
Mysteries of the Half-Vampire's Life

Jessica who has lived with her single mother being a human and is bored with her life, sneaking for some adventure in her life suddenly on her 20th birthday her mom says to her that she is a human but also a vampire, but a kind of special and dangerous vampire. How will Jessica react to her being a vampire? Will she be all have or she will be freaked out? What life will she have being a half-vampire who has lived in the human world for 20 years?

_rosie_petal_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs


It was Jessica's 20th birthday and she was getting ready in her room with the help of her friends Soya and Arni. Currently, the three selecting a dress for Jessica, Soya, and Arni had already chosen a dress for themselves, and now it's the birthday girl's turn.

"No jess, this dress is horrible," Soya said making a disgusted face


"Woman it's your 20th birthday, not the 10th," Arni said.

Jessica was wearing a pink flare dress with some flower design on it with a flower crown on her head the dress was to her knees, the dress was making her look cute but the theme was sexy and hot.

"And isn't even that you are a flower girl nor the theme is like that" Soya added.

"Hmm how about this one," Arni asked removing a dress from the closet.

"Yes, it's awesome", Soya said.

"What?! No!" Jessica said.

Arni and Soya looked at each other talked through their eyes then turned to Jessica with a smile on their faces which Jessica knew was not good. Jessica raised her hands and straightened them towards the two and started walking backward while the two were walking towards her.

"Oh hell no," Jessica said

"You guys are-nooooo" Jessica was snatched and pulled by Soya.

After an hour, Jessica was finally ready after all the snatching, pulling, and rejection. The two made Jessica wear a sexy long dress that was sticking on her body showing her wonderful curves, a V cut on her legs giving a full exposure of her long legs, and off the shoulder which shows her wide shoulders with black heels.

Wearing that the two took her down where all the people had already come for her party. Jessica wasn't exactly an extrovert but also not an introvert she was an ambivert ( It is the type of person who comes in between an extrovert and an introvert personality, in short ).

There were not many people at the party, it was just some close friends of Jessica and her mother with her family which Jessica didn't like but agreed for the sake of her mother. Jessica wasn't a type of a family person because of the way they treat her mother whereas her mother let it go.

Jessica's mother walks up to her and hugs her daughter with a happy smile but worries in her eyes which confuses Jessica but lets it go since she thought that her mother would be worried about the party and hugs her back.

Her mother let go of the hug and with a smile on her face she said "Happy 20th birthday my daughter"

"Thank you mom," Jessica said with a smile on her face.

"I have a question aunty," Soya asked interrupting the mother-daughter moment.

"Yes ask sweetie"

"Normally people celebrate their 18th birthday this way but her 20th birthday is celebrated. Why?"

"Because this is more special than the 18th", her mother said 'because the biggest secret of her life will be revealed today' she thought.

"But why aunty? What is special today" Arni asked out of curiosity.

"Whatever might be the reason, why are you guys so curious? Just enjoy the party or get out" Jessica said with a sassy look on her face.

"Jess" her mother called her in a strict tone after listening to what she said to her friends and the tone she used.

"It's okay aunty" Soya side hugged the pouting Jessica.

When her mother was about to say something Jessica's aunt came (her mother's brother's wife) pushing her mother to the side which angered Jessica but she controlled it when she saw her mother shaking her head, her friends knew that Jessica didn't like her family that's why the hold her tight and smiled forcefully.

"Sorry, Alia," the aunt said with a sad face to which Alia (Jessica's mother's name) shook her head with a smile indicating a no.

"Happy birthday Jess", the aunt smiled at Jessica handing her the gift.

"Thank you, aunt, Btw where is uncle? Is he not here yet?" Jessica asked her aunt with an innocent face but her besties knew where this was going.

"Yes, he is not here yet, but do not worry he will come soon," her aunt said smiling sweetly at her.

"You say that every time but yet uncle does not come even after the party is over," Jessica said while making a fake sad and innocent face.

"Yes, he's just busy you understand right, your mother is always busy", the aunt said.

'Why did she say now this woman won't keep her mouth after all it's about aunty now' both Soya and Arni thought internally shaking their heads.

"Yes, she is always busy but still she has time for me, but uncle has no time for me," Jessica said still with a sad and innocent face.

"She is your mother and he is your uncle there is a difference," the aunt said.

"Then why does he say that consider me as your father and a father wouldn't do that right" Jessica said to her aunt.

But before the fight could continue Alis stopped by bringing birthday cake of Jessica. Her birthday cake was completely chocolate since she only liked the chocolate flavor, with choco chips on top of them and some chocolate sprinkles in short it was a chocolate overdose cake and the last 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA' written on top.

Jessica cut her cake with a big smile on her face and gave the first piece to her mother who gladly took it and then she feed her bestie. After feeding the three she asked for food since she was hungry and said aloud so that everyone could that the "Party will continue after food and the food is early since I am hungry" everyone laughed at her.

After the food, everyone was dancing their hearts out and enjoying including the birthday girl but soon she got tired and sat down on the chair. When Soya and Arni noticed that Jessica was not there they looked here and there and then found her sitting on a chair panting, they also went to her, panting.

"Tired already?" Soya asked sitting beside Jessica.

"Yes, I feel like I will need one more round of food," Jessica said.

"You are a hungry beast," Arni said.

"I know right and I am proud to be one," Jessica said with a proud face. The three had a laugh.

After resting for a while they went back to dance and again danced their hearts out. After an hour or two everyone left except Arni and Soya not them because the girls had planned to have a night out at Jessica's house on her birthday, Alia knew this and she didn't object.

Even though Alia had something important to say to Jessica she decided to say it when the two are there since there is no use hiding from it because Jessica would tell them and even if Jessica tried to hide it from the two, she won't be able to, they knew each other very well and can say in blink of an eye that one among the three is lying or hiding something.