
Mysteries of the Half-Vampire's Life

Jessica who has lived with her single mother being a human and is bored with her life, sneaking for some adventure in her life suddenly on her 20th birthday her mom says to her that she is a human but also a vampire, but a kind of special and dangerous vampire. How will Jessica react to her being a vampire? Will she be all have or she will be freaked out? What life will she have being a half-vampire who has lived in the human world for 20 years?

_rosie_petal_ · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Drive 2

With Arni, Soya, Sam, and Leo

Sam was driving with Leo in the passenger seat and the two girls were sitting at the back, gossiping.

"Why do we have to go with them? We could have gone with Jess" Arni said.

"Yeah, I agree and that idiot, after all, hasn't even opened up to him much," Soya said nodding her head.

"Btw, what happened to you when Liam pushed you on Peter, you like him right?" Soya asked raising her eyebrow.

Arni sighed "Even I don't know, I don't think I like him anymore"

"Well, then you should stop giving him hints. He said he is going to propose to you soon you know" Soya said while patting her back. Arni sighed and nodded then looked in the front only to find Sam glaring at her from the front mirror.

"Why are you glaring at me like that?" Arni asked Sam while pouting.

"Did you forget about vampire senses?" Sam asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Arni let out a nervous laugh when suddenly her phone rang, she looked at the caller's id and saw "PETER". Arni and Soya both looked at each other and then back at the phone.

Arni was debating on whether to pick up the call or not and when she decided the call ended and a message up saying "Can we meet next week at 5 pm at the park?"

Arni showed the text to Soya who hummed in response, both were thinking as to what to answer because they had an idea of what is he going to do. Peter liked Arni and before even Arni liked Peter, both were too shy to admit it in front of each other but the others could see.

Now, Arni was confused as to does she still like Peter or if she likes Sam. In the past few weeks, both have become close. She knows Peter for three years now and had a crush on him for two years whereas she meet Sam only a few weeks before and in the last two weeks, she started liking Sam too, at least a little bit.

"AHH!!" Arni screamed while messing with her hair startling the other three.

"Are you okay?!" Sam asked worriedly.

"Or are you going crazy because you didn't get your daily dose?" Leo asked getting a death glare from Soya and Sam.

"No, but I am confused as heck right now!" Arni sighed and leaned back on the seat.

"Say yes," Soya said. Arni's eyes widen "You liked him before so it's a chance to know if you still like him or not" Soya reasoned with Arni.

Arni closed her eyes and started thinking about Soya said for good five minutes silence filled in the car until Arni said "Fine I will go" making Sam stop the car in the middle of nowhere in the harshest and most shocking way possible.

"What did you just say?!" Sam turned to Arni with angry eyes and the voice was deep which was low-key sounding scary.

Arni turned towards Soya asking for help who shook her head, eyes saying 'deal with your own problem', and looked at the car door like it was more interesting and fascinating than anything right now.

Sam got out of the car and went to Arni's side, he opened the door and pulled Arni out while loudly banging the door close scaring the three of them, and dragged Arni to a corner, pinning her on the tree while caging her with his own hands.

"Sa-sam what-" Arni was interrupted by Sam's lips. Sam was kissing Arni roughly and harshly while biting her bottom lips and expressing his anger, discomfort, sadness, and everything whereas Arni was too shocked to even move an inch.

Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief but unknowingly she was kissing him back but gently and softly. After she realized what she was doing and what is happening, she started struggling but it was no use when Sam pinned her hands above her head.

Soon, Arni gave up struggling and kissed him back but softly and gently unlike Sam. Both were too involved in the kiss to notice the two who had their heads out of the car windows with eyes wide and lips parted in shock.

"Did he just kiss her?!" Soya asked in shock.

"Did she just kiss him back?!" Leo asked also in shock.

Soya and Leo looked at each other and sighed.

After ten minutes,

Both left the kiss and came back in the car, one smiling and the other a blushing mess. Arni got her phone and was about to text Peter when Sam said "You better say no or I will take you right here" he smirked by the end of the sentence and made Arni more blush as she nodded and texted Peter 'No, I have a boyfriend'

"Excuse me?!" Soya raised an eyebrow.

"Excused you," Sam said and started driving.

"If you take her here where will we two go?!" Soya asked pointing at herself and Leo.

"I would have to carry you home" Leo winked at Soya who gasped but then soon smirked.

"Sure why not" Leo and Soya laughed at each other.

Leo and Soya were open as they flirt and talk whenever they get the chance whereas Sam and Arni are a shy couple who could rather do things alone than in front of everyone like Leo and Soya.

The reason Sam got off his shyness and kissed Arni was that he was angry and he can't control his anger but in order to not hurt his mate he just kissed her expressing all his emotions.

Jessica and Max, are not even a bit close as compared to the other two couples. Jessica has always kept her guard up and kept it down only when she is with Soya and Arni, while with her mom she had a little bit of her guard up. Max figured one thing out getting close to Jessica won't be easy because she is very secretive but at the same time, she is not.