Are will you cease to exist completely. I cannot comprehend about death, death is mysterious To some it is purely evil, to some it’s a redemption and what’s death to you..? …. ….. …. But in the end you cannot escape death, no matter what you do Cover art by : XClemz I don't own anything except for MC even the Jutsu's aswell

Wandering_Author · Cómic
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12 Chs


🔴 3 Days Later

🔺Konoha Academy 2A

Yukio entered the classroom expecting for the graduation exam, since they have not informed where and how the exam would be conducted, Yukio went and sat in his seat,

A little while later, Isama entered the classroom and said " Hatake Kakashi and Kurokawa Yukio you two follow me to the training ground" and he shifted his gaze to the remaining kids in the classroom and said " another Chunin will take up the class while I am gone " and the three of them left,

🔺Konoha Academy Training Ground

Just when they reaching the training ground, out of nowhere a shuriken headed towards Yukio, Yukio just tilted his head and while the shuriken just passed his head he caught the shuriken, and threw it where it came from, and the shuriken was caught by the Anbu who was standing on the tree. All this was seen by the Hokage in a certain ball

This is also happened to Kakashi as well, contrary to Yukio, he used Kawarami no jutsu / Substitution Jutsu on time, All this was seen by the Hokage in a certain ball and Isama also happy by this outcome, Yukio and Kakashi having the same thought that the test has been begun just when they are reaching the training ground,

After reaching the training ground, Isama told them we have to wait here till Hokage arrives, both Yukio and Kurokawa didn't expect this but didn't show it, they have stood there like it was nothing,

A little while later, Hokage arrived Yukio expected this since he is a chakra sensor and all three of them bowed and said "Greetings Hokage-Sama", and the Hokage said "No need to be formal " and then the Hokage continued "Alright then Lets begin the test" as he said he quickly called Anbu, out of nowhere two Anbu Shinobi appeared one wearing a Tora/Tiger mask and the other wearing a Kuma/Bear mask, and kneeled to Hokage, and the Hokage ordered those two Anbu Shinobi to fight Yukio and Kakashi, Yukio has to fight with Tora/Tiger and Kakashi has to fight with Kuma/Bear, and then the Hokage looked at both Yukio and Kakashi whether they scared to fight the Anbu, but of them have stoic faces, no emotions, and the Hokage thought to himself 'as expected from the sons of Sakumo and Takashi' he ordered Isama to act as the proctor for the fight, the first one to fight is Yukio,

Both Yukio and Tora/Tiger took fighting stance and Isama came forward and looked at both Yukio and Tora/Tiger and both of them nodded and then Isama shouted "Hajime/Begin!!"

Both Yukio and Tora/Tiger didn't move, after a while in an instant Yukio delivered a sidekick aimed to the Anbu ribs, but he blocked the kick using his forearm, but the kick was powerful and the Anbu slid sidewards forming dust, Yukio didn't give a chance to the Anbu to retaliate he then instantly delivered a roundhouse kick aiming to Anbu's head, the kick was powerful enough to break the mask of Anbu, and the mask fell down, revealing the shocked face of Tora/Tiger Anbu, then the Anbu Instantly threw a smoke bomb,

Everyone was shocked by the Speed and Powerful kicks of Yukio, especially Kakashi he didn't know that Yukio was this powerful, he was shocked when Yukio also wanted to graduate but he didn't expect this, this raised a spark of rivalry in Kakashi,

From the smoke two shuriken was thrown at Yukio at extreme speeds, Yukio moved his head to the left side narrowly dodging the shuriken, while he was dodging the shuriken, he sensed someone on the trees, who was hiding exceptionally but he is not Tora/Tiger masked Anbu, Yukio caught one shuriken threw at the trees, an Anbu outfit wearing shinobi move away from the trees at ninja speeds,

'Danzo!' both Hokage and Isama thought at the same time, 'how did Yukio found out? Is he a sensor also?' Hokage thought to himself

Soon from the smoke, a fireball came aimed at Yukio, Yukio who sensed it made hand-signs at Immense speeds Tiger → Hare → Boar → Dog or Ram → Dog → Ox → Snake and spoke in a low tone Doton: Doryūheki / Earth Release: Mud Wall , instantly a mud wall erupted from the ground protecting from the fireball,

When Hokage seen this 'what kind of monster you gave birth to ? Hanako?' Hokage thought to himself, Hokage looked at Isama and nodded his head, Isama understood this and also nodded and then said "Alright stop this fight! Kurokawa Yukio Graduated from the academy"

Yukio didn't expect this, not as he didn't expected to graduate, he didn't expect that they stop the fight in the midway, neither he didn't care he did not want to go all out in a battle with a fellow Konoha shinobi,

When the smoke has dissipated, that Tora/Tiger masked Anbu nowhere to be seen. Yukio moved and gave a way to Kakashi for the battle, and then Yukio made some Hand-signs and made the mud wall disappear,

A little while later, the battle between Kakashi and Kuma/Bear masked has begun, when compared to Yukio's battle, Kakashi's was more intense and Kakashi's Taijutsu was less powerful after sometime the battle was over, same as Yukio's battle it was stopped in the midway.

A little while later, Hokage congratulated both of them and gave them headbands, Yukio tied it to his left Shoulder, while Kakashi put it on his head, and said " take rest for four days you will be assigned to respective teams " and shunshined away, Isama also congratulated them, just when Isama said congratulations, Yukio also said he wanted to leave and shunshined away shocking both Isama and Kakashi, Hokage who observed this, gave a wry smile.



(A/N) : Guys, I have tight job schedule that's why I am not able to update, I will try to update daily There is a confusion about the graduation of Kakashi and others and the timeline as well, so I'll be changing it according to my Fanfic.

You must be wondering why fighting the Anbu? They could have fought each other or fighting a Chunin right? Because Hiruzen wants to test them whether they can face real battle or not, because of third shinobi war. And also why did Hiruzen stopped the fight midway because he don't want Yukio and Kakashi become arrogant if they happened to defeat them, he also stopped the fight in the crucial time because it should be like the Anbu are not going all out, they have to work harder.

and also Anbu threw smokebomb because they were not suppose to reveal their identity

I am thinking of giving Kushina a team, and Yukio will be part of it,

Should Sakumo die or Keep him alive?

what are your suggestions? Please comment on this

Thanks for 88 collections, Thanks for all your support B4u_Shout ,Adrian_Pionce ,1si2, Nsss_Nsss, Soumil564_Sood and all the others who have commented

See you again in the next chapter, Until then Bye