
Beach Episode

"Urg…." Shiro groaned a little since it was extremely hot today.

When she had agreed on the time with Aarim, she didn't expect there to a heat wave on the same day.

Even though she was using ice to help her cool down, it was still annoying to be constantly cooked by the sunlight.

"Hahaha, Shiro come join us and stop being such a party pooper." Aarim laughed as they were currently waiting on the beach. The boat had yet to arrive and they were a little early so they decided to have some fun at the beach while they wait.

Currently, Aarim was wearing a bikini that was coloured entirely black with a few frills around the edges. Not only that, she also had a waist cloth that covered a bit of her right thigh.

As for Lyrica and Madison, they both wore bikini's as well but theirs were a little more simple. Lyrica just had a normal white bikini whilst Madison decided to go with a red bikini.

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