
Introduction to power system

Name: Prana Shakti (like mana or chi)


Prana Shakti is a mystical energy system deeply rooted in Indian culture and spirituality. It is the life force that flows through all living beings and can be harnessed for various supernatural abilities. Those who master Prana Shakti become formidable warriors and mages and extended there life for hundreds to millions of year.

Level :-

•Yogic Intro

•Yogic Tatva

•Yogic Chakra

•Yogic Avatar

These are all level in Mortal realm.

After mortal realm there is Upper realm Name of upper realm?

Power level?

Updated in next chapter.

•Yogic Intro level: Divided into seven level

(Each level extended 10 year of life).

[Practitioners can achieve extraordinary physical and mental feats through intense meditation and control of their life force. This includes superhuman strength, speed, and heightened senses.]

•Yogic Tatva level: Divided into five level.(Earth, Sky, Wind, Fire and water)

Each level extended 100 year of life.

[Skilled users can control the elements by channeling Prana Shakti. They can create fire, control water, manipulate earth, fly in sky and attack or manipulate wind .]

•Yogic Chakra level: Divided into seven level.

(Each chakra extended 1000 year of life)

[~Root Chakra (Muladhara):

Power: Enhanced physical strength and resilience.

~Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

Power: Control over emotions and empathy.

It can sense hidden intention of other.

~Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

Power: Manipulation of fire and energy.

Attack with fire in different forms and styles.

~Heart Chakra (Anahata):

Power: Healing and protective abilities.

~Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

Power: Communication and sonic manipulation.

Attack with sonic attack and manipulate others.

~Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

Power: Clairvoyance, heightened perception, and telepathy.

~Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

Power: Connection to the divine and cosmic knowledge.

Opening crown chakra can access profound wisdom, divine guidance, and transcendental powers.]

•Yogic Avatar Level: Divided into 4 level (Low, Medium, High and Peak)

Each level extended 10000 years of life.

[A rare and advanced ability, users can tap into the divine aspects of Prana Shakti to temporarily transform into a god-like avatar, granting immense power and abilities.]

Weapons level:

~Mortal Realm weapon level

1 Astra

2 Ayudha

3 Mantra yantra

~Upper Realm weapon level

1 Divyastra

2 Astra Sakti

•Astra (Basic Level):

Description: Astras are basic weapons used by common warriors. They often include simple swords, spears, and bows. These weapons are easily accessible and don't require special skills to use effectively.

•Ayudha (Intermediate Level):

Description: Ayudhas are more advanced weapons wielded by skilled fighters. They encompass weapons like the chakram, trishula, and war maces. Mastery of these weapons requires training and expertise.

•Mantra Yantra (Advanced Level):

Description: Mantra Yantras are enchanted weapons infused with Prana sakti through sacred mantras. These weapons can be ordinary in appearance but possess extraordinary abilities. They include swords that can cut through dimensions, bows that shoot magical arrows, and spears that can control the elements.

•Divyastra (Legendary Level):

Description: Divyastras are legendary weapons, often bestowed by deities or crafted by divine beings. They are incredibly powerful and have world-altering capabilities. Examples include the Sudarshana Chakra, Pashupatastra, and Gandiva bow. Their use is often tied to specific destinies and comes with great responsibility.

•Astra Shakti (Mythical Level):

Description: Astra Shakti represents the highest level of weaponry in Indian fantasy. These weapons are essentially divine incarnations. They are imbued with the power of gods and have the potential to reshape reality itself. Examples include the Thunderbolt of Indra, Brahmastra, and the Spear of Shiva.

Power Base is ready

working on story.

Suggestion accepted...

Vella_Jatincreators' thoughts
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