
My wolf's system and my packmates

Autor: inkspill09
En Curso · 384 Visitas
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What is My wolf's system and my packmates

Lee la novela My wolf's system and my packmates escrita por el autor inkspill09 publicada en WebNovel. Berean Academy school's grade 11 is excited for their excursion to ancient Greece, but things take a dark turn when Peter, the clumsy but brilliant main character, unknowingly unleashes a demon. He an...


Berean Academy school's grade 11 is excited for their excursion to ancient Greece, but things take a dark turn when Peter, the clumsy but brilliant main character, unknowingly unleashes a demon. He and his friends Scott, James, Sarah, and Sandra must confront the demon and battle for the safety of the world and their loved ones. As they fight, they discover that they have superpowers and are not alone in this fight. But when they realize that some of their friends are also possessed by the demon, they struggle with the decision of whether to kill them. The hoodman, who knows the story behind the demon, helps the teens in their battle, but ultimately sacrifices himself for their cause. Meanwhile, the demon collides with Hades and resurrects the Olympus gods and monsters, creating chaos and destruction. The teens must use their newfound powers and bravery to save the world. As this collides with their affections

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