
Narcissus (bnhaxfemaleoc!)

To put it simply, Kurusu Jihyun, a girl with horns and a tail is a Narcissist. She has always been proud of the way she looks, the way she walks and talks. She always refers to herself as 'Ore-sama' and never fails to plaster her signature smirk on her face But, there is more to the purple-eyed girl than it seems. "Victory is everything in this world. The victory is acknowledged, and the vanquished is disavowed. Because I am victorious over all, I am always just." - Akashi Seijurou * Hiya I'm dumb WARNING HELLA SLOW ASS UPDATES

mororo_kun · Cómic
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6 Chs


Jihyun's POV

"You've gotten slower! What's wrong with you, brat!"

The scoldings that came from the fat lump was all that could be heard throughout the training grounds. As promised, we were training our natural-born skills such as speed and strength. But currently, not all of us are living up to the Fat lady's expectations due to our exhaustion from over-exerting ourselves during last nights event.

She was yelling at my blond brother who looked highly irritated and ready to rip her face off.

It didn't sit well with the plump wench as she proceeded to yell curses at the blond male.

"Oi, I swear to god if I don't see a single ounce of improvement by the time I'm back, you'll be fucking sorry!" she growled out before grabbing a fist-full of his hair and slamming him down on the dirty wooden floor.

"Now, mommy will be going out for a bit to have a chat with aunt Karen. Be good dollies and behave for me, ok? Love you~" she said quickly slamming the door shut before we could even process what she said,

"That bipolar pig!" Kageyama yelled in frustration throwing one last punch at the punching bag which sent it flying to the wall on the other side,

"Calm down Kageyama-kun, we can't solve anything by breaking things", Hyun reasoned out to the grey-eyed boy,

"Besides now that she's gone, we can do whatever we want!" Erika exclaimed with a big grin on her face,

"Don't be stupid, if we were to leave this place and that old wench finds out, we'll be dead meat", Akira stated rolling his eyes at the redhead's plan,

"Come onnn!! It won't be that bad as long as we're back before that fatty arrives", the brown-eyed girl said punching Akira on the shoulder, "Ji Ji, back me up here~" she whined at me walking over to rest her arm on my shoulder,

"I actually kinda agree", I mumbled looking at the ground, "There's this new manga that I've been wanting to check out for some time now", I was now looking away from the group out of embarrassment,

"See~ Even our resident Cutie agrees~" Erika teased ruffling my hair,

"Oi, I'm not cute!" I huffed swatting her hand away,

"I guess it's alright as long as we're back in time", Shimizu agreed, " Plus, I think we all deserve a break after today", She crossing her arms and cocking up one eyebrow looking at her siblings,

"You heard her, now lets gooo!!~~" The energetic female exclaimed grabbing my wrist dragging me out of the training bunker, "Oi, remember to come back in time!" was the last thing I heard before we left.


"Alright! Remember to meet back here in 20 minutes and if I'm not here by then just run back without me, got it?", Erika briefed one last time, "Yea, yea I got it the first 6 times you said it" I sighed at the purple-nette,

"Rude, I'm just looking out for my little baby sister ya'know?" she said putting her arms on her hips,

"Little?Baby? You may be older but I'm taller than you by 5 cm" I said rolling my eyes at her,

"Still, I'm older so it's my job to worry about you non-stop even if you're annoyed with it", She said puffing out her chest posing like a superhero with her arms still on her hips,

"Whatever, see you in 20," I said walking and waving at her,

"Later, Chibi~" she cooed before walking off to wherever,

'What am I going to do with her', I thought slightly chuckling before I spotted the usual bookstore that I go to. It's a small comfortable place that I found a while back, it was really simple but had a homey feel to it probably why I like coming here most of the time.

The ower is this nice old lady whose name I learned to be, Bunko, she is quite short with long platinum blond hair put into a braid. She told me that she moved here from America which explains her hair and slight accent but she did help me learn English which I'm kind of thankful for.

When I entered through the familiar door, the sound of the bell chiming could be heard which told whether a customer had entered or left. I could see many shelves filled with books which were properly organized in alphabetic order so it would be easier for the people to find a specific book and not waste their time looking for it. There were huge windows at the back of the store that gave off a magnificent and outstanding look, while also bringing in a powerful light into the store. Artificial trees and plants stand in almost every corner of the library, giving it a unique and beautiful look.

I saw Bunko at her usual spot at the cashier talking to a muscular dude with black shoulder-length hair. When Bunko saw me enter she waved giving me a warm smile, "Deary, how have you been? It's been a while since you last visited, and that new manga you've been wanting to check out arrived yesterday I'll go get it for you. And this is Kirishima-kun by the way, you two should say hello I think you'll be a good match for each other ~", she teased before sliding into the backroom storage,

"Don't mind her and her teasing she usually does this whenever there's another boy she likes, it's just something she does for entertainment don't take it seriously. But I wouldn't mind getting a piece of that~" I said teasing the black head.

Now that I've gotten a better look at him he actually looks quite attractive, he had red eyes that were pointed slightly inwards, a small scar just above his right eye, small eyebrows and very pointed teeth,

"E-eh?! 'Piece of that'?" He stuttered scratching the back of his head in embarrassment,

"Don't worry~ I'm just joking~ I'm Kurusu Jihyun by the way but just call me by my first name", I introduced myself putting out my hand for a handshake,

"N-nice to meet you too Jihyun, my name is Kirishima Eijirō but call me by my first name as well," he said trying to sound confident but still stuttering at the start.

Kirishima's POV

I was talking to Bunko at the counter, I had found this little book shop about a week ago and I've been coming here ever since.

"There's this girl who I would like to introduce to you sometime, I think you both would be the greatest of friends-" she was interrupted by the sound of the bell chiming signaling that another customer had entered, "Speak of the devil," she said waving.

"Deary, how have you been? It's been a while since you last visited, and that new manga you've been wanting to check out arrived yesterday I'll go get it for you. And this is Kirishima by the way, you two should say hello I think you'll be a good match for each other~", Bunko had said before sliding into the backroom,

"Don't mind her and her teasing she usually does this whenever there's another boy she likes, it's just something she does for entertainment don't take it seriously. But I wouldn't mind getting a piece of that~", I heard a feminine voice purr.

When I turned my head I was met with purple eyes she was looking at me with a smirk. And honestly, she was the prettiest girl I have ever met. Her purple orbs entranced me the moment I looked at them. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I had just realised what she said,

"E-eh?! 'Piece of that'?" I stuttered shocked at how bold she was,

"Don't worry~ I'm just joking~ I'm Kurusu Jihyun by the way but just call me by my first name", She said slightly chuckling before sticking her hand out,

"N-nice to meet you too Jihyun, my name is Kirishima Eijirō but call me by my first name as well," I tried to sound manly but it didn't sound as manly as I wanted it to, but she just chuckled at me,

"Woww, how manly~", she teased letting out a cute snort,

I huffed out crossing my arms across my chest turning away from the girl which only made her laugh even more,

"Don't need to get your panties in a twist, love. I just find your attempt quite cute", she winked when she said 'cute'. At this point, I'm pretty sure I was as red as a tomato.

"What's your quirk? If I may ask?", I asked, calming down from my flustered state, curious about the duel-haired girl in front of me,

"Tell me yours, first", she said crossing her arms,

"Whattt, but I asked first", I whined

"And I asked second", she mocked poking out her tongue,

"Finee, but it's not anything that flashy or cool so don't have any high hopes. My quirk is called 'Hardening', it gives me the ability to harden and sharpen any part of my body. Not very hero-like, huh?", I said sticking out my arm and hardened it which caused it to grow sharper and have jagged edges,

"Are you stupid?" , I was taken aback at her comment,

"Stupid?", I questioned feeling slightly offended,

"That's an awesome quirk! What do you mean 'Not anything flashy or cool'? It's amazing!" she exclaimed with stars in her eyes,

"E-eh? Really?", I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment,

"Yeaaaahh, it is! Why do you doubt your quirk so much? It's pretty dope", she praised before grabbing my arm which was still hardened,

"Well, I just think that it lacks the flashiness usually found in the Pro hero scene", she was still examining my arm,

"너 정말 바보 야", she said without looking away from my arm,

"P-pardon?", I stuttered unsure of what she said,

"Anyway, now that I told you my quirk, tell me yours", I said un-activating my quirk, she let go of my arm and gave me a smug smile,

"Your quirk maybe cool but, Ore-sama's is better", she said jutting her thumb to herself,

"Did she just refer to herself as 'Ore-sama'? How manly!", I thought with stars in my eyes,

"Really?? What is it?", I asked eagerly wanting to know,

"Well, it's called-", before she could finish her sentence, Bunko had busted through the door,

"Sorry for the wait, Deary, I couldn't remember where I put them. But I see you're getting along with little Eiji, eh?~" Bunko teased with a huge grin,

"No worries, but can I buy it now? I need to meet up with Erika in 10 minutes and I still want to walk around for a bit", she said smiling at the platinum blond lady,

"Sure dear, and say 'Hi' to Erika for me", the old woman said before ringing up the pale girl's stuff, who just gave her a salute.

Jihyun's POV

After I paid Bunko for the manga, I waved her and Eijirō,

"Thanks for the book, Bunko and it was nice talking to ya Eiji-kun~ Hope we'll see each other soon~" I cooed winking at the red-eyed boy who's face put tomatoes to shame,

"It was nice talking to you too, Jihyun", he managed to look at me smiling, showing off his pointed teeth. I gave off a light chuckle before giving them one last wave before exiting.

Bunko's POV

"You know, you two would make a pretty cute couple", I said teasing the black-haired boy,

"E-eh?! Don't say stuff like that", he said trying to hide his embarrassment,

"But I would like to talk to her again, does she come here often?", he asked as he regained his composure,

"Not really, actually I'm surprised that she was here today", I said rubbing my chin, Jihyun rarely comes here due to her situation but I can't tell that to him, that's something that she should tell him herself,

"Aww, I was hoping I would be able to see her soon", there was a visible pout on his face,

"Don't worry Eiji-chan~ I have a feeling you'll see her sooner than you expect."


너 정말 바보 야 - You really are an idiot