

After some walking, and greeting... I finally reached school! Yayyyy!!! Banzai!!! My throat is parched, I'm going to buy some water later... I've gone ahead to show my ID to the guard and like usual he said:

"No need to show your ID, I already know you're a student here. That's how unforgettable your face Is"

He said while still winking at me... I laughed It off and thanked him for what he just did... Having an unforgettable face... is convenient, isn't It?

I arrived at my classroom quite swiftly and without any problems... The first thing my exalted eyes saw was Theresa Goodman who sits just beside the door... It's quite strange she's already here when I just saw her earlier but I don't care enough to delve deep...

I walked divinely and graciously towards my seat... and as If I'm walking on a floor made out of diamonds, countless gazes and stares suddenly shifted to me... This is happening almost every day and they still can't get enough Of It... Oh well, maybe my charms are that impactful fufufu...

As I arrive at my seat, I swiftly arranged my skirt and took the seat supposed to be mine... Facing forward where the blackboard can be seen... taking a look at the notes while waiting for the loud and high sounds of the bells to enter my eardrums and alarm my nerves...

As I wait for those bells, I glanced a little bit to my left and saw the dark and quiet seat of Theresa Goodman... She's just sitting there quietly with her disgusting and kind of melted face towards the blackboard.

"Oi, Theresa... Give me your notes for Mathematics... I swear I'll give It back... I can't promise It's in one piece though hehe..."

All of a sudden, a guy approached her asking for her notes... That's to be honest, a rude way of asking someone but I don't care that much about her or the social standings surrounds her...

She just gave her notes obediently like a puppy without even fighting back... That's one of the reasons they're picking on you because you're just letting them be...

The man took the notes and left without even thanking her or bothering himself with a single word... There's something weird at Theresa's desk... It's kind of dark there but If I have to say one word that will fit the description...

"It's lonely..."

Well, I guess... If you're beautiful... You'll have the greatest of your time living in this world... But If you're unattractive or let's be frank, ugly... You'll never have fun in this kind of world where the thought of discrimination exists...

*Ding dong* *Ding dong*

Enough of my senseless rambling, the bells suddenly alarmed my nerves there... Class is starting, let's break some legs here aight!!!

With that, everything went well for this day... The girls swarmed me as usual since I'm popular with both boys and girls... It was also declared this day that I have the highest score on the last test... This day is perfect as well, as I expected... But as I'm about to leave school...

"Lyssa! Want to go to karaoke this evening? You know? Singing and a couple of blowjobs hahaha, just joking..."

Kenny Sanchez... A certain punk who just hangs at the gate who never actually accomplished anything thinks that he has a chance with me? Seriously?!

"Sorry... I have cram school today, Kenny hehe"

Instead of hate, anguish, disgust, or irritation... Kenny just looked at me while being red on the face... He must have realized that I'm so pure, I can't be bothered by stuff such as "blowjobs"

Leaving his idiotic cockroach-like face, I've gone ahead towards my own house... Memorized the name of another batch of students until my head hurts and finally surrenders to my bed like a baby not having any problems to sleep...


*Tiriring* *Tiriring*

Once again, my irritating alarm clock's sounds entered at my ears kicking my eardrums as If they're playing soccer inside... I knocked the alarm clock again, leaving a little wound on my knuckles...

Realizing that I have a wound, I immediately rise from my bed... and tended the wound before It leaves a scar... The tiny red crimson blood is disappearing bit by bit as If being exterminated by the light...

Seeing myself in the mirror once again, I didn't feel anything this time... I wonder why? Seeing my always beautiful self didn't trigger a reaction within me... Regardless, I've gone down to the living room, about to eat breakfast...

After stepping at each stair, one by one... Little by little... Piece by piece... I just noticed the lack of light in the living room, resulting in being a creepy place... Maybe my parents are still fast asleep? Anyways, I turned on the lights and the dark and creepy dominion, turned into the bright usual place I'm always seeing every morning...

"Now, to get something to eat..."

To my surprise, the refrigerator was empty... It's just filled with bowls of milk and cold waters... Strange... Mom never leaves this empty... Maybe she'll be going to a grocery later...

With no choice, I was stuck with milk... I opened It and drank It without any hesitation... The cold and sticky milk slides down to my tongue as I gulp It down my throat...

I'll go without my ID today... That guard doesn't even ask It from me anyway... Leaving a satisfied sigh... I just prepared myself to go to school... As I open the door, I shouted at the house as usual:

"I'll head out now..."

But this time... No one was behind me to smile brightly... It's nothing... Just the plain bright living room... Even though the lights are on, somehow... It feels dark...

I just decided to ignore all of this and left my own house to go to school like the usual thing I'll do... Looking at the sky now... It's empty... Well, It's not like every time I go, there's a flock of birds awaiting my arrival... There's nothing strange about that so I continued to walk...

Now that I notice It... It's dark here, like legit... Must be because the weather is quite in a bad mood today, a good thing I brought an umbrella, just in case...

I tapped my shoulder bag to confirm that my umbrella is still there and continued my steps towards school... I don't see a lot of students walking around like usual... Weird, I'm certain at least 6 students are walking here every day, rain or shine...

"Maybe It's Sunday?"


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