
Mystic Realm

Doing their school assignment in their back yard ,the Dawson twins find something that will change their lives for good . As their dreams and fantasies come true . [congratulations] [oder of God's.....] Sss_manga

Sss_manga · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Falcon City

Right now, the only thing the twins could see in front of them was their parents standing in front of a moving tornado covered in flames moving about with the resonating screams of the bandits.

"What the crap is this?"the bandit leader shouted in fear."No I have to run away before I gets here" the scared demon ran with all it's strength as if it's life depended on it, which it actually did.

Seeing the bandit leader run out of their sight dax and Jane cancelled the combined skill like they had done it countless times.

"Well they didn't die, if not the kids would be afraid to see dead people for the first time"jane said with a motherly expression on her face, "well they didn't die because I reduced the intensity of my flames , if I didn't they would have been burned to ashes"dax said with a face of disgust on his face. "these guys shouldn't steal if they don't have the power to back it up,it gets on my nerves all the time.

"That was real right?"dax asked in disbelief, but he didn't get an answer from drake, when he turned he saw a blank expression on his face as if he had figured something out. Drake felt a hand touch his shoulder and snapped out of his thinking, "what is it bro? " "did you see that?, that was real fire, it was magic, those were real bandits ready to kill and take all our stuff, It isn't like the anime or manga we have read, it is all real!, we could die at any second"drake said in a slow and scared voice "i know what you feel man, normally we would laugh when we see an anime character die, but now we are living that life, but you need to calm down and become the main character and conquer all that comes before you, dax said making his brother smile.

"What do we have here, some brotherly time? ow!" dax cried out loud receiving an elbow to the ribs, "how are you boys did anything touch you, are you fine?. "we are fine mom how are you, did you get hurt?," they both asked in unison.

"what happened to the bandits?" drake asked "me and your mum kicked their asses no big deal"dax said getting ready to start the carriage again.

The reeving sound of the magic powered engine continued as dax got the carriage moving again "how long will it take before we get there?"drax asked "just after this canyon a couple yards away and were there.

Leaving the rocky pathway, the Dawson family could hear the sound of other Carriages moving to a specific direction, in a matter of minutes they could see the huge gate with a gigantic falcon leaving the twins stunned and confused.

"How is the gate still standing with that huge statue on top?"drake asked in confusion and amazement, "it was made with magic, it serves as a guardian of the city, if the city perhaps is under attack the falcon will move to protect the city!"jane said in a lecturing manner, "you really like to lecture them right honey?" "of course, they are my children!".

"Well kids, welcome to falcon city!" dax said raising his hands up trying to look cool in front of the twins, "pay up" dax was interrupted by a loud voice, "come on man do you really have to spoil the fun", dax said in a sad manner, reaching out to pay for the gate fee and a place to keep their carriage.

Getting inside the city, staring was the only option for the twins, seeing this kind of structures that seemed straight out of the victorian era left them in shock, what was more amazing was the little bits of technology added to the structures and common buildings or stalls on the various streets.

Jane noticed the familiar look in their eyes and decided to butt in, "those things are called mas, they are not very expensive but are used to make life easier for us all," "where are they made?"drax asked in an attempt to know more.

"They are made in the centre continent and then transported to several parts of the realm" "wait, if we got attacked on just a simple journey, how do they transport it all the way from the centre continent to here?", this time around dax decided to answer the question.

" You still have a lot to learn kid, the people who create mas tech are not normal people they are the elite, compared to those who transport them and even if they get disturbed in their transportation the groups of bandits will be wiped out immediately", dax said making the last part of what he said silent.

"Ok!, enough with the long talk and let's get a place to stay before the test" Jane said as they further wondered into the city.

"Whoa!, I can't believe I'm in tavern it's just like in the web toon and anime", drax said lying on the makeshift bird that was in their room, "yeah, and the bed is kind of soft," drake said joining his brother on the bed.

For the days remaining the Dawson family stayed at the tavern, and spent most times lecturing the twins, "there are some things that your mom didn't tell you guys," dax said getting ready for a long conversation. "First off, mas tech and the statue on the city gate wasn't made with elemental power, it is made with the pure essence of mana, which means the people who create mas tech are not affiliated with any elements and they could be from any race", "could we end up not getting an element?," drake asked with slight panic showing in his eyes, "you don't need to worry those kind of people are very rare, not that I'm saying that you're not special but if there was a chance that you guys don't end up getting an element it would be a good thing!"dax said regretting some part of what he said, "how!, do they just get on the street and start yelling about not having an element?".

"You have a point but i just have to say, of course not, these are special people immediately they are found out they get recruited by an organisation called logard where they train them to harness mana properly", dax said with a look in his eyes that told the twins not to ask any more questions.

"Are there more things we need to know before the test?", drax asked, understanding the look in his father's eyes and he intended to end the conversation with one last question, "well there are also rare cases where a child has a soul space", Jane answered from the back of the room doing some arrangements for the test tomorrow, "what does that mean?", drake asked with ambition and hope showing in his eyes. "By soul space I mean there is a part of your core that can accommodate other things, to simplify it, you have two cores one side filled with elemental essence and the other side empty!, Jane said looking around the silent room to avoid eye contact with her husband, "is there a chance we have soul spaces?",drake asked again making his already sleepy father grumpy, "yes!, and the chance is based on how strong a child's parent is, and me and your dad are very strong so there's a very high chance you both have soul spaces", Jane said finished with whatever the arrangements she was doing.

"I.....", drake was stopped halfway, it's time to go to bed everyone, we need to go to the test centre early so we can get in line. Jane went ahead to tuck the twins in for the night, "goodnight",her soft and angelic voice resonated through the room.