
chapter 1

"you know what you suck. I don't wanna ever set my eyes on you ever again . you are some peice of trash ing Christ you disgust me .I regret ever telling you that I love you . I wish we had never met. Why am I even wasting my breath it's all shit anyways. "Rea said then eventually broke into a chuckle her facial expression changes from sad to a smirk "baby cheating on me is like you walking on the flames of hell .how dare you where did you get the guts from "she added telling Aaron her now ex boyfriend since she found him making out with her best friend Daisy .

"geez Aaron am soo disappointed of you by the way and not my friend I know she's innocent I just don't know how you convinced her to fall into your trap"Rea said.

"Rea let me atleast explain please "Daisy pleaded.

"shhhh "Rea said raising up her thumb and index fingers then putting them together in a gesture if making Daisy keep silent.

"please Rea"Daisy pleaded .

"I said shut the fuck up bitch stop making unnecessary noise ok this is between me and my ex boyfriend not so Aaron" Rea said while turning to Aaron for reassurance with a smile but instead Aaron frowned on annoyance out of shame.

"speak up sweetheart why are you quiet all of a sudden "Rea asked with a smirk .

"Rea control yourself" Aaron replied shamelessly.

"wow darling ofcourseand under control after finding you making out with my best friend "Rea replied in a loud voice attracting students that were passing by.

"Rea please calm down your attracting attention "Daisy said in a low and pleading voice .

"fuck attention I thought you wanted it not so so here it is you disgust me" Rea replied harshly.

"am sorry I didnot mean to hurt you please believe me "Daisy said holding Rea's hand.

"I believe you darling . so can you please let my fucking hand alone."Rea replied . Daisy then let go of her hand and Rea left them standing where she had found them.

She then went to the washrooms and immediately went to the mirror. 'fuck my face looks so horrible I wonder why I cried this much well no more tearsit's over now am free ,I guess I should put some eye drops then change eye contacts too' Rea said to herself. Guys I guess your trying to imagine what type of girl I am well I gat mood swings and really horrible ones. Am Rea Davins 18 years old and gat an elder brother Ethan Davins his 2 years older than me and lastly I had two best friends but now one guess you what happened about Daisy and Aaron blah blah blah and so on its Arya that am left with now whatever back to me I had green eyes lol those rare ones am 5.8ft tall long black hair with a purple strip in it just at the left side and last but not least am beautiful and that I know I don't need to be told i envy my beauty lol sorry am kinda proud .'your not proud girl I want you to be that way girl power okrrrr'from your writer .

Rea got out of the washrooms then let up with Ayra who was waiting for her at the door and hearing rumors of what was going on in school.

"so what's up girl"Arya asked .

"so what's up girl "Rea mimicked Arya then rounded her eyes at her"nothing is up anyways am now single and read to mingle again"Rea said wig a chuckle.

"you gat to be kidding me"Arya replied .

"anyways it's time for the history lesson let's go"

They headed to class and unfortunately Rea had to sit with Aaron at her right and Daisy at her left and Arya at her front .The tension around was too much that Arya ended up facing them then said "guys let's just drop this and move on I hate it when you all keep silent "with an awkward smile.

"fuck you Arya"Rea replied.

"not at this time time"Daisy said.

"face the board "suggested Aaron.

"okay it's none of my business but atleast let go of the issue"Arya said.

"shut up Arya "all three replied in a chorus .

"okay fine"Arya said while turning to look at Mr Simons who was busy teaching sleeping students.

After the end of the lesson Arya looked at them again with a seriouslook then asked out of nowhere "has anybody thought of a solution "

"a solution for"Rea asked too.

"for you know"

"no I don't know "Rea replied while standing up to take her leave. She and Arya moved quietly .

"Rea will you attend Jessy 's home party "Arya asked.

"why not what about you"

"you know me I love partying I can never miss"

"so what are we going to wear girl"Rea asked excitedly.

"let me think hohoho"


"I think I had something for you at home babe"

" oh really ok I wonder what it could be"

"let's go home you gonna know what it is"

"okay lemi first call Ethan I can't leave without informing him "Rea said. She then got out her phone and searched for Ethan's number then called him after 3rings he then picked up.

'what's up Re'

'nothing how you doing kiddo'

'hey am your elder brother bunny '

'like I care lol'

'ok why have you called sis '

'am leaving with Arya no need for waiting for me'

'where you guys going'

'gonna get something from her place then go to the party'

'okay by the way I heard that you found your d***head cheating on you'

'seriously Eth '

'is it true'

'yaa '

'so you guys are now apart '

'karma is a bitch see youuu' Rea then hung up .

"am done with Ethan so what next"

"we are next "Arya said while chuckling making Rea chuckle too.They went to the parking yard went into Arya's car then headed to her home.After half an hour's drive they reached the house was beautiful huge with flower gardens around it was perfect in short and ofcourse that's the kinda of house you would expect to see when you heard the name Britons it was a company name known for making the best building materials in the whole country .