2 Fay? Fey? Nani?

"In his eyes my lady! It's a fragment of the tri-force! Look!" The beautiful long eared lady almost bit her tounge she spoke so fast. She hurriedly tried to move me only for me to be snatched up by my mother at insanely dangerous speeds. Orienting myself I opened my eyes to welcome a beautiful young woman with a the most unbelievably stunning face.

My heart ached seeing her pale skin and scrunched up frown. I almost swore to beat up whomever did such a thing to such a precious beauty before I realized it was me. Taking advantage of my newfound babyness I reached out for her face and cried out to her just to be a little closer. She studied me closely for a few moments before tears shed from her eyes and she tucked me under her neck. I couldn't understand whyy she was so sad so I tried rubbing against her face, yet that only made her cry harder.

"Priestess, we must tell the king! If we dont who knows what could happen, this has never happened before, in fact how is this possible. Your child is obviously Fey born and yet he has the Force of courage, He is the new Link!" Immediately after she finished talking the atmosphere in the room became suffocating as my mother clutched me closer yet being careful not go squeeze to hard or suffocate me.

"Don't you dare tell anyone about what has happened here ever, my child was born blind and has NOTHING to do with your silly elven legends or the like, now if you dare say anything about this I will not hesitate to throw away all nicecities and go to war ARE WE CLEAR!" I could practically hear the chattering of the elf ladies teeth and said a quick prayer for her health, my eyes started drooping as I felt the the heat coming off my mother due to her switching back to her loving persona. I had almost gone to sleep but was interrupted when I heard footsteps approaching.

"Oh, what have we here? it seems Kayana would rather doom an entire race rather than prepare her son for the trails, how heartless." A suuuuuppppeeerrr bitchy voice sneered in what could only be described as... A bitchy sneer and broke the relaxing atmosphere of the room. "Dear sister, you couldn't have possibly thought of hiding this magnificent blessing of my nephew from our dear husband now could you? No, I dont think the lovely Priestess Kayana could ever do such a thing now could she."

I felt the malice radiating off my mother once more but attempted to look at the opposing party go get a few good glares in. Admittedly the new arrival was quite beautiful, but she was obviously on the wrong side of the fence here so I tried to look as menacing as I could. Sadly, or maybe not so much I only managed to look adorable and could have sworn to seeing hearts in her eyes for a second.

"Wow Kayana who would have thought you were capable of creating such a beautiful thing, sadly your son is not a pure-bred and must automatically give up the fight for the throne." When a different race and an elf breed they will either give birth directly to an elf, or to the Fey. The Fey can be classified through many different races such as fay(Human/Elf) Pixie(Fairy/Elf) Dwarf(Giant/Elf) and Wildlings(Beastmen/Elf). The fay have the best standing and usually act as emissaries and royal guards, while most of the other sub Fey live outside of Hyrule the main exceptions consist of notable dwarf craftsman and the beastman police force which work as excellent investigators and apprehenders.

"I never had the intent for my son to take the throne. I would much rather live alone with him than stay in this kingdom now please excuse yourself." My mother's tone sharpened and the tension became so thick the mid-wife had trouble breathing. My apparent aunt started laughing as a cold glint shot through her eyes as she smirked in a devious manner.

"Kayana you foolish little girl you seem to thoroughly misunderstand the situation. Your son no matter how adorable, is Fey and therefore unfit to rule as well as unfit for the Tri-force if people find out about this, most likely he will be sacrificed to give rise to the next bearer." Hearing her say that my heart turned cold and my mother went stiff. Admittedly I did help come up with this timeline, but how was I supposed to know exactly how dangerous it was until now!

"You lie Karliah! You think I dont know of the Nature pact? When your Goddeses split Hyrule from mainland all Elves were constricted under the pact by Gaia. You shall not harm any being and no harm shall be done upon you!" My mother enraged at her threat immediately lashed out.

"Oh poor poor misguided soul, that only applies to different races, and before you say anything the second clause of mandatory peaceful resolution only applies to Elves. However your son is Fay, a sub-race of elf which denies him the rights of a different race and a isolates him from the rights of a full blood elf so when the elders find out about this the obvious choice would be to kill him and wait for the next link." My mother froze in her spot and a chill went down my spine, again I should have specified things a little more clearly as to avoid this situation.

"Well even though you say that it can also be said that because he is Fay he is privy to both the rights of human and elves." Ah, good job mom you tell her!

"Are you truly so naive as to think that the elders would do so? If they decide he dies he dies, no matter the loophole or the reason. Unless of course I never say anything."

"What is it that you want Karliah I'm tired and aggravated and tired and oh goodness I want to beat you so bad right now." Poor mom I want to beat her too (hey gender equality) but I'm curious as to what she has to say.

"Well because of how adorable your son is I have come up with a way for all of us to have a happy ending ok? You must leave Hyrule and go back to whatever Kingdom it is you came from." Wow an ultimatum, that's cold.

"I won't heed to your threats, I'm confident I can change the elders minds and if not, I will stay with my son till death!" Woah mom that's much colder!

"I knew you would say something like that so I'll let you in on a little secret." She whispered something into my mothers ear which caused her to wince and sigh in aspiration, a defeated look on her face.

"Fine I agree and I will leave immediately. I will require your assistance if this is to be done cleanly." With those final words my mother cast a purple spell with a soothing aura on me and the next thing I saw was total darkness.

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